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International Marketing Systems

To: Board of Directors

From: Ed Visor, Assistant Marketing Manager
Re: New Strategies
As we enter the new fiscal year, it’s imperial that our company adapt to change in the marketplace, in
order to remain on equal or better footing with our competitions. The problem we face is twofold: First,
we must adjust our current strategies regarding the younger demographic. We have, in the past, ignore
the presence of a younger marketplace, yet statistics show that more and more people are enter the
economy at an early age. Rather than ignore this trend, we should capitalize on it by direct more of our
merchandising and advertising budgets toward the teen age group. Second, and perhaps more
important, we must diversify and expand our product line. While our competition has widely increase
the variety of products they offer over the last year, our own line has remained completely unchanged.
With the marketplace showing the growth that it has over the last six month, we simply cannot afford to
allow our product line to stagnate. We must explore the option available to us in reshaping our product,
not only to catch up to our competitor, but also to cover the areas that they have ignored, and thereby
attract new business.

9 errors plus 5 errors of text structure

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