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Meg work every weekday (Monday through Friday) and Todd work Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, he don´t work Wednesday.

2. Meg´s busiest day is Thursday, because she has to work from early in the
morning until around 6.00 p.m. She has to teach classes. And then after that,
she needs to do her shopping at the supermarket.

Todd´s busiest day is Saturday, because he does all his boring activities, he
does his shopping, he does his laundry, he run errands and he clean his
apartment, because he likes to have fun on Sunday.

3. On Sunday, Todd often goes hiking or he goes to the park or the beach, he
goes to the beach almost every Sunday, and Meg always goes to church in the
morning, and sometimes she has lunch with her friends after church and then
she usually cleans up on Sunday night before the new week begins.

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