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Iron recycling

Iron, which includes its refined product steel, is the most widely used of all the
metals. Iron and steel products are used in many construction and industrial
applications, such as appliances, bridges, buildings, containers, highways, machinery,
tools, and vehicles. Iron does not exist in nature in a pure form, but it exists in the
form of oxides that are not pure with some impurities such as (magnesium oxide -
calcium oxide - alumina - silica) and percentages of other harmful elements, but low
such as arsenic, sulfur and phosphorus, and iron is used It is abundant in life, so it is
considered one of the most important minerals.

Virtually all metal, including iron, can be recycled over and over again
without losing the properties that make it valuable and useful. The only other material
that can claim infinite recyclability is glass. Other materials, such as plastic, paper,
and cardboard, eventually degrade and become useless.

The recycling of iron and steel scrap (ferrous scrap) is an important activity
worldwide. Obsolete iron and steel products and the ferrous scrap generated in steel
mills and steel-product manufacturing plants are collected because it is economically
advantageous to recycle iron and steel products by melting and recasting them into
semi-finished forms for use in the manufacture of new steel products.

Recycling iron reduces the significant amounts of greenhouse gas emissions

generated during the various smelting and processing processes used when making
the metal from virgin ore.

Many countries, especially countries that lack iron ores in their lands, such as
Japan and Italy, depend on imported or local scrap, or both in producing iron, so some
modern steel mills are designed on the basis ranges from 40 to 60% of their
production capacity is obtained from scrap. There is no doubt that the use of scrap in
the iron and steel industry has saved a lot of costs, and made scrap an important factor
in choosing the location of factories, as it works to reduce production costs and time.

Why is metal recycled?

Metals do not lose their properties during recycling processes, which makes them
valuable products and a treasure that people are attracted to and collect and sell for
financial profits. In addition, collecting junk in general helps clean up the
Advantages of metal recycling:

 More environmentally friendly than normal manufacturing processes

 It produces a small percentage of carbon dioxide and other gases
 It consumes less energy in the processing process and saves money, rather
than making new products or buying raw materials
 It reduces the cost of production by a large percentage for companies
 It provides many job opportunities for young people

Scrap means iron or steel residues that fall off during manufacturing, or iron
and steel wastes that are out of use Scrap is classified into two categories:

1. Market ( Old ) Scrap

This type of scrap is represented in the wreckage of various types of motor
vehicles, railroad tracks, agricultural machinery, shipwrecks, etc.

Old Scrap includes metal articles that have been discarded after serving a useful
purpose. Because of the wide variety of chemical and physical characteristics, old
scrap often requires significant preparation, such as sorting, de-tinning, and de-
zincing, prior to consumption in mills.

Old, obsolete, or postconsumer scrap are available for recycling. The largest
source is junked automobiles followed by appliances, machinery, worn out railroad
cars and tracks, demolished steel structures, and other products.

2. Home ( New ) Scrap

It is the scrap resulting from the steel mills themselves, where the rolling
machines produce large amounts of scrap in the processes of cutting steel sheets and
blocks that do not conform to the required specifications.

New, prompt, or industrial scrap is generated from manufacturing plants that

make steel products. Scrap accumulates when steel is cut, drawn, extruded, or
machined. The casting process also produces scrap as excess metal. Its chemical and
physical characteristics are known, and it is usually transported quickly back to steel
plants through scrap processors and dealers or directly back to the steel plant for re-
melting to avoid storage space and inventory control costs.
How to recycle scrap iron

Stages of scrap iron recycling

Iron is recycled through some and external processes such as re-melting and
re-forming by means of iron and steel furnaces. In addition to the use of by-products
of organic compounds, such as ammonia and sulfuric acid and others. Here are the
detailed stages that iron goes through during its recycling:

1. The sorting stage

Iron contains some magnetic properties, so at this stage the focus is on iron sorting.It
is also separated from the rest of the materials to be recycled, by using magnetic belts.


2. The tearing stage

Now it is the turn of extracting iron from the mixture of minerals and existing
materials, by means of rotating magnetic drums.


3. The separation stage

Media separation stage. This stage may be necessary in certain cases, especially if the
objects to be recycled contain a protective layer, so it must be removed before starting
the iron recycling process. High-pressure flows, electric currents, and liquid systems
are used to achieve additional iron separation.


4. The cutting stage

The shearing stage, in this stage, the pieces of iron are sheared after going through the
previous stages, using hydraulic machines with enormous pressure and capable of
carrying out such a arduous task.


5. Compression stage

At this stage, the transportation of iron pieces is facilitated and rehabilitated by

compressing iron products in the form of large blocks ready to be recycled and

‫مراحل إعادة تدوير الحديد‬

‫مرحلة الفرز (باإلنجليزية‪ :)Sorting :‬في هذه المرحلة يت ّم فرز الحديد‪ ،‬وفصله عن‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫باقي المواد المُراد إعادةُ تدويرها‪ 4‬بسهولة‪ ،‬عن طريق األحزمة المغناطيسية‪ ،‬حيث إنّ‬
‫الحديد يحتوي على خصائص مغناطيسية‪.‬‬

‫مرحلة التمزيق (باإلنجليزية‪ :)Shredding :‬في هذه المرحلة يت ّم استخراج الحديد من‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫خليط المواد‪ ،‬والمعادن‪ ،‬حيث يت ّم تمزيق الخليط بواسطة برامي َل مغناطيسية دوّ ارة‬

‫مرحلة الفصل بين الوسائط (باإلنجليزية‪ :)Media separation :‬في هذه المرحلة‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫يت ّم استخدام‪ 4‬التد ُّفقات الهوائية ذات الضغط العالي‪ ،‬والتيارات الكهربائية‪ ،‬واألنظمة‬
‫ضرورية في‬ ‫ُ‬
‫بحيث قد تكون هذه العملية‬ ‫السائلة العائمة‪ ،‬لتحقيق فصل إضافي‪ 4‬للحديد‪،‬‬
‫حاالت مُعيّنة‪ ،‬مثل العلب التي تحتوي‪ 4‬على طبقات واقية‪ ،‬والتي تجب إزال ُتها قبل‬
‫عمليات إعادة التدوير‪ ،‬بحيث يُعاد تدويرها‪ 4‬بشكل مُنفصل‪.‬‬

‫مرحلة القصّ (باإلنجليزية‪ :)Shearing :‬في هذه المرحلة يت ّم قصّ قطع الحديد‪،‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫والفوالذ السّميك‪ ،‬والثقيل القادم من السفن‪ ،‬والسكك الحديدية بواسطة آالت هيدروليكية‬
‫قادرة على تسليط ضغط هائل‪.‬‬

‫مرحلة الضغط (باإلنجليزية‪ :)Baling :‬في هذه المرحلة يت ّم ضغط مُنتجات الحديد‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫على شكل ُك َتل كبيرة‪ ،‬لتسهيل عمليّات نقلها‪.‬‬

‫‪Industrial operations that take place inside the factory:‬‬

‫‪Inputs:‬‬ ‫‪Scrap iron is placed inside the furnaces through what is called a scrap‬‬
‫‪crucible, through which the iron is lifted by means of a large electric winch.‬‬

‫‪Different percentages of the carbon element from 37% to 39%, and it is better‬‬
‫‪to have a percentage of 22%.‬‬

‫‪Silicon and manganese elements neutralize iron values.‬‬

‫‪- There are some limestones that work to get rid of phosphorous levels.‬‬
Production process: The iron is smelted inside the electric arc furnace, and
after putting the iron inside the furnace and closing it, the stage of casting iron comes
after the smelting process, and the iron is lifted by means of electric winches, and the
iron is cast again in the casting device and The shapes of the iron become circular,
and the iron is passed through the straightening machine, after the iron has left the
casting machine, and the straightening machine works to transform it into a cuboid

After that, it is passed on the automatic scissors, which cuts it into different
dimensions, and it is cooled by passing it through the pipes, and then the iron is
placed in the condemnation furnace, and this furnace works to heat the iron at high
temperatures at a rate of one thousand degrees Celsius to facilitate its formation, and
then it is passed to more than A stage to cut the heated iron, and its diameter is
reduced until it reaches the required diameter, after which the skewers are placed on
mats until they are cooled.

Outputs: Reinforcing steel is formed, and it has many diameters such as 22, 19,
16, 12 mm, and also pieces of iron that are in excess and these are sold only to
automated rolling mills.
‫العمليات الصناعية التي تتم داخل المصنع ‪:‬‬

‫المدخالت ‪INPUTS‬‬

‫يوضع حديد الخردة داخل الفرن عن طريق بوتقة الخ‪44‬ردة ال‪44‬تي ترف‪44‬ع عن طري‪44‬ق أون‪44‬اش تعم‪44‬ل‬
‫بالطاقة الكهربية وهي معلقة بطول عنبر الصهر‪.‬‬

‫كربون بنسب تتراوح بين (‪ %37‬إلى ‪.)%22( )%39‬‬

‫منجنيز وسيليكون لمعادلة قيم الحديد (‪.)St 37 – ST 52‬‬

‫كبريت بنسب حوالي (‪ )%55‬لتكوين الخبث الذي يزال بالصب العكسي‪.‬‬

‫حجر جيري‪ 4‬للتخلص من الفسفور‪.‬‬

‫العمليات اإلنتاجية ‪process‬‬

‫تتم العمليات االنتاجية على ثالث مراحل رئيسية ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬صهر الحديد الخام في فرن القوس الكهربي ‪:‬‬

‫بعد وضع الخردة في الف‪44‬رن يتم غل‪44‬ق الف‪44‬رن فيح‪44‬دث ق‪44‬وس كه‪44‬ربي نتيج‪44‬ة لغل‪44‬ق ال‪44‬دائرة فيتول‪44‬د‬
‫درجات حرارة عالية جدا تصل إلى ‪ 1700‬درجة مئوية تكفي لصهر الحديد الخ‪44‬ردة الموض‪44‬وع‪4‬‬
‫داخل الفرن‪.‬‬

‫بعد صهر الحديد يتم صب الحديد المصهور داخل بوتقة يتم رفعها‪ 4‬بواسطة أوناش كهربية معلقة‬
‫وصبه مرة أخرى ولكن في ماكينة الصب المستمر التي يخرج منها الحديد على هيئة دائرية‪.‬‬

‫نمرر بعد ذلك هذا الحديد على ماكينة بغ‪4‬رض الحص‪4‬ول على ش‪4‬كل مت‪4‬وازي‪ 4‬مس‪4‬تطيالت يم‪44‬رر‬
‫بعد ذلك على مقص يعمل أوتوماتيكياً‪ 4‬لتقطيع الحديد إلى قطع بأبعاد معينة وهي (‪– 13 4– 13‬‬
‫‪ )120‬سم‪ .‬بعد ذلك نقوم بتبريد قطع الحديد عن طريق وضعها‪ 4‬على مواسير‪ 4‬يمر بداخلها تمهيداً‬
‫لرفعها باألوناش‪.‬‬

‫‪ -2‬وضع قطع الحديد داخل فرن التدين‪:‬‬

‫يتم أخذ قط‪44‬ع الحدي‪44‬د الناتج‪44‬ة من الوح‪44‬دة الس‪44‬ابقة ووض‪44‬عها داخ‪44‬ل ف‪44‬رن يعم‪44‬ل ب‪44‬الحوارق‪ 4‬وذل‪44‬ك‬
‫لتسخين الحديد للدرجة التي تسمح بتشكيله وهي حوالي ‪ 1000‬درجة مئوية‪.‬‬

‫‪ -3‬وحدات الدرفلة اآللية‪:‬‬

‫يتم أخذ قطع الحديد المسخنة القادمة من الفرن الثانوي وتمريره‪44‬ا على ع‪4‬دة مراح‪4‬ل من الدرفل‪4‬ة‬
‫اآللية التي تقلل القطر تدريجياً‪ 4‬إلى أن يصل إلى القطر المطلوب‪ .‬يتم بعد ذلك أخذ أسياخ الحدي‪44‬د‬
‫ووضعها‪ 4‬على حصيرة تبريد لتبريدها‪ 4‬وتجميعها تمهيداً لبيعها‪.‬‬
‫مكونات فرن القوس الكهربي وخصائصه‬

‫وسمي به‪4‬ذا االس‪4‬م حيث ان‪4‬ه بع‪4‬د غل‪4‬ق ال‪4‬دائرة الكهربي‪4‬ة وتولي‪4‬د‪ 4‬الح‪4‬رارة الالزم‪4‬ة للص‪4‬هر قب‪4‬ل‬
‫مالمسة للخردة بحوالي (‪ ) cm 20‬فتتم عملية االنصهار‪4‬‬

‫يتكون من ثالث عواميد من الكربون هي التي تقوم الدائرة الكهربية عند مالمستها للخردة ‪.‬‬

‫ارتفاع كل عمود منها (‪ )1.5m‬وبقطر‪ )in 16( 4‬يتكون كل عمود من ثالث قطع‬

‫الجهد الكهربى‪ 4‬المستخدم‪ 4‬فى الفرن (‪. )MV 15‬‬

‫سعة الفرن القصوى (‪. )25ton‬‬

‫القطر الخارجى‪ 4‬للفرن (‪. )4m‬‬

‫درجة الحرارة المتولدة عن طريق تالمس االقطاب (‪. )c 1700‬‬

‫المخرجات (المنتج النهائي )‬

‫ينتج المصنع حديد تسليح بأقطار (‪ )12 – 16 – 19 – 22‬مليمتر‪.‬‬

‫ذلك بخالف بيع قطع الحديد الخارجة من عنبر الصلب مباشرة للشركات التي تعم‪44‬ل في الدرفل‪44‬ة‬
‫اآللية فقط‪.‬‬

‫موقع المصنع‬

‫مكونات المصنع‬

‫استهالك و انتاجية المصنع‬

Material and Energy balance
Material and Energy balance around blast furnace

Off gases

Scrap iron



Molten iron

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