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The Home Church

MEMORY VERSE: “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the
temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with
gladness and singleness of heart”.– Acts 2:46.
BIBLE PASSAGE: 1Corinthians 16:15-19.
1 Corinthians:16.15
I urge you, brethren — you know the household of Stephanas, that it is the
firstfruits of Achaia, and [that] they have devoted themselves to the ministry
of the saints —
1 Corinthians:16.16
that you also submit to such, and to everyone who works and labors with
1 Corinthians:16.17
I am glad about the coming of Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus, for
what was lacking on your part they supplied.
1 Corinthians:16.18
For they refreshed my spirit and yours. Therefore acknowledge such men.
1 Corinthians:16.19
The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in
the Lord, with the church that is in their house.
A common feature in the early church was the presence of home churches
or house fellowship in the residences of believers. No matter how highly
placed you were or what office you occupied in the main church, you either
belonged to a home church or had a thriving one in your house. Even
Apostle Peter belonged to one. (Acts 12:11-17).
TEXT REVIEW : 1COR. 16:15-19
The same Apostle Paul who commended Stephanas berated Alexander the
Copper Smith for doing much harm to him (Paul). He said “Alexander the
Copper Smith did me harm, may the Lord repay him according to his work”.
2Tim. 4:14. What did Stephanas and some others do to attract
(i) Stephanas was addicted to the ministry of the saints. 1Cor. 16:15.
(ii) They (Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus) supplied what was lacking
to Paul. 1Cor. 16:17.
(iii) They refreshed Paul’s spirit and that of the church. 1Cor. 16:18.
(iv) They (Aquila and Priscilla) were a blessing to the ministry of the word.
Acts 18:26.
Apostle Paul commended them in such strong term as, “submit to such and
to everyone that helped us and labored.” 1Cor. 16:20. Paul further said,
“therefore, acknowledge ye them that are such.” 1Cor. 16:18.
Who therefore said that your labour of love and that of your entire
household was not recognized or acknowledged? Do not desist if you are
Stephanas, heaven bears record that you are serving. Continue please.
1.Why the home Church?
2. Benefits of home churches
(i) Home church is the extension of the local assembly to homes. Acts 2:46.
(ii) It is a convenient and good caring unit to reach and care for every
member. 1Cor. 16:15, 18; Acts 16:40.
(iii) Need of members are easily recognized and met. Rom. 16:1-6.
(iv) It reduces burden on the main church or pastor as issues are
addressed promptly and timely by the home/house fellowship leader.
Exodus 18:3.
Why is attendance in some home centers dropping?
Every activity which takes place at the main church can take place at the
home church. Such activities are:
(a) Salvation of souls. Acts 2:40-42.
(b) Water baptism. Acts 10:47-48.
(c) Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Acts. 10:44-46.
(d) Healing of the sick. Mark 2:1-4, 11-12.
(e) Fasting and prayer. Acts 12:5,12.
(f) Divine visitation/presence. Acts 2:1-5.
(g) Sharing of the word of God. Acts 10:34-35.
What can individual (you and class members) do to bring about growth and
development to the house fellowship in your localities?
Home, church is an integral part of the main church. God is also present
The home church does not only sustain the church growth but also cares
for the individual members of the church

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