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/Part one (accusations)/

Sergio Romero: Hi, I'm Sergio Romero. I was in jail for micro-trafficking but thanks to Saul I'm
free because he’s a great lawyer, I could say the best of all.

Nicolas Velez: Because I was under the influence of psychoactive substances I stole a motorcycle,
and now I am detained by the police waiting for someone to help me.So I will trust that Saul can get
me out of jail.

Sebastian Olaya: You are under arrest for theft of a vehicle and for driving under the influence of
psychoactive substances.

Maria Villamizar: I see that you are in trouble so I will recommend you to call Saul, he is the best
lawyer in the entire country.

Sergio Perdomo: I was a businessman, until one day some policemen saw me with a nice car, and
they said that I had stolen it just because of my skin color.Now they are trying to sentence me to 12
years in prison.
So I should call Saul.

Leonardo Echeverry: Hi, I'm Saul Goodman, a well-known lawyer in the community, who could get
you out of your legal problems, if you think that you’re in a serious problem with law I can do
anything to set you free.

/Part two (Trial)/

Sergio Romero: Silence in the courtroom, we are going to start the trial.

Sergio Perdomo: The accused was found drugged and with a motorcycle that did not belong to him.

Maria Villamizar: He is guilty!

Sergio Romero: Order, order in the courtroom!

Leonardo Echeverry:May I talk?

Sergio Romero: Yes sir.

Leonardo Echeverry: I have to say that my client was not in his right mind at the time of the event.
Nicolas Velez: My name is Nicolas.

Sergio Romero: In order to prove the guilt of the accused, sufficient evidence is needed.

Sergio Perdomo: We have a witness who claims to have seen the defendant under the influence of
psychoactive substances.

Maria Villamizar: Put him in jail!

Sergio Romero: Order, order the witness to pass.

Sergio Perdomo:Would the witness want to testify? How did you find the defendant?

Sebastian Olaya: I found him in a deplorable state after having crashed the motorcycle.

Sergio Romero: Do you have any more questions?

Sebastian Olaya: No your honor

Leonardo Echeverry: Your Honor, I am going to tell you something about my client that you do not

Nicolas Velez: I am from Ibague.

Leonardo Echeverry: My client suffers from several mental problems which do not allow him to
think rationally.

Sebastian Olaya:You might have told us that!

María Villamizar: That’s no true

Leonardo Echeverry: Uh? I have some mental tests that supports me

Nicolas Velez: I like burgers bigger than my head

Leonardo Echeverry: Your honor, I have a question that I’d like to ask to the witness

Sergio Romero: Go ahead Dr. Saul

Leonardo Echeverry: When you found Mr. Nicolas, he seemed a regular person?

Sebastian Olaya: Now that I think about it, he was the weirdest person that I have ever arrested.

Maria Villamizar: Your honor, that is not professional, the opinion of the witness should not count
since he does not know about these topics

Nicolas Velez: I must go to the town hall to get married there

Leonardo Echeverry: As you see your honor, my client has a serious mental deficit

Sebastian Olaya: He ought to be more careful for the next time

Sergio Romero: Thank you witness, you can return to your seat now.

Sebastian Olaya: Thank you your honor.

Sergio Romero: After thinking about it, I declare the defendant not guilty

Nicolas Velez: Thanks God

Maria Villamizar: I won’t let this end like this, I will revenge

Leonardo Echeverry: As you see, I’m the best, so, you better call Saul

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