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1) When I was little, I used to take pills all the time because I was allergic, but now I am not.

2) 3 years ago I used to spend a lot of time on my smartphone when I watched films, but after that
I gave it up because I don't want to have problems with my eyes.
3) 10 years ago I didn't use to brush my teeth, and then I started do it because I had a toothache
many times
4) In the past, I had a car accident and had a head injury, the doctors used to help me and now
everything is fine
5) After a car accident, I had mental problems, but I didn't use to take medication, time helped me
6) As a child, I often had a sore throat and used to treat it, now I get sick less often
7) I didn't use to have headaches when I was a child, but now I do
8) I have chronic asthma. As a child, I had asthma, I used to treat with a special spray, but now this
disease doesn’t bother me
9) I didn't use to have a healthy diet, but today i think i will start it
10) I used to use medication when I was sick, but now I'm trying to be treated without them.

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