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Famous Portrait Analysis

By Sophie

My art piece is a drawing of Emma Watson. Her face fills almost the whole page and it is

black and white. Her lips are slightly parted, hair dark, and her face is shaded lightly. Some

strands of hair are blowing over the face and there are whisps of stray hairs around the head. Her

eyes have a thick layer of eyeliner. I think I would just call my art piece “Emma Watson” to keep

it simple. Value and texture were elements used. The art piece was drawn with a variety of

different shading pencils. It is drawn on a large piece of paper.

Two elements of design I used are value and texture. I used value by shading light in

some places and dark in others. The hair and shadows are dark, as well with some places on the

neck. It is slightly darkly shaded around the eyes and nose and then shaded light mostly

everywhere else. I used texture by drawing the strands of hair to make it look, well, to make it

look like strands, I guess, instead of shading it without adding lines. I also tried to make the face

smooth, which was another way texture was used. Two principles of design I used were balance

and contrast. I tried to make the face as balanced as I could. It would have been strange if I had

made them too different and I think that they look pretty similar. I think that the dark of the hair

and light of the face contrast on the face. I would like to think that the elements and principles of

design work together to make the piece look... human.

The piece's message could be “you can make a difference.” Emma Watson built a legacy

on education, humanitarian work, and activism, and being an actress. This message isn't so much

about how the artwork was made or what was used, but more about the person in the piece.

When a viewer sees my piece, I, first of all, would like it if they recognized who it was. Then
maybe they could search in their head for a massage if they know who she is and what she does.

It all depends on how they interpret the piece. Of course, it could have more than one message by

what you think of it.

I think that the ending product turned out okay, but not as good as I wanted it to be. You

can sort of tell who it is, but it is a bit off. I think that the outline of the face and hair turned out

pretty good. I think I could have worked more on the shading and the expression. Some of the

shading is too light, or not like it was in the picture and I would need to tweak the shape of a few

features to fix the expression. If I did this piece again, I would work to get the lights and darks in

there better and make the face look smoother. I would give myself an 80% because there are still

a lot of things that could be improved.

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