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Grade 12 – St. Aloysius Gonzaga

As I sat in the spacious hall in our house, I saw my father inside a casket, surrounded by flowers,
illuminated by bright lights. The face of my father was serene, starkly contrasting how he looked
like when he was suffering on his sickbed. I remembered those last days vividly.
The death of my father was the shock of my life. It could not have come at worse time: during a
pandemic that struck down thousands to death and millions are sick. It put on the situation, that
my father was going in and out at the hospital but he didn’t get infected in the virus instead he
was infected in his abdomen that causes to his death. The fact that it consternated me, because
I never expected my father to die in such way. The day that he died, I wondered why people
should die, and why people should life ends, let alone in such an abrupt manner. I contemplated
in my thoughts as the funeral dragged on.
When it was time to bury my father, I was immovable and startled by a gentle tap on my
shoulder. It was my mother, who murmured the words: “he is not truly dead. He did not die.
Death is not real. He lives on, in our hearts.”
A day of business in the internet cafe where he was an attendant just ended. He closed the
door, then left. He hastily ran home to change his clothes, ripped by loose metal in one of the
booths. All in a day's work, that, he said. His job was low-paying: it did not give him enough to
be able to enroll in a college, even in the most affordable ones.
After months on the job, that thought struck him hard. He realized what his parents told him:
"Son, finish your education, so you would not be like us". His mother dreamed to be a nurse, but
she is now a domestic helper in HongKong. No better is the situation of his father, an aspiring
engineer who instead made construction work a livelihood.
He had always detested education. He just passed grades high enough to barely graduate.
Nevertheless, he had a dream, to be an engineer like his father did. Only now did he realize the
importance of education in his life. It is never too late for him, good thing. He finally bit his
parents' offer to get him schooled in university. He finally took the road not taken.
My sister has always played a significant role in my life. She is older than me, but I know I can
always count on her for encouragement and support. She always seems pleased to assist, and I
believe I can turn to her for anything. She is gorgeous, sweet, and the best friend anyone could
wish for.

I was the obnoxious little brat who refused to leave her older sister alone. Fortunately, she did
not let her annoyance keep her from being a support structure for me. She provided me with
much-needed advice, frequently assisted me with my homework, and inspired me to become
the person I am today. Even though we are older and I am no longer a child, I still seek
reassurance and inspiration from my sister. She has been out of college for two years, but she
remains the same big sister I recall from our childhood.

There was the time that we conversed like we used to. We talked into the night, just before
dinnertime. She told me something I never heard from her: "I hope you become better than
me." I know that you become a successful person in god's time, at the right time."
Grade 12 – St. Aloysius Gonzaga

PLOT SCENE: A man falls in love with a woman at a funeral—her husband’s funeral.
Love is very powerful, love is something that makes our world colorful, love comes in
many different ways, and love may come in the most unexpected time with the most unexpected
person. Alex is a 28 years old man who’s longing for a true love but just received the most
heartbreaking part of his life when he found out that his fiancé is cheating on him a week before
their wedding, wanting to forget the pain he decided to go on a vacation to his province to take a
deep breath and fix himself. As soon as he reaches their home her mother hug him “oh son I
missed you so much, it’s good to see you again” Alex smiled and hug her mother too “I missed
you too mom, but I’m tired I want to rest first” said Alex and went straight to his room. He again
felt the pain and tears starts to fell down on his face until he fell asleep.
Alex woke up with a loud noise from outside so he stands to check what is the noise all
about, then as he opens the door his closes cousins hug him immediately, “Alex! It’s been a long
time, it’s good to see you back” said Mike “Yeah I am here for vacation” Alex said. “I heard
what happened between you and your fiancé, I know it is a hard time for you but I know
something that can ease that pain” Mike said as he wraps his arms to his cousin’s shoulder. Mike
ask Alex to join him in a funeral nearby to introduce him to some of his friends, Alex wants to
refuse but Mike insist that’s why he just go with the flow, at the funeral Alex is just sitting when
a girl catches his attention she is wearing a black shirt and she found out that her name is Shane
27 years old and her husband is the one inside the coffin. When Mike and Alex went home he
still think about Shane but he didn’t mind it and just let it pass. After weeks Alex decided to go
back to Manila for his work, he feels better now, and ready to start again.
Alex spend his time working for a month, he is at the café to relax when a familiar face
catches his attention it is Shane, she is working at that café. Alex took the courage to say hi to
her then they became friends. Alex always visits Shane after work and they go for dinner that is
the time that Alex knows that he has a feeling for Shane. One night while they ae walking around
the park Alex confess to Shane, Shane don’t know what to feel because it is just been a month
since her husband passed. Because of confusion she run and leave Alex standing alone in the
middle of the part. After that night Shane starts to ignore Alex, Alex felt really bad because he
really loves Shane and he is willing to do everything but it feels like still not enough. Weeks had
passed and still they don’t talk to each other until Alex decided to go abroad for vacation because
he also wants to forget about Shane. At the café one of Shane’s co-worker told her about Alex
leaving the country she was shocked, Shane knows that she also loves Alex. That night is also
the night of Alex’s flight so Shane hurried to go to the airport to stop him. At the airport Shane
have a hard time looking for Alex she almost loses hope when he saw Alex walking she ran into
his direction and hug him from the back begging him not to leave.
It was a dramatic scene on the airport they both laugh as they reminisce that memory
together, they are on the park enjoying the view. Both of them wear the best smiles, “So what are
your plans” Shane ask, “We are going home in the province and I’ll introduce you to my family”
Alex said with a smile. After week they are now on their way to home as they reach Alex’s

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