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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Universidad Panamericana del Puerto

Facultad de Educación y Humanidades

Escuela de Idiomas Modernos


Alumna: Marianny Fuentes


Mención: Administración de Empresas

Enero, 2023
Realizar la siguiente actividad en referencia al tiempo futuro simple,
Complete with the verb in parenthesis. Using simple present

Andrés _________ (write) a book.

R: Andrés will write a book.
These people _________ (not= do) anything.
R: These people won’t do anything.
Lucas _________ (speak — not) to his girlfriend.
R: Lucas won’t speak to his girlfriend.
María _________ (dance) next party.
R: María will dance next party.
Diego _________ (fly -not) to Costa Rica next summer.
R: Diego won’t fly to Costa Rica next summer.
Kerby _________ (teach) English.
R: Kerby will teach English.
Everybody _________ (pay) attention to me.
R: Everybody will pay attention to me.

Unscramble and answer these questions. Add Be + going to. Practice with a classmate.
Recuerda ordenar y hacer uso del tiempo futuro estudiada (be going to). Debes formular la
pregunta de forma correcta y dar una respuesta larga (S+be going to + V +C)
-cook / at next party / Marcos?
(Are you going to cook at the next party of Marcos?)
I am going to cook a huge pork at the next party of Marcos
-I/ do / your homework?
(Am I going to do your homework?)
I am going to do your homework because you don’t know anything of Spanish
-you / study / what / next period?
(What are you going to study next period?)
I am going to study French and German in the next period
-Speak / Julia / in the meeting?
(Is Julia going to speak in the meeting?)
Julia is not going in the meeting because she didn’t study at all

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