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Chemistry SSC-I


Centralized Notes of MCQ’s
(RWP, Mardan, Abbottabad, Gujranwala, Sargodha) Boards
Chemistry SSC-I

Q.NO 1: Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of following term is same for one mole of oxygen gas and one mole of water:
(a) Atoms
(b) Mass
(c) Volume
(d) Molecule
2. Chemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals with :
(a) properties of Matter
(b) reactions of matter
(c) every aspect of life
(d) composition of matter
3. “John Dalton proposed that atom can neither be created nor be destroyed”.
The statement refers to which branch of chemistry?
(a) Physical Chemistry
(b) Biochemistry
(c) Analytical chemistry
(d) Organic Chemistry
4. Varnish is a substance to coat the wood, it provide protection and visual appeal to the
furniture. The major constitute of this substance is Carbon. The branch of chemistry which
would deal with its properties and composition is:
(a) Inorganic Chemistry
(b) Organic Chemistry
(c) Biochemistry
(d) Nuclear Chemistry

Chemistry SSC-I

5. A student mixed sand in water. He put the container aside, after sometime he noticed that
the sand is settled down and concluded it as a heterogeneous mixture. What branchof
chemistry is this?
(a) inorganic chemistry
(b) physical chemistry
(c) environmental chemistry
(d) Analytical Chemistry
6. “Bromine has melting point of -7°C and boiling point of 59°C. what is the physical state of
Bromine at 100°C” ,the branch of chemistry is:
(a) Physical Chemistry
(b) Analytical Chemistry
(c) Biochemistry
(d) Industrial Chemistry
7. Production of Ammonia and fertilizers on large scale is an example of Chemistry.
(a) Inorganic Chemistry
(b) Industrial Chemistry
(c) Nuclear Chemistry
(d) Analytical Chemistry
8. Carbon Dating is an example of Chemistry.
(a) Analytical Chemistry
(b) Organic Chemistry
(c) Nuclear Chemistry
(d) Biochemistry
9. Hair contain Keratin Protein which is also present in nails is an example of:
(a) Physical Chemistry
(b) Analytical Chemistry
(c) Biochemistry
(d) Industrial Chemistry
10. The methods and strategies to protect and improve the environment are studied in:?:
(a) inorganic chemistry
(b) physical chemistry

Chemistry SSC-I

(c) Environmental chemistry

(d) Analytical Chemistry
11. Mostly Matter occurs as:
(a) Mixtures
(b) Molecules
(c) compound
(d) all
12. What would be the mass of 4 moles of H2gas?
(a) 1g
(b) 10g
(c) 8.064g
(d) 2.016g
13. Mixtures are:
(a) pure substances
(b) Impure substances
(c) molecular structures having chemical bond
(d) compounds
14. How many atoms are there in 1.25 moles of zinc:
(a)6.53 × 1023 atoms
(c) 9.53×1023 atoms
(d) 8.53×1023 atoms
15. Which of the following statement is NOT true about compounds:
(a) it’s a Pure substance
(b) elements are mixed in pure substances
(c) have uniform composition throughout
(d)substances retain their individual characteristics
16. How many numbers of protons an element would have if its atomic no. is 17.
(a) 12
(b) 34
(c) 17
(d) 27
17. The mass no. of an element with 6 protons and 8 neutrons in its nucleus is:

Chemistry SSC-I

(a) 14
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 20
18. Molecular compounds are represented by their molecular formula and ionic compounds
are represented by their:
(a) chemical formula
(b) molecular formula
(c) formula unit
(d) none of them
19. The empirical formula and formula unit for ionic compound is:
(a) calculated separately
(b) same
(c) random
(d) none
20. The empirical formula of Benzene (C6H6) is:
(a) CH2
(b) C3H3
(c) CH
(d) C2H2
21. Molecular formula represents the of atoms of elements present in a compound.
(a) simple whole number
(b) actual ratio
(c) complex form
(d) simple ratio
22. The formula mass of NaCl is:
(a) 58.5 amu
(b) 58.5g
(c) 58g
(d) 58amu
23. The elements which form cations are:
(a) noble gases
(b) metals

Chemistry SSC-I

(c) non - metals

(d) halogens
24. An atom have 11 protons, it losses one of its electron from its outermost shell the net
charge on it would become:
(a) +2
(b) -1
(c) -2
(d) +1
25. Identify the mixture from the following:
(a) blood
(b) Sodium
(c) Water
(d) silicon
26. How many amu 1g of a substance have?
(a) 1.66 × 1024g
(b) 6.022 × 10-23g
(c) 2.66 × 1024g
(d) none
28.A A free radical have charge:
(a) negative
(b) positive
(c) no
(d) both a and b
29. From the following identify a polyatomic molecule:
(a) NaCl
(b) Na2CO3
(c) CO
(d) Ag
30. Identify molecular ion: `
(c) H2O
(d) CN-1

Chemistry SSC-I

31. Identify homoatomic molecule:

(a) Na
(b) N2
(c) CO
(d) HCl
32. Alchemist developed the field of chemistry by developing the technique of:
(a) sublimation
(b) distillation
(c) extraction
(d) All
33. If one mole a substance contain 6.022×1023 particles than 0.5 mole of that substance would
(a) 6.022×1023 particles
(b) 0.5 × 6.022×1023particles
(c) 3.011×1023 particles
(d) both b andc
34.1 1 mole of sodium and 1 mole of carbon have same:
(a) no. of atoms
(b) no. of molecules
(c) volume
(d) masses
35. The mass of one mole of a substance is its:
(a) gram atomic mass
(b) formula mass
(c) molar mass
(d) molecular mass
36. Two samples of same element X is taken for an experiment in the lab. Sample A have twice
no. of atoms as that of sample B. If the no. of mole in Sample B is 1.5 moles, what would be
the no of atoms in sample A?
(b) 6.022×1023atoms
(c) 1.022×1023atoms
(d) 2.2×1023atoms

Chemistry SSC-I

37.1 1 mole of water and 1mole of oxygen gas have no of molecules:

(a) different
(b) random
(c) same
(d) none of the above
38. How many atoms would be present in one gram atomic mass of an element?
(a) twice the Avogadro’s number
(b)6.022×1023 atoms
(c) 6.022×1023molecules
(d) 1.022×1023atoms
39. The mass of 3 moles of O2 gas would be:
(a) 32g
(b) 62g
(c) 96amu
40. The no. of water molecules in half moles of water:
(a) twice the Avogadro’s number
(b) 6.022×1023 atoms
(c) 0.5 ×6.022×1023molecules
(d) 1.022×1023molecules
41. The mass of 1 mole of Hydrogen atom would be:
(a) 2g
(b) its molar mass
(c) 1.008amu
(d) 1.08g
42. No of atoms in 3 moles of sodium would be:
(a) 1.8066× 1024atoms
(b) 6.022×1023 atoms
(c) 8.022×1023molecules
(d) 1.022×1023molecules
43. No of atoms in 1g of hydrogen (H):
(a) twice the Avogadro’s number
(b)6.022×1023 atoms

Chemistry SSC-I

(c) 0.5 ×6.022×1023molecules

(d) 1.022×1023molecules
44. The no. of atoms in 16g of oxygen (O) and 32g of sulfur are:
(a) twice the Avogadro’s number
(b)6.022×1023 atoms
(c) 0.5 ×6.022×1023molecules
(d) 1.022×1023molecules
45. If 16g of oxygen (O) contain 1 mole of oxygen, the mass of 1 atom would be:
(a) 32g
(c) 0.5 g
(d) 1.022×1023g
46. The number 6.022×1023 is called :
(a) Avogadro’s number
(b)6.022×1023 atoms
(c) particles
(d) none
47. The smallest component of an element which retain its individual property of element is
(a) proton
(c) neutron
(d) electron
48. The atom is a Greek word meaning:
(a) indivisible
(b) small particle
(c) basic particle
(d) which reacts
49. The branch of chemistry which deals with the determination of molecular formula is:
(a) inorganic chemistry
(c) analytical chemistry
(d) organic chemistry

Chemistry SSC-I

50. The value of amu in grams:

(b)1.66×10 -24g
(c) 1.66×1027g
(d) 1.66×1037g
51. Most abundant element occurring in oceans is:
(a) carbon
(b) nitrogen
(c) silicon
(d) oxygen
52. How many no. of moles are equivalent to 8g of CO2:
(c) 0.18
(d) 0.24
53. Which of the following list contain only elements:
(a) Air , Water, Oxygen
(b)calcium, Sulphur, Carbon
(c) Hydrogen, Oxygen, Brass
(d) Air, Water, Fire, Earth
54. What is the formula mass of CuSO4.5H2O:
(a) 159.5amu
(c) 149.5amu
(d) 249.5amu
55.AA compound with chemical formula Na2CX3 has a formula mass 106amu. Atomic mass of
the element X is:
(a) 106amu
(c) 12amu
(d) 16amu
56. What is the mass of carbon is present in 44g of carbon dioxide?
(a) 106amu

Chemistry SSC-I

(b) 23amu
(c) 12g
(d) 16amu
57. If one mole of carbon contain x atoms, what is the number of atoms in 12g of Mg?
(a) x
(c) 1.5x

Chemistry SSC-I

Chapter # 2: Structure of Atoms

1. According to Bohr atomic Model:

(a) each orbit has fixed energy, so each orbit is called sub energy level.
(b) The energy of electron is proportional to its distance from nucleus
(c) light is absorbed when an electron jumps a lower energy orbit.
(d) the farther the electron from the nucleus, the more energy it has
2. Chlorine has two isotopes, both of which have :
(a) same mass number
(b) same no. of neutrons
(c)same no. of electrons
(d) different no. of protons
3. Which isotope is used to irradiate cancer cells?
(a) Cobalt-60
(b) Carbon-14
(c) Iodine-131
(d) Iodine-123
4. M shell has sub-shells:
(a) 1s,2s
(b) 3s,3p,3d
(c) 1s, 2s, 3s
(d) 2s, 2p
5. A sub- shell that can accommodate 6 electrons is:
(a) s
(b) d
(c) f
(d) p
6. 11Na has electronic configuration:
(a) 1s12s22p63s2
(c) 1s22s22p63s1
(d) 1s12s22p63s1

Chemistry SSC-I

7. Rutherford used particles in his experiment:

(a) He++
(b) Helium atom
8. Which of the followingstatement is not true about isotopes:
(a) they have same atomic number
(b) they have same physical properties
(c) they have same no. of protons
(d) they have same chemical properties
9. is used in nuclear reactors:
(a) U-234
(b) U-238
(d) all of these
10. The concept of shell is used by:
(a) Rutherford
(b) J.J. Thomson
(c) Bohr
(d) Plank
11. Which of the following contains three sub shells:
(a) N shell
(b) L shell
(c) M shell
(d) K shell
12. is used for the diagnosis of thyroid problem:
(a) Cobalt-60
(b) Carbon-14
(c) Iodine-131
(d) Iodine-123
13. When U-235 breaks up it produces:
(a) electrons

Chemistry SSC-I

(c) neutrons
(d) none
14. Deuterium is used to make:
(a) light water
(b) heavy water
(c) soft water
(d) hard water
15. Natural abundance of C-12 is:
(b)98.8 %
(c) 99.2%
(d) none
16. Structure determination helps to determine:
(a) physical properties
(b)chemical properties
(c) have no effect
(d) physical and chemical properties
17. Atoms can only be visualize by:
(a) electron microscope
(b) compound microscope
(c) scanning tunneling microscope
(d) cannot be visualized
18. Alpha particles are :
(a) He++ nuclei
(b) neutron
(c) uni-positive charges
(d) all of them
19. Deflection of He++ particles is due to:
(a) electrostatic repulsion
(b) long distance
(c) unknown reason
(d) none of them
20. The atomic model of Rutherford was:

Chemistry SSC-I

(a) stable
(b) planetary
(c) round
(d) none
21.A A spectrum was obtained by Rutherford experiment:
(a) continuous
(b) absorption
(c) Line
(d) all of them
22. Bhor proposed his atomic theory in:
(b) 1913
(c) 1931
(d) 1903
23. Which of the following shell would have the lowest energy:
(a) K shell
(b) M shell
(c) L shell
(d) N shell
24. Which of the following would have highest energy:
(a) K shell
(b) M shell
(c) L shell
(d) N shell
25. The value of plank’s constant h is:
(a) 60626×10-34 J.s
(b) 6.626×10-34 J/s
(c) 6.626×1034 J.s
(d) 6.626×10-34 J.s
26. When an electron jumps to a higher shell, light is :
(a) absorbed
(b) emitted
(c) vanishes off

Chemistry SSC-I

(d) none
27. Cl -35 and Cl-37 have same?
(a) Atomicno.
(b) no. of protons
(c) chemical properties
(d) all of them
28. Protium is named so because:
(a) it has no mass
(b) it only contain proton in its nucleus
(c) it has only one electron
(d) none
29. Natural abundance on protium is:
(a) 0.9%
(b) 99.99%
(c) 9%
(d) 92.2%
30. Chlorine is yellowish green gas and is in water: `
(a) insoluble
(b)slightly soluble
(c) fairly soluble
(d) forms precipitates
31. U-238 decays to form:
(b) Th-234
(c) both a and b
(d) none
32. Isotope used to trace theconstrictions in blood vessels is:
(a) Cl-37
(b) Na-23
(c) Na-22
(d) Na-24
33. is used to image brain:
(a) Iodine-135

Chemistry SSC-I

(b) Iodine-123
(c) Iodin-131
(d) both b andc
34. The path of carbon in photosynthesis is determined by:
(a) C-14
(b) C-12
(c) C-13
(d) all
35. The number sub- shell of L shell are:
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 4
36. Correct order of energy of sub shell is:
(a) 1s<2s<2p<3s<3p…….
(b) 1s>2s>2p>3s>3p…….
(c) 1s=2s<2p<3s<3p…….
(d) all are correct
37. S sub shell can accommodate no. of electrons:
(a) 10
(c) 2
(d) none of the above
38. How manyno of electrons a p sub shell can accommodate?
(a) twice the s sub shell
(c) 14
(d) 1
39. Which of the following can accommodate 14 electrons:
(a) s sub shell
(b) p sub shell
(c) d sub shell
(d)f sub shell

Chemistry SSC-I

40. According to Auf Bau, the electrons fill the energy sub shell first:
(a) last
(d) d
41. Which of the following pair would be filled by electrons first:
(a) 1s,2p
(b) 1s,2s
(c) 2s,2p
(d) 1s,3s

Chemistry SSC-I

Chapter # 3: Periodic Table and Periodicities of Elements

1. No. of periods in the periodical table:

(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 5
(d) 7
2. Which of the following group contain alkaline earth metals :
(a) I A
(b) VII A
(c)II A
(d) VI A
3. Which of the following elements belongs to VIII A?
(a) Xe
(b) Na
(c) Br
(d) Mg
4. Main group elements are arranged in:
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 10
(d) 1
5. Period no. of aluminum with atomic no. 13 and mass no. 27 is:
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 5
(d) 3
6. Valence shell electronic configuration of an element M (atomic no. 14)is:
3s2 3p1
(b) 3s2 3p2
2s2 2p2
3s1 3p2
Chemistry SSC-I

7. Which of the following would have greater shielding effect:

(a) Rb
(b) Li
(c) Ba
(d) Na
8. As you move from right to left across the period, which of the following does not
(a) electron affinity
(b) Ionization energy
(c) Nuclear charge
(d) all of them
9. As you move from left to right across the period, which of the following does not
(a) electron affinity
(b) Ionization energy
(c) shielding effect
(d) all of them
10. All the elements of group II A are less reactive than alkali metals. This is because these
elements have:
(a) high ionization energy
(b) relatively greater atomic size
(c) similar electronic configuration
(d) decreased nuclear charge
11. The atomic radii of the elements in periodic table:
(a) increase from left to right in a period
(b) increase from top to bottom in a group
(c) do not change from left to right
(d) decrease from top to bottom in a group
12. The amount of energy given out when an electron is added to an atom is called:
(a) electron affinity
(b) ionization energy
(c) lattice energy
(d) electronegativity

Chemistry SSC-I

13. Mendeleev periodic table was based upon the:

(a) electronic configuration
(b) atomic no.
(c) atomic masses
(d) all
14. Modern periodic table is constructed on the basses of:
(a) Mendeleev postulates
(b) atomic no.
(c) atomic mass
(d) no. of neutrons
15. Which of the following halogen have lowest electronegativity:
(a) fluorine
(c) bromine
(d) chlorine
16. 4 and 5th periods of periodic table are called:

(a) short period

(b)normal periods
(c) very long periods
(d)long periods
17. Along the period, which one of the following decreases:
(a) atomic radius
(b) ionization energy
(c) electron affinity
(d) electronegativity
18. Transition elements are:
(a) all gasses
(b) all metals
(c) all non-metals
(d) all metalloids
19. Mark the incorrect statement about ionization energy:
(a) it is measured inKJ/mol
(b) it increases in period

Chemistry SSC-I

(c) it decreases in period

(d) decreases in a group
20. Which of the following is incorrect about electron affinity?
(a) it is measured inKJ/mol
(b) it decreases in aperiod
(c) it is release of energy
(d) it decreases in agroup
21. The vertical column of the periodic table are called:
(a) period
(b) blocks
(c) group
(d) segments
22. The horizontal rows in the periodic table are called:
(a) period
(b) blocks
(c) group
(d) segments
23. The elements in the periodic tables are arranged according to their:
(a) increasing atomic no.
(b) Decreasing atomic no.
(c) Increasing mass no
(d) increasing mass no.
24. Newland suggest that the chemical properties of every element is repeating:
(b) 8th
25. According to Mendeleev the properties of elements are the periodic function of their:
(a) electronic configuration
(b) neutrons
(c) atomic no.
(d)atomic masses
26. Atomic no. was discovered by:

Chemistry SSC-I

(a) Moseley
(b) John Dalton
(c) Mendeleev
(d) Bohr
27. The elements present in a same group have:
(a) same no of electrons
(b) similar chemical properties
(c) same physical properties
(d) none
28. The elements present in asame group have similar chemical properties due to:
(a) same electronic configuration in valence shell
(b) same atomic no.
(c) Same mass no.
(d) same shielding effect
29. Short periods are:
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1, 2, 4
(d) 1
30. Group A elements are called: `
(a) transition elements
(b) non-metals
(c) metals
(d) representative elements
31. Halogens belongs to:
(a) VII A
(b) I A
(c) VIII A
(d) IV A
32.A A new period in the periodic table starts when:
(a) shell is completely filled
(b) sub-shell is completely filled
(c) randomly

Chemistry SSC-I

(d) none
33. The specific of shape of periodic table is due to:
(a) periodicity of properties
(b) arrangement of elements in increasing atomic no.
(c) groups and periods
(d) similarities of properties
34. L shell completes with electronic configuration:
(a) 2s22p6
35. According to electronic configuration K (atomic no 19) would come under:
(a) Ca (atomic no. 20)
(b) Si (atomic no. 14)
(c) Na (atomic no. 11)
(d) none
36. Mg with atomic no 12 is present in group.
(a) II A
(b) I A
(c) II A
(d) VII A
37. Mg, Ca and Ba have same:
(a) valence shell electronic configuration
(b) chemical properties
(c) both a and b
(d) none of the above
38. Which period would Boron belong? (atomic no. of boron is 5)
(b) 2nd
39. Sodium (Na) is a reactive metal, its atomic no is 11 and mass no. is 23. Which of the
following is correct:

Chemistry SSC-I

Group: I A, Period:2nd
Group: I A, Period:1st
(c) Group: II A, Period:2
(d)Group: I A, Period:3rd
40. Correct electronic configuration of Si(atomic no.14):
(a) 1s22s22p63s2
(c) 1s22s22p63s23p2
(d) 1s22s12p63s23p2
41. The period of any element indicated by :
(a) no. of electrons in valence shell
(b) n value of valence shell
(c) no. of neutrons
(d) mass no.
42. We can identify the group no. of any element from its electronic configuration by
a) no. of electrons in valence shell
(b) n value of valence shell
(c) no. of neutrons
(d) mass no.
43. An elements with electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p3 belongsto:
Group: I A, Period:2nd
Group: III A, Period:3rd
(c) Group: VII A, Period:5th
(d)Group: V A, Period:3rd
44. An element belonging to f block would have its valence electrons in sub-shell:
(a) p
(b) f
(c) s
(d) d
45. If the electronic configuration of an element W is 1s22s22p6, identify the block it would
(a) s

Chemistry SSC-I

(b) p
(c) d
(d) p
46. The d-block elements are :
(a) transition elements
(b) non-metals
(c) normal elements
(d) none
47. Actinides and lanthanides are elements:
(a) p-series
(c) d-series
(d) s-series
48. Nitrogen have 7 protons, its exact position in periodic table is as follows:
(a) Group: v A, Period:2nds- series
(b) Group: VI A, Period:2nd p- series
(c) Group: V A, Period:2nd p- series
(d) Group: III A, Period:2nd p- series
49. Physical properties of any element depends upon:
(a) electronic configuration
(b)atomic no.
(c) sizes of atom
(d) none
50. The reduction in force of attraction between the nucleus and valence shell electron is
caused by:
(a) atomic mass
(b) inner sub-shell electrons
(c) no of valence shell electrons
(d) no of electrons in first shell
51. Which of the following would have greater shielding effect:
(a) Ca
(b) Be
(c) Sr

Chemistry SSC-I

(d) Mg
52. Shielding effect remain constant in period due to:
(a) constant no. of shell
(b)decrease in atomic radii
(c) constant no. of inner shell electrons
(d) all are correct
53. Atomic radius decreases along the period due to:
(a) increase in atomic mass
(b)increase in nuclear charge
(c) decrease in atomic mass
(d) decrease in nuclear charge
54. Which of the following would have greater atomic size:
(a) Na
(b) Li
(c) K
(d) Cs
55. Which of the following would have least atomic size?
(a) Na
(b) P
(c) S
(d) Cl
56. Choose the element with highest ionization energy:
(a) Li
(b) Na
(c) Rb
(d) K
57. Which of the following would have lowest ionization energy:
(a) Mg
(b) Ba
(c) Be
58. Ionization energy is characterized by:
(a) atomic mass

Chemistry SSC-I

(b) cation formation

(c) boiling point
(d) nuclear charge
59. In a group ionization energy decreases due to:
(a) increase in shieldingeffect
(b) increase in nuclear charge
(c) decrease in atomic mass
(d) decrease in nuclear charge
60. Ionization energy increases in a period due to:
(a) increase in shielding effect
(b)increase in nuclear charge
(c) decrease in atomic radius
(d) both b and c
61. Which of the following would have greater electron affinity:
(a) Cl
(b) F
(c) Br
(d) I
62. Electron affinity in a period:
(a) increases
(b)does not change
(c) decreases
(d) none
63. Electron affinity explains the formation of :
(a) bond
(c) anion
(d) molecular ion
64. The element with highest electronegative value:
(a) Na
(b) Cl
(c) K
(d) F

Chemistry SSC-I

65. The element with lowest electronegative value:

(a) Na
(b) Cl
(c) K
(d) F
66. At ordinary temperature and pressure , Hydrogen exist as:
(a) plasma
(c) gas
(d) liquid
67. Periodicity is seen in periodic table in:
(a) groups
(c) both groups and periods
(d) none

Chemistry SSC-I

Chapter # 4: Structure of Molecules

1. Which of the following atoms will form an ion of charge -2?

(a) atomic no. 12
(b) atomic no. 14
(c) atomic no. 8
(d) atomic no. 10
2. Which of the following will not form cation or anion:
(a) A (Atomic no. 16)
(b) B (Atomic no. 17)
(c)C (Atomic no. 18)
(d) D (Atomic no. 19)
3. Which of the following will form a cation?
(a) A (Atomic no. 20)
(b) B (Atomic no. 18)
(c) C (Atomic no. 17)
(d) A (Atomic no. 15)
4. Which of the following atoms obey duplet rule:
(a) O2
(b) H2
(c) N2
(d) F2
5. Silicon belongs to groups IV A. It has electrons in the valence shell:
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 5
(d) 4
6. Phosphorous belongs to third period of group VA. How many electrons it needs to
complete its valence shell :
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 5

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(d) 4
7. In the formation of AlF3, aluminum atom loses electrons:
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
8. Which of the following is not true about the formation of Na2S:
(a) Each sodium atom loses one electron
(b) each sodium forms cation
(c) sulphur forms anion
(d) each sulphur atom gain one electron
9. Identify covalent compound:
(a) NaCl
(b) MgO
(c) H2O
(d) all of them
10. The KCl has type of bonding:
(a) ionic
(b) covalent
(c) co-ordinate covalent
(d) metallic
11.A A covalent bond forms by:
(a) by transfer of electrons
(b) sharing of electrons
(c) attraction of electrons
(d) none of the above
12. Generally, the covalent compounds are physically:
(a) Gas
(b) liquid
(c) solid
(d) plasma
13. The metals have characters:
(a) solid

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(b) lustrous
(c) conductor
(d) all of them
14. Metals conduct electricity because of:
(a) polarity
(b) free electrons
(c) large atomic sizes
(d) none
15. Atoms react with each other because:
(a) they are short of electrons
(b) (b)to attain stability
(c) (c) they are attracted to each other
(d) (d) they want to disperse
16. An atom with six electrons in its valence shell will attain stability by:
(a) gaining one electron
(b) losing one electron
(c) losing two electrons
(d)gaining two electrons
17. Which of the following would be inert:
(a) A (Atomic no. 16)
(b) B (Atomic no. 17)
(c)C (Atomic no. 18)
(d) D (Atomic no. 19)
18. Octet rule is:
(a) pattern of electronic configuration
(b) attaining 8 electrons in valence shell
(c) attaining two electrons in valence shell
(d) all of them
19. Transfer of electrons between atoms results in:
(a) covalent bond
(b) co-ordinate covalent bond
(c) ionic bond
(d) polar bond

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20. Which of the following would be formed by the combination of electropositive and
electronegative element:
(a) covalent bond
(b) co-ordinate covalent bond
(c) ionic bond
(d) polar bond
21.A A bond formed between two non-metals is:
(a) covalent bond
(b) co-ordinate covalent bond
(c) ionic bond
(d) polar bond
22. A bond pair in covalent molecules have electrons:
(a)2 (b) 4 (c)1 (d) 3
23. Ice floats on water because:
(a) water is denser than ice
(b) ice is denser than water
(c) ice is crystalline in nature
(d) molecules of water move randomly
24. How many covalent bonds C2H2 molecule have:
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 4
25. Which of the following pair would have same type of covalent bonds:
(a) O2 and HCl
(b) O2and N2
(c)O2 and C2H4
(d)O2 and C2H2
26. Identify the compound which is NOT soluble in water:
(a) C6H6
(b) NaCl
(c) glucose
(d) sucrose

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27. Which of the following is an electron deficient molecule:

(a) NH3
(b) BF3
(c) N2
(d) O2
28. Identify which pair have polar covalent bond:
(a) O2 and HCl
(b) O2 and N2
(c) O2 and C2H4
(d)H2O and HCl
29. Which one of the following is the weakest force among the atoms:
(a) ionic force
(b) metallic force
(c) intermolecular forces
(d) covalent forces
30. Type of bonding present between the atoms is responsible for the:
`(a) structure of substances
(b)properties of substances
(c) both a and b
(d) none
31. Entire physical word is made up of mixture of elements and compounds.
Atomscombine together to forms molecules. The attractive forces which bind the
atomstogether, are called:
(a) Chemical bonds
(b) intermolecular forces
(c) hydrogen bonding
(d) all of the above
32. Noble gases have valence shell electronic configuration:
(b) ns2np6
(d) none
33. The inertness of noble gases is because:

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(a) being a member of group VIII A

(b) having complete valence shell electronic configuration.
(c) the cant react
(d) none of the above
34. An atoms reacts to attain a noble gas electronic configuration because:
(a) to gain stability
(b) to form molecules
(c) to form mixtures
(d) all of them
35. Sodium and lithium belongs to the same group in periodic table. Na loses its valence
shell electron to gain valenceelectronic configuration of 8 electrons, whereas Li loses
it’s to gain valence shell electronic configuration of 2. Because:
(a) it follows octet rule
(b) it is an inert gas
(c) it follows duplet rule
(d) none
36. Mg belongs to group II A, number of valence shell electrons it have:
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 7
(d) 6
37. Mg, Ca and Ba (group II A) have same:
(a) valence shell electrons
(b) atomic no.
(c) both a and b
(d) none of the above
38. No of valence shell electrons would Boron have (atomic no. of boron is 5):
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 6

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39. The formation of a chemical bond is a result of net attractive forces that dominates,
therefore energy of the system is when a molecule is formed:

(a) increased
(b)does not changed
(c) Lowered
Group: I A, Period:3rd
40. The forces of attraction that lead to the chemical bonding are in nature:
(a) neutral
(c) electrical
(d) none
41. Which of the following pair of elements would form ionic bond:
(a) A(I.E: 403 KJ/mol) B(E.A:-349KJ/mol)
(b) A (I.E: 1403 KJ/mol) B (E.A:-349KJ/mol)
(c) A (I.E: 403 KJ/mol) B (E.A:349KJ/mol)
(d) A (I.E: 403 KJ/mol) B (E.A:49KJ/mol)
42. An ionic bond is formed between a metal and a non metal, a metal loses its electron
a)it has low ionization energy
(a) it has high ionization energy
(c) it has high electron affinity
(d) it has low electron affinity
43. An ionic bond is formed between a metal and a non metal, a non-metal gains electron
(a) it has low ionization energy
(b) it has high ionization energy
(c) it has high electron affinity
(d) it has low electron affinity
44. The electron which is involve in chemical bonding:
(a) electrons of p sub shell
(b) valence shell electrons
(c) s sub shell electron

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(d) none
45. If the electronic configuration of an element W is 1s22s22p6, identify the type of bonding:

(a) ionic bonding

(b)Covalent bonding
(c) coordinate covalent bonding
(d) none
46. The net charge on an ionic compound is:
(a) neutral
(b) negative
(c) positive
(d) none
47. Actinides and lanthanides are elements:
(a) p-series
(c) d-series
(d) s-series
48. Nitrogen have 7 protons, it belongs to group V A, the charge it will form :
(a) +3
(b) -5
(c) -3
(d) -6
49. Ca belongs to group II A, how many electron will it lose:
(a) 3
(c) 2
(d) none
50. Chlorine is an electronegative element, it belongs to group VII A, it forms Cl-1 ion
(a) it has low ionization energy
(b)it has high electron affinity
(c) it has high ionization energy
(d) it has low electron affinity

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51. An element have electronic configuration 1s22s22p5, it can:

(a) gain 2 electrons
(b) lose 1 electron
(c)gain 1 electron
(d) loses 2 electron
52. An element with electronic configuration 1s22s22p1 will:
(a) form an anion with -3 charge
(b)form an anion with -2 charge
(c) form a cation with +3 charge
(d) all are correct
53. Which of the following will form ionic compound:
(a) Mg (group II A) and Al (group III A)
(b)Mg (group II A) and F (group VII A)
(c) Ca (group II A) and Na (group I A)
(d) all
54. Which of the following is correct about ionic bond:
(a) oppositely charged particles bind each other
(b) neutral in nature
(c) bond due to electrostatic forces of attraction
(d) all are correct
55. Non metals form covalent compounds because?
(a) they have high ionization energy
(b) they have low ionization energy
(c) they have high electron affinity
(d) they have low electron affinity
56. Covalent bond is formed by:
(a) loss of electron by one atom
(b) transfer of electron
(c) mutual sharing of electrons
(d) lone pairs
57. In water type on bonding is present:
(a) metallic

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(c) ionic
58. The element present in a compound XY belong to group VI A and VII A respectively, the
type on bondin present in it is:
(a) metallic
(c) ionic
59. Oxygen is a non metal, it combines with another atom of oxygen to form:
(a) double covalent bond
(b) coordinate covalent bond
(c) covalent bond
(d) ionic bond
60. Covalent bond is formed by the elements belonging to right region of periodic table
(a) increase in shielding effect
(b) increase in ionization energies of elements
(c) decrease in atomic radius
(d) increase in electron affinities
61. Nitrogen belongs to group V A, type of bond it forms with another nitrogen would
(a) triple covalent bond
(b) coordinate covalent bond
(c) covalent bond
(d) ionic bond
62. Nitrogen belongs to group V A and have 5 electrons in its valence shell, 3 of its
electron contribute in covalent bonding, the 2 electron which do not form bonds are
known as:
(a) bond pair
(b)lone pair
(c) shared pair
(d) none

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63. Nitrogen belongs to group V A and have 5 electrons in its valence shell, 3 of its electron
contribute in covalent bonding, the 2 electron which do not form covalent bond can
form a :
(a) triple covalent bond
(b)coordinate covalent bond
(c) covalent bond
(d) ionic bond
64. The coordinate covalent bond is formed by the transfer of electrons, same for ionic
bond. The difference is in coordinate covalent bond :
(a) more electronegative atom is electron donor
(b) electron pair is donated by one atom only
(c) the bond pair donor atom is already bonded
(d) all of them
65. The pure covalent bond is:
(a) polar covalent bond
(b)hydrogen bond
(c) non-polar covalent bond
(d) all of them
66. At ordinary temperature and pressure , water exist as:
(a) plasma
(c) gas
(d) liquid
67. In polar covalent bond one of the atom in the molecule must have :
(a) deficiency of electrons
(b)more electrons
(c) more electronegative character
(d) more tendency to react
68. Electronegative values of atoms help us to predict:
(a) type of bond they would form
(b) physical properties
(c) chemical properties
(d) all of them

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69. Water is liquid at room temperature because:

(a) it is natural liquid
(b) it have hydrogen bonding between its molecules
(c) oxygen have more electronegative character
(d) none of them
70. The type of covalent bond present between the molecule of CH4 is:
(a) non- polar covalent bond
(b) polar covalent bond
(c) metallic covalent bond
(d) all are correct
71. which of the following would have relatively high boiling point:
(a) O2
(b) CH4
(c) N2
(d) H2O
72. Metallic bond is formed due to:
(a) free electrons
(b) valence shell electrons
(c) high ionization energy
(d) weak electronic attraction
73. In metallic bonding the nuclei of atoms belong to a common pool of electrons. This
statement means:
(a) metals have extremely low ionization energy
(b)the loose electrons belong to all atoms
(c) each atom act as protons
(d) none
74. Hydrogen bonding is formed due to:
(a) attraction of hydrogen with electronegative atom
(b) electropositive character of hydrogen
(c) attraction between hydrogen and electronegative atom with lone pair
(d) polar attraction
75. State of compounds with intermolecular forces present between their molecules would

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(a) plasma
(c) gas
(d) liquid
76. All ionic compounds are usually:
(a) plasma
(c) gas
(d) liquid
77. Ionic compounds are found in crystalline form because:
(a) ions are orderly arranged
(b) ions are tightly packed
(c) strong electrostatic force is present
(d) all of them
78. For which of the following the melting and boiling point would be highest:
(a) covalent compound
(b)coordinate covalent compound
(c) ionic compound
(d) polar covalent compound
79. Ionic compounds are good conductors in molten or aqueous form but not in solid state
(a) they are insulators
(b) in solid state the charges are not allowed to move freely
(c) crystals are insoluble
(d) none

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Chapter # 5: Physical States of Matter

1. How many times are liquid denser than gases?

(a) 1000 times
(b) 100 times
(c) 100,000 times
(d) 10 times
2. Gases are lightest form of matter and their densities are expressed in:
(a) mg cm-3
(b)g m-3
(c)g dm-3
(d) g cm3
3. Which of the following coexists in dynamic equilibrium at freezing point:
(a) liquid and solid
(b) liquid and gas
(c) solid and gas
(d) all of these
4. Which of the following motions are possessed by solid particles:
(a) rotational motion
(b) vibrational motion
(c) translational motion
(d) both b and c
5. Which of the following is not amorphous:
(a) glucose
(b) rubber
(c) plastic
(d) glass
6. 1 atmospheric pressure is equals to how many Pascal’s:
(a) 10125
(b) 101325Pa
(c) 10325
(d) 10523

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7. In the evaporation process, the liquid molecules which leaves the surface of liquid
(a) very low energy
(b) moderate energy
(c) very high energy
(d) none of these
8. Which of the following gas diffuses fastest?
(a) hydrogen
(b) chlorine
(c) helium
(d) fluorine
9. Which of the following does not affect the boiling point:
(a) intermolecular forces
(b) external pressure
(c) nature of liquid
(d) initial temperature of liquid
10. Density of a gas increases, when its:
(a) temperature in increases
(b) volume is kept constant
(c) pressure is increased
(d) none of these
11. The vapor pressure of a liquid increases with the:
(a) increase of pressure
(b) increase in temperature
(c) increase in intermolecular forces
(d) increase in polarity of molecules
12. In Kelvin scale of temperature 300oC is equal to:
(a) 573oK
(b) 473oK
(c) 537oK
(d) 173oK
13. Same elements with different shapes are called:
(a) crystals

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(b) isotopes
(c) compounds
(d) allotropes
14. 1 atmospheric pressure is equal to:
(a) 101325 Torr
(b) 760mmHg
(c) 760
(d) none
15. The form of matter which does not have definite shape and definite volume is called:
(a) liquid
(c) solid
(d) plasma
16. Gases can be liquefied by:
(a) simple chemical method
(b) simple physical method
(c) by using simple chemical and physical methods
(d) no physical and chemical method could be used
17. Which statement about the particles of solid is not correct:
(a) they move at a great speed
(b) they are arranged in regular patterns
(c) there is a very little space between the particles
(d) the forces of attraction between the particles is very strong
18. The boiling point of some gases is given below:
(a) Argon= -186oC
(b) Nitrogen=-196oC
(c) Oxygen=-183oC
(d) Xenon=-108oC
19.AA mixture of above gases at -210oC was heated by 20 oC. which of the element will still
be in liquid state:
(a) oxygen only
(b) argon , oxygen and xenon
(c) argon, nitrogen and xenon

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(d) oxygen and xenon

20.A A liquid boils when its vapor pressure becomes equal to:
(a) 760 cmHg
(b) 1 Pa
(c) 101.325KPa
(d) 0.1 atm
21. Acetone has characteristic fragrant odor and is used to make nail polish. It melts at -
94oC and boils at 56oC. what is the physical state of acetone at 25oC and 1atm:
(a) liquid
(b) gas
(c) solid
(d) plasma
22. Water normally boils at 100oC, but is it possible to boil water at room temperature. What
variable would you have to change to do this:
(a) decrease external pressure
(b) increase external pressure
(c) increase temperature
(d) none of these
23. Bromine has a melting point of -7oC and a boiling point of 59oC. what is the physical
state of bromine at 100OC:
(a) liquid
(b) gas
(c) solid
(d) plasma
24. Which is not the property of crystalline solids?:
(a) have well defined shape
(b) orderly arrangement of particles
(c) have three dimensional shape
(d) are generally soft
25. The law, which states that at constant temperature, the volume of a given mass of gas
is inversely proportional is pressure, is known as:
(a) Avogadro’s law
(b) Charles law

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(c) Boyle’s law

(d) Pascal’s law
26.AA person living in Murree observed that cooking food without using pressure cooker
takes more time. The reason for this observation is that at high altitude:
(a) temperature decreases
(b) temperature increases
(c) pressure decreases
(d) pressure increases
27. The rate of diffusion of methane at a given temperature is twice of a gas X. The
molecular weight of X is:
(a) 32g
(b) 64g
(c) 16g
(d) 4g
28. A student heat up a container full of gas, which of the following is correct about the
particles of gases:
(a) they move faster
(b) they become dense
(c) particles break apart
(d) none
29. If the temperature of the gas increases the volume:
(a) decreases
(b) increases
(c) remains same
(d) none
30. At constant temperature, when pressure of the gas is decreased the kinetic molecular
energy of gases:
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) increases twice
(d)remains unchanged
31. When a gas is cooled down, it density :
(a) increases

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(b) decreases
(c) increases twice
(d)remains unchanged
32. The rate of diffusion for any gas depends upon the molecular mass of molecules of
gases. Which of the following will diffuse faster:
(a) O2
(c) both a and b
(d) none
33. For a sample of gas, the product of applied pressure and volume is unchanged when
applied pressure of gas is continuously changed. What is the relation between the
pressure and volume? :
(a) V∝1/P
(b) V∝P
(c) V∝P/d
(d) all of the above
34. For Charles law the constants have no units because:
(a) all constant have no unit
(b) it’s a ratio
(c) its units are same as Boyles law constant
(d) none
35. The initial and final temperature of neon is 289 K and 323 K. Find the initial volume if the
final volume is 2.3 L:
(a) 2.0 atm
(b) 2.0ml
(c) 2.0 L
(d) none of the above
36. Charles law is only applicable on:
(a) Kelvin scale
(b) when pressure is kept constant
(c) on Celsius scale
(d) both a and b

Chemistry SSC-I

37. The increase in temperature level from 10 °C to 100 °C increases the volume from
566cm3 to 746cm3. Charles law is not applicable for these values because:
(a) it follows Boyles law
(b) pressure is not constant
(c) Celsius scale is used
(d) none
38. Absolute zero is:
(a) -273.15 oC
(b) -273K
(c) 0oC
(d) 273.15 oC
39. Evaporation takes place at:
(a) all temperatures
(b) boiling temperature
(c) freezing temperature
(d) none of the above
40. Molecules which evaporates during evaporation have
(a)low kinetic energy
(b)high kinetic energy
(c) random kinetic energy
(d) none of them
41. Stronger the intermolecular forces the liquid evaporates at :
(a) higher rate
(b)moderate rate
(c) Lower rate
(d) does not evaporates
42. Increased temperature will increases the rate of evaporation because:
(a) temperature decreases the kinetic energy
(b) temperature have no effect
(c) temperature increases the kinetic energy
(d) none
43.a a liquid kept in a bowl evaporates faster than a liquid kept in a test tube because:
(a) surface area of a test tube is less than bowl

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(b) surface area of a test tube is more than bowl

(c) surface area of a bowl is less than test tube
(d) none of them
44. The liquid and the vapor remain in state of:
a) static equilibrium
(b) unstable equilibrium
(c) dynamic equilibrium
(d) none
45. C6H12 evaporates rapidly than C10H22 because:
(a) it has lowvapor pressure
(b) it has high molecular mass
(c) it has low molecular mass
(d) none
46. The electron which is involve in chemical bonding:
(a) electrons of p sub shell
(b) valence shell electrons
(c) s sub shell electron
(d) none
47.A A liquid boils when its vapor pressure:
(a) is highest
(b) becomes greater than the external pressure
(c) becomes equal to the external pressure
(d) none
48. Freezing point is that temperature when:
(a) liquid changes into solid state
(b) when liquid and solid state co-exits
(c) bothliquid and gas changes into solid
(d) none
49. In solid state the molecule of solid show:
(a) high kinetic energy
(b)rotational kinetic energy
(c) vibrational kinetic energy
(d) none

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50. Melting point is a is that temperature at which:

(a) solid changes into liquid
(b) solid and liquid co-exits
(c) solid changes into gas
(d) none
51. When a solid changes into gas directly the phenomenon is called:
(a) evaporation
(c) sublimation
(d) none
52. Solids have high melting point because:
(a) it has high surface area
(b) it has strong attractive forces between molecules
(c) it has high boiling points
(d) none

Chemistry SSC-I

Chapter # 6 solutions

1. A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances that has

composition throughout:
(a) non uniform
(b) uniform
(c) improper
(d) None of these
2. The component of solution which is in lesser amount is called:
(a) solute
(b) solvent
(c) solution
(d) mixture
3. The component of solution which is in larger quantity is called:
(a) solute
(b) solvent
(c) solution
(d) mixture
4. The solution that is formed by dissolving a substance in is called
aqueous solution:
(a) benzene
(c) Water
(d) ether
5. A solution is one that contains a relatively small amount of solute in a
given volume of solvent is:
(a) Dilute solution
(b) concentrated solution
(c) acidic solution
(d) basic solution
6. Concentrated solution is one that contains a relatively large amount of
in a given volume of solvent:
Chemistry SSC-I

(a) solute
(b) solvent
(c) solution
(d) mixture Tin is electroplated on
7. A solution which contains amount of solute at a particular temperature is
called saturated solution:

(a) super saturated solution

(b) saturated solution

(c) unsaturated solution

(d)All of above

8. A solution that contains less amount of solute than is required to make saturated
solution at a particular temperature is called:

(a) super saturated solution

(b) saturated solution

(c) unsaturated solution

(d)All of above

9. A solution that is more concentrated than a saturated solution is called:

(a) super saturated solution

(b) saturated solution

(c) unsaturated solution

(d) All of above

10. Dissolution of solute particles in water is due to bonding

(a) Covalent bonding

(b) H- bonding

(c) ionic bonding

(d) none

11. Which pair of compounds is soluble:

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(a) ether and water

(b) KCl and water

(c) Benzene and water

(d) petrol and water

12. Which has bigger particles:
(a) solution
(b) colloids
(c) suspension
(d) All of these
13. There are ways to express the percentage of a solution:
(a) 5
(c) 3
(d) 2
14. Conc.H2SO4 used in laboratory is 98%H2SO4 and only % water.

(a) 100

(b) 2

(c) 98

(d) None of these

15. m/m percent means number of grams of solute in grams of solution:

(a) 100
(b) 200
(c) 50
(d) None of these
16. One molar solution contains one mole of solute in volume of water to make:
(a) solution of 1 dm3
solution of 0.1 dm3
solution of 1 cm3
solution of 0.01 dm3
17. 10% v/m alcohol solution contains 10cm3 of alcohol in solution
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(b) 100 ml
(c) 10 g
(d) 100g
18. Which one of the following is suspension:
(a) milk
(b) sugar solution
(c) paint

(d) brine

19. Which one of the following is colloid:

(a) saline

(b) brine

(c) milk

(d) paint

20. Which of the following shows Tyndall effect:

(a) jelly

(b) milk


(d) all of these

21. Tyndall effect is due to:

(a) reflection of light
(b) blockage of beam of light
(c) scattering of beam of light
(d) passing through another beam of light

22. Which solution have more amount of solute:

(a) 0.2 M

(b) 0.4 M

(c) 0.6 M

(d) 1M

23. Brass is a solid solution of zinc and

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(a) Cu

(b) C

(c) Fe

(d) none

24. In soft drink carbon dioxide is:

(a) solute

(b) solvent

(c) solution

(d) mixture

25. Air is an example of solution:

(a) gas into gas

(b) liquid in liquid

(c) gas in solid

(d)solid into gas

26. Hydrogen adsorbed in Palladium is an example of solution:

(a) gas into gas
(b) liquid in liquid
(c) gas in solid
(d) solid into gas
27. Example of liquid in gas solution is:
(a) smoke

(b) fog

(c) pollutants

(d) gems

28. Example of liquid in solid solution is:

(a) smoke

(b) fog

(c) amalgam

(d) gems
Chemistry SSC-I

29. Example of solid in solid solution is:

(a) smoke

(b) fog

(c) amalgam

(d) gems

30. Chlorine used as disinfectant in water is an example of:

(a) gas into gas

(b) liquid in liquid

(c) gas in liquid

(d) solid into gas

31. Alcohol in water is an example of solution:

(a) gas into gas

(b) liquid in liquid

(c) gas in liquid

(d) solid into gas

32. is added to gold to make it harder and used for making jewellery:

(a) Pb

(b) C

(c) Cu

(d) Ag

33. Which of the following solution contain more solvent:

(a) 0.2 M

(b) 0.4 M

(c) 0.6 M

(d) 1M

Chemistry SSC-I

Chapter # 7 Electrochemistry

1. During electrolysis of fused NaCl which ions are reduced at cathode:

(a) Chloride ion
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Hydroxide ion
(d) None of these
2. Concentration of hydrogen ion in pure water is:
(b) 10-7
(d) 10-14
3. 2Na + Cl2 2NaCl is a / an:
(a) Oxidation reaction
(b) Redox reaction
(c) Reduction reaction
(d) None of above
4. Zn(s) Zn+2 + 2e-is:
(a) Reduction
(c) Both A and B
(d)Redox reaction
5. 2H+ + 2e- H2(g)is a reaction:

(a) Oxidation

(b) Reduction

(c) Redox

(d) None of these

6. Which electrolyte is used in electroplating of zinc?

(a) Zinc chloride

Chemistry SSC-I

(b) Zinc sulphate

(c) Copper sulphate
(d)All of above
7. Tin is electroplated on :
(a) Silver
(c) Zinc
8. Which electrolyte is used in electrolytic refining of copper?

(a) Zinc chloride

(b)Copper sulphate

(c) Zinc sulphate

(d)All of above

9. In electrolytic refining of copper, impure copper act as:

(a) Cathode
(b) Anode
(c) Electrolyte

(d) None of these

10. In the process of electroplating, the object to be electroplated is washed with

solution of:

(a) Sulphuric acid

(b) Vinegar
(c) Caustic soda

(d) Acetic acid

11. Electrolyte used in silver plating is:

(a) Silver Chloride

(b) Silver nitrate
(c) Ammonium nitrate

(d) Silver oxide

Chemistry SSC-I

12. In early nineteenth century photographers produce crude images using papers
covered with:

(a) Chromium sulphate

(b) Silver Nitrate

(c) Potassium nitrate

(d)Nickel sulphate
13. Which of the following is a common example of silver plating?
(a) Jewellery
(b) Wares
(c) Cutlery
(d) All of these
14. Loss of electron is :
(a) Reduction
(c) Redox reaction
(d) None of these
15. Addition of hydrogen is :
(a) Oxidation
(b) Reduction
(c) Redox reaction
(d) None of these
16. Addition of oxygen and loss of electron is:
(a) Reduction
(b) Oxidation
(c) Redox reaction
(d) None of these
17. In steel mills oxides of iron is converted to pure iron by the reaction with
in the blast furnace.
(a) Coke
(c) Benzene
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18. Fe2O3 + 3 CO +3 CO2

(a) Fe
(b) C

(c) 2Fe

(d) O2

19. Photographic film is an emulsion of in zinc:

(a) Silver Nitrate
(b) Silver Iodide
(c) Silver Bromide

(d) None of these

20. Activation of AgBr depend upon the intensity of falling upon the
photographic film:

(a) Sun beam

(b) Dim light

(d) Light

21. is a mild reducing agent used as a developer.

(a) Hydrochloric acid

(b) Sulphoquionone

(c) Ferroquinone

(d) Hydroquinone

22. Reduced atoms form image on photographic film.

(a) Au
(b) Cu
(c) Si
(d) Ag

23. Ag+ +  Ag

Chemistry SSC-I

2 e-
4 e-
6 e-
(d) 1e-

24. 2Al + O22Al2O3 ,In this reaction , takes place in Al:

(a) Reduction

(b) Oxidation

(c) Redox Reaction

(d) none

25. Fe2O3 + 3 CO  Fe+3 + CO2.In this reaction ,process takes place is:
(a) Oxidation

(b) Reduction

(c) redox reaction

(d) none

26. It is the number of charges an atom will have in a molecule or a compound:

(a) Oxidation State

(b) Oxidation number

(c) Both a and b

(d) Oxidation

27. The element that show an increase in oxidation state are :

(a) Decreased

(b) Increased



28. In which of the following changes the nitrogen atom is reduced?

(a) N2 to NO
(b) N2 to NH3

Chemistry SSC-I

(c) N2 to NO2
(d) N2 to HNO3

29. The branch of chemistry which deals with the relationship between electricity and
chemical reactions:

(a) Thermochemistry
(b) Analytical Chemistry
(c) Electrochemistry

(d) Physical Chemistry

30. In HCl ,oxidation number of H is:

(a) -1


(c) +1

(d) -2

31. The oxidation number of all elements in free state is:

(a) One

(b) Two

(c) Zero

(d) None of these

32. Oxidation number of group I-A elements is:

(a) +2

(b) -2

(c) +1


33. Oxidation number of hydrogen in metal hydrides is:

(a) -5

(b) -2

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(c) -1

(d) -3

34. Oxidation number of oxygen is +2 in:

(a) H2O

(b) Na2O

(c) OF2

(d) HNO3

35. In neutral molecules algebraic sum of the oxidation numbers of all the elements is:
(a) One

(b) Two

(c) Zero

(d) Three

36. The oxidation number of sulfur in H2SO4 is:

(a) +1

(b) +4

(c) +8


37. Oxidizing agent is a substance:

(a) Reduces itself and also reduces others

(b) Oxidizes itself and also reduces others

(c) Reduces itself and oxidizes others

(d) All of these

38. Chemical reaction in which the oxidation state of one or more substances changes
are called:
(a) Reduction
(b) Oxidation
(c) Catenation
(d) Redox

Chemistry SSC-I

39. Which of the following is weak electrolyte?

(a) NaCl
(b) KCl
(c) NaOH


40. The substances which do not ionizes in solution and do not allow to pass current
through them are called:
(a) Strong electrolyte
(b) Non-electrolyte
(c) Weak electrolyte
(d) electrolyte
41. Example of electrolytic cell is:
(a) Down’s cell
(b) Nelson cell
(c)Daniel cell
(d) Both a and b
42. Which of the following is a non-electrolyte?
(a) NaCl
(b) Sulphuric acid
(c) Benzene
(d) Sodium hydroxide
43. Oxidation always takes place at:
(a) Cathode
(b) Electrode
(c) Anode
(d) All of these
44. Pure water is:
(a) Weak electrolyte
(b) Strong electrolyte
(c)Non electrolyte
(d)None of above
45. In which cell electric energy is converted into chemical energy?

Chemistry SSC-I

(a) Voltaic
(b) Galvanic
(d)All of these
46. In galvanic cell cathode carries:
(a) No charge
(b) Neutral charge
(c) Negative charge
(d) Positive charge
47. Which cell is used in the manufacture of sodium metal from fused NaCl?
(a) Nelson cell
(b) Contact cell
(c) Down cell
(d) All of these
48. Which act as anode in Down’s cell?
(a) silver
(b) Iron
(c) Steel
(d) Carbon
49. Chlorine gas is formed when Cl- ions are:
(a) Removed
(b) Reduced
(c) Reacted with metal
(d) Oxidized
50. In Nelson’s cell cathode is made up of:
(a) Zinc
(b) Graphite
(c) Iron
(d) Steel
51. Which ion is not formed during electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride?

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(d) K+
52. Sodium hydroxide is manufactured in:
(a) Galvanic cell
(b) Down cell
(c)Voltaic cell
(d) Nelson cell
53. Chemical formula of rust is:
(a) Fe3O4. 2H2O
(b) Fe2O3
(c) Fe3O4.xH2O
(d) Fe2O3.xH2O
54. Corrosionof iron is called:
(a) Smelting
(b) Roasting
(c) Refining
(d) Rusting
55. Very successful technique against rusting of iron is:
(a) Tin plating
(b) Greasing
(c) Painting
(d) Alloying
56.A A region on iron surface when rusting takes place is known as:
(a) Cathodic region
(b) Electrode
(c) Anodic region
(d) All of these
57. In order to give longer life the containers of iron are coated by:
(a) Tin
(c)Both a and b
58.A A process of coating thin layer of Zn on iron is called
(a) Smelting

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(b) Rusting
(d) Catenation
59. Spontaneous chemical reaction takes place in:
(a) Nelson cell
(b)Down cell
(c)Galvanic cell
(d) All of above
60. In Daniel cell: zinc metal is dipped in:
(a) 2M ZnSO4 solution
(b)2M ZnSO4 solution
(c)1M CnSO4 solution
(d)1M ZnSO4 solution
61. In electrolytic cell, battery connected to positive terminal act as :
(a) Cathode
(b) Electrode
(d) All of these

Chemistry SSC-I

Chapter # 8: Chemical Reactivity

Choose the correct answer.

1. Gold is solid metal.

(a) White

(b) Yellow

(c) Golden

(d) Orange

2. The name platinum comes from Spanish word platin a meaning .

(a )great silver

(b) little silver

(c) royal silver

(d) both a and b

3. The basic character of oxides increases in which of the following order?

(a) BeO<MgO<CaO

(b) CaO<MgO<BeO

(c) BeO<CaO<MgO

(d) MgO<BeO<CaO

4. All the elements except of group IA are known as alkalis:

(a) Fr

(b) Cs

(c) K

(d) H

Chemistry SSC-I

5. Metals occupy and lower quarters of the periodic table.

(a) up,three

(b) left,three

(c). down,three

(d) right,three

6. The general electronic configuration of alkali metals is:


(d) ns1

7. Which of the following letter represents metal?

(a) Y

(b) M

(c) N

(d) X

8. Metals have large atomic size and low :

(a) electron affinity

(b)ionization energy

(c) atomic radius

(d) all of above

9. Electropositivity increases when ionization energy :

(a) increases

(b) decresases

(c) both a and b

(d) remains constant

Chemistry SSC-I

10. In a group, the reactivity of metals with increases:

(a) oxygen

(b) carbon dioxide

(c) water

(d) both a and b

11. Across a period,the tendency to lose electrons:

(a) increases

(b) decreases

(c) remains constant

(d) none of these

12. Lithium forms:

(a) peroxide

(b) superoxide

(c) normal oxide

(d) suboxide

13. Sodium forms:

(a) peroxide
(b) superoxide
(c) normal oxide
(d) suboxide
14. Potassium, Cesium and Rubidium forms:


(b) superoxide

(c) normal oxide

(d) suboxide

15. Sodium readily reacts with O2 to form Na2O2 at/on:

Chemistry SSC-I

(a) melting

(b) boiling

(c) room temperature

(d) ignition

16. Magnesium reacts with oxygen only at/on:

(a). melting

(b) boiling

(c) room temperature

(d) ignition

17. Aluminium forms layer which serves as a protective covering that prevent
further reaction.

(a) Al2O3

(b) AlO3

(c) Al2O2

(d) none of these

18. Be,Mg,Caetc,are termed as:

(a) halogens

(b) alkali metals

(c) non metals of group ii

(d) alkaline earth metals

19. ns2 is the general electronic configuration of:

(a) halogens

(b) non metals of groupvii

(c) alkali metal

(d) alkaline earth metals

20. Alkali metals are so reactive that they are never found in
Chemistry SSC-I

(a) water

(b) ground state

(c) combined state

(d)free state

21. The trends in reactivity of alkali and alkaline earth metal is similar to those of :

(a) ionization energy

(b) electronegativity

(c) both a and b

(d) electropositivity

22. Alkaline Earth metals form ions carrying charges:

(a) electropositive

(b) unipositive

(c) electronegative

(d) dipositive

23. Metals lose electrons easily because they are:

(a) present on left side of periodic table

(b) unipositive

(c) electronegative

(d) electrpositive

24. Which are good conductor of heat and electricity?

(a) non metals

(b) cations

(c) metals

(d) anions

25. All non metals bear

Chemistry SSC-I

(a) positive charge

(b) partially positive charge

(c) negative charge

(d) none of above

26. Which group of elements have lowest ionization energy?

(a) metalloids

(b) halogens

(c) alkaline earth metals

(d) noble metals

27. The most essential alkali metal is:

(a) Ni

(b) Ne

(c) Na

(d) N

28. is the most commonly used metal:

(a) Fe

(b) Fm

(c) Fr

(d) none of these

29. Iron is strong and hard due to strong:

(a) non-metallic bond

(b) ionic bond

(c) metallic bond

(d) covalent bond

30. Sodium is soft due to one valence electron and :

Chemistry SSC-I

(a) large atomic radius

(b) ionization energy

(c) small atomic radius

(d) electron affinity

31. Na reacts with water to produce NaOH and liberate :

(a) O

(b) H

(c) O2

(d) H2

32. Na reacts with water to produce NaOH and liberate :

(a) Na

(b) NaNO3

(c) H2

(d) KCl

33. Na2O2 is in colour.

(a) orange

(b) pale green

(c) greyish green

(d) pale yellow

34. Na is used in

(a) lights

(b) solar panels

(c) lamps

(d) all of these

35. Na is also used in the production of anti-knocking compound for the production of:

Chemistry SSC-I

(a) ether

(b) salt

(c) petrol

(d) gasoline

36. Mg reacts with but Ca with :

(a) steam, hot water

(b) steam, cold water

(c) cold water, steam

(d) none of these

37. Mg + MgO +H2

(a) OH

(b) H2O

(c) H2

(d) None of these

38. Mg reacts with oxygen at temperature while Ca at :

(a) steam, hotwater

(b) high, room

(c) cold water, steam

(d) none of these

39. Ca + H2O  H2 +

(a) CaOH

(b) Ca(OH)2

(c) CaO

(d) None of these

40. is used in making frames of automobiles aircrafts, spaceships etc,:

Chemistry SSC-I

(a) Fe

(b) Mg

(c) Ca

(d) None of these

41. is found in teeth of bones and blood and is required for normal heart

(a) Fe

(b) Ca

(c) P

(d) None of these

42. Various blood diseases are caused by exposure to radiations emitted by:

(a) U-238

(b) Sr-90

(c) Rb-87

(d) None of these

43. Cu and Ag are alloyed with for hardness.

(a) Cu

(b) Ni

(c) Pb

(d) None of these

44. is used to express purity of Au.

(a) Carrot.

(b) Karat

(c) Both A and

(d) None of these

45. Pure gold is:

Chemistry SSC-I

(a) 21 Karat

(b) 24 Karat

(c) 23 Karat

(d) None of these

46. Coinage gold is:

(a) 21 Karat

(b) 22 Karat

(c) 23 Karat

(d) None of these

47. is a common coinage metal.

(a) Ni

(b) Cu

(c) Ag

(d) None of these

48. alloy is used in the production of coins :

(a) Cu-Na

(b) Cu-Ni

(c) N--Cr

(d) None of these

49. Karat gold means 22 part pure gold is alloyed with two parts of:

(a) Ag

(b) Cu

(c) K

(c) None of these

50. Elements which do not oxidize are:

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(a) Cu,Ag

(b) Au,Pt

(c) Ni,Pt

(d) None of these

51. Elements which can exist in free and combined states and react with strong oxidizing
agents are present in:

(a) groupv I-b

(b) group I-b

(c) group IV-b

(d) none of these

52. All active metals react with:

(a) H2O

(b) HCl

(c) HI

(d) None of these

53. Ratio of HCl to conc HNO3 in Aqua regia is :

(a) 2:1

(b) 3:1

(c) 1:3

(d) none of these

54. Compounds of which elements are widely used in photographic films anddental

(a) Ag,Sn

(b) Au,Ag

(c) Cu,Ni

(d) None of these

Chemistry SSC-I

55. Platinum is used as a catalyst for converting CO to:

(a) CO

(b) CO2

(c) C2O2

(d) None of these

56. Which alloy is bonded with Au:

(a) Ni:Ag

(b) Cu:Ni

(c) Pb:Sn

(d) None of these

57. Elements which have both the properties of metals and non-metals are :

(a) Non-metals

(b) Metalloids

(c) Metals

(d) None of these

58. Metals are generally:

(a) dull

(b) reflective

(c) dark

(d) none of these

59. Tendency to form anions is called :

(a) electron affinity

(b) electronegativity

(c) electropositivity

(d) none of these

Chemistry SSC-I

60. Reasons for increase in electronegativity across a period: and decrease down the

(a) low ionization energy

(b) decrease in atomic size

(c) increase in no of shells

(d) none of these

61. Acidic strength of non-metals increases from:

(a) increase in no of shells

(b) left to right

(c) top to bottom

(d) none of these

62. An IC is made from a flake of:

(a) S

(b) Si

(c) Sm

(d) Se

63. F2 and Cl2 are coloured gases.

(a) yellow,green

(b) pale yellow, greenish yellow

(c) pale green,greenish yellow

(d) none of these

64. Br2 and I2 are solid and liquid of colours.

(a) pinkish orange, greenish blue

(b) reddish brown, bluish black

(c) brownish red, blackish pink

(d) none of these

Chemistry SSC-I

65. All halogens react with metals to form:

(a) hydrides

(b) halides

(c) chlorides

(d) none of these

66. All metals react with O to produce:

(a) superoxide

(b) peroxide

(c) suboxides

(d) all of above

67. is the most reactive halogen:

(a) Cl

(b) F

(c) Br

(d) I

68. Except ,other hydrohalic acids are strong.

(a) HCl

(b) HF

(c) HBr

(d) HI

69. combines with almost any metal.

(a) I

(b) Cl

(c) Br

(d) None of these

Chemistry SSC-I

70. Acidic strength increases in the order:

(a) HF>HCl,HBr<HI

(b) HF<HCl<HBr<HI

(c) HF<HCl>HBr<HI

(d) HCl<Fl,HBr<HI

71. Oxidizing power of is highest and is the lowest

(a) F2,Cl2

(b) F2,I2

(c) Br2,I2

(d) Cl2,I2

72. Which of the following can be oxidized by Cl?

(a) I2

(b) Br2

(c) Both A and B

(d) None of these

73. Which of the following cannot be oxidized by F2?

(a) Cl2

(b) F2

(c) Br2

(d) All of these

74. Non-metallic oxides are:

(a) acidic in nature

(b) basic in nature

(c) amphoteric

(d) none of these

Chemistry SSC-I

75. Non-metals are of heat and electricity:

(a) poor conductor

(b) insulator

(c) both a and b

(d) none of these

76. Which halogen member exists in liquid state at room temperature?

(a) iodine

(b) bromine

(c) chlorine

(d) none of these

77. The strongest acid is:

(a) HF

(b) HI

(c) HCl

(d) None of these

78. Which of the following is the lightest metal?

(a) C

(b) Li

(c) Mg

(d) None of these

79. The word malleable means?

(a) can be drawn into wires

(b) can be drawn into sheets

(c) can be drawn into capsules

(d) none of these

Chemistry SSC-I

80. The word ductile means:

(a) can be pressed

(b) can be shaped in wires

(c) can be used again

(d) none of these

81. Na2O is in nature.

(a) strongly acidic

(b) strongly basic

(c) amphoteric

(d) none of these

82. MgOis in nature.

(a) strongly acidic

(b) basic

(c) amphoteric

(d) none of these

83. Al2O3 is in nature.

(a) strongly acidic

(b) amphoteric

(c) strongly basic

(d) none of these

84. SiO2 is in nature.

(a) strongly acidic

(b) weakly acidic

(c) amphoteric

(d) none of these

Chemistry SSC-I

85. P4O10 is in nature.

(a) strongly acidic

(b) acidic

(c) amphoteric

(d) none of these

86. SO2 is in nature.

(a) strongly basic

(b) strongly acidic

(c) amphoteric

(d) none of these

87. Cl2O7 is in nature.

a) strongly acidic

(b) very strongly acidic

(c) amphoteric

(d) none of these


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