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Nama:Lisa Amalia E.

S Lapamusu
NIM :711540120028
Tanslate to english :

1) Duduk disini saya akan memberikan obat

= Sit here i will give you medicine
2) Tolong ibu untuk mengkomsusi makanan yang bergizi
= Please mom consume nutritions food
3) Jangan lupa memitum obat dan vitamin secara teratur
= Dont forget to take medicine and vitamins regularly
4) Silakan berbaring saya akan memeriksa detak jantung janin
= Lay down please. I’m check the baby heartbeat
5) Lakukan olahraga ringan minimal berjalan kaki selama 10 menit
= Do some light exercise at least walk for 10 minutes
6) Jangan terlalu khawatir kita akan selamatkan bayi anda
= Don’t worry to much we will save your baby
7) Kembali lagi berkunjung ke posyandu bulan depan
= Come back again to visit posyandu next month
8) Minum obat sebelum kamu tidur
=Take medicine before you sleep
9) Jangn lupa membawa buku kesehatan ibu dan ank jika berkunjung lagi
= Don’t forget to bring a mother and child health book visit again
10) Saya anjurkan anda minum susu ibu hamil dan makan buah-buahan
= I recommend that you drink pregnant women’s milk and eat fruit

Fill in the blanks below correctly;

1]Can you accompanied the patient to the Radiology Department

2] What stimulates the kidneys and intestine to absorb more calcium?

3] He is the philanthropist that donated an enormous amount of money to the hospital

4] Ask did the midwife place the patient‟s bed head ticket?

5] Dont makes you think that you have malaria?

6] Pasien’t do you know that the surgeons is reluctant to perform mastectomy on you

7] In this hospital was the pharmacist trained ?

8] Good morning do you feel this morning ?

9] Hi are the medical students worried ?

10] Doctor is my brother supposed to undergo the appendicitis operation?

Complete this expltion using these words.

- After food
- On an empty
- Stomach
- To take
- Every house
- Every 6 hours
- Three
- Two
- Not ellergic
- Antibiotics
- Containers
- Instruction

Midwife : this antibiotics are for you to take home and i would like to explane about it. There are (1)
instruction on the labels, but it helps if we talk about it one by one as well. There are (2) intructions
separate (3) antibiotics (4) every hours here look at the (5) containers. There are (6) three penicillin.
You need (7) to take these (8) every 6 hours and an hour before food or (9) after food. These are the
best ones for your infection as you have said before that you are (10) not ellergic to penicillin. The
other antibiotics is metronidazole, whice you need (11) two (12) stomachh but this time with or (13)
on an ampty

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