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Neurographic Evaluation

-By Sophie the Hamster

When I look at the neurographic art piece I feel flowy and lazy. The background is gray. There is

a squiggly black line twisting around the page. A few coloured circles are drawn on the line. The

bottom of the circles looks like it’s melting. The circles are dark gray, light purple, lime green,

and sky blue. This was made with a sharpie and pencil crayons.

An element used in this piece is shape. Circles are the most common shape. There are big and

little circles. The circles are cut into sections, but the outline to them is still round. A principle of

design used is rhythm. The line of circles lets your eye follow and gives you swooping feelings

in your head.

The message of this artwork is “Relax after work.” It is important to give yourself a break. The

light colors and lazy, fat circles make the piece look relaxing. When someone looks at my work,

I think they will say it makes them feel calm.

I’d say that I successfully made the artwork look sleepy and relaxing as I intended it to. If I could

do this piece again I would have coloured it better. There is quite a bit of white space left on the


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