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Firefly Art Evaluation

By Sophie


Ruth and I worked together to make this sculpture. We are just calling it Firefly because that’s

what it is. It is big with a black body, red head, and yellow end where it was supposed to glow.

It has two black wings slightly covering two clear wings made of saran wrap. There are 2

antennae made of red sticks on its head. It also has 6 legs which are also made of red sticks. On

its head are two big eyes. The body is made of papier-mâché and the same with its head and

black wings. The clear wings are made wire and saran wrap. The eyes are painted cardboard,

and the antennae and legs are sticks. The plan was to put a light inside it so it would glow at its

end, but the papier-mâché was too thick and it didn’t glow. In the end, wee had to paint it



2 elements used in this art piece are shape and colour. The firefly has several round balloons

stuck together, so its sort of round like a catepillar. That would be sphere shapes. The end of it,

the yellow part that was supossed to glow, is a bit triangular. The eyes are circles and the wings

are pointed ovals. The antennae are curved and legs are pointed. For colour, There is yellow,

black, red, white, and clear for different parts of its body. 2 principles of design shown in this

piece are proportion and balance. For proportion, the sculpture isn’t very big compared to a
human. It is very large compared to a firefly, though. Probably around 100 times bigger. For

balance, both sides are very similar. There are the same amount of legs and wings on each side,

but it isn’t perfectly symmetrical, of course.


A cool message for our Firefly artpiece could be “shine your light.” Fireflies are little lights in the

nighttime. To shine your light you could show how good or nice you are inside and not care if

people judge you. It would be like shining your little light even though the world might seem

dark like the night. When somebody looks at the artpiece I want them to hopefully know what

it is and like it. I don’t think they would know the message unless somebody told them. If they

knew it was a firefly, then they would probably get the message.


I think that the firelfy turned out pretty well. When we were building it it looked sort of like a

demon, but now that everything is put together it looks pretty cute. I think it’s because of the

eyes. Everything seems to work pretty well together and you can tell it’s a bug. You’d need to

see the glowing end to know it is a firefly, though. I think that the wings were successful. They

look pretty good. If we did it over again we would make it less curvy and try to get the end to

light up. I would give it an 85% overall because I think that it is good, but we could have made it

look better.

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