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The CPA approach fostered deeper understanding of mathematics and was effective when teaching

learners who have special needs and a language barrier; the Singapore framework has significantly
fewer topics and follows a spiral organization in which one layer of content is built on the next; and the
use of the manipulative offered visual and tactile stimulation for the learners and helped improve
learning (Charmon Naroth , Kakoma Luneta, 2015).

Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach is considered able to improve students' spatial sense

abilities. It increase spatial sense of elementary school students who learned with CPA approach and
conventional learning in terms of overall students as well as categories of high, medium, and low
Mathematical Prior Ability (Putri, H. E., Rahayu, P., Muqodas, I., & Wahyudy, M. A. 2020, April).

Mathematics are abstraction in essence. This approach stipulates an increased exposure of the
mathematical idea through various materials and the corresponding perceptual pictures and symbols. At
the long run, students finally grasp the abstract mathematical idea and the storage is facilitated by the
creation of mental pictures ( Abdoulaye, F. A. Y. E. 2021).

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