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Name: a a ID: a

Date: 02/13/2022 Class: ATSU

Score: 0 / 40 (0%)

Natelauri Oncology X sem final (2) eng


1. Cancer is caused by:

a. uncontrolled mitosis c. rupturing of cells

b. uncontrolled meiosis d. loss of immunity of cells

Answer: A
Points: 0/1
2. Oncogenes are cancer causing genes in the cells but they do not express usually. This is because
of the presence of

a. proto oncogenes c. tumor suppressor genes

b. tumor promoters d. transposons and jumping genes

Answer: C
Points: 0/1
3. The basic difference between cancer call and normal cell is:

a. cancer cells divide continuously but normal cells do not divide

b. normal cells is bigger than cancer cells

c. normal cells are immortal but cancer cells are mortal

d. cancer cells divide do not differentiate like normal cells

Answer: D
Points: 0/1
4. The Migration of cancerous cells from the site of origin to other part of the body forming
secondary tumours is called:

a. diapedesis c. proliferation

b. metastasis d. none of these

Answer: B
Points: 0/1

Name: a a ID: a

5. A patient is suspicious of having breast cancer. What type of test will a physician conduct to
diagnose the cancer:

a. blood test c. CT scan

b. pap test d. mammography

Answer: D
Points: 0/1
6. Which one of the following therapies will involve only the cancerous cells not the normal cells in

a. immunotherapy c. radiation therapy

b. surgery d. chemotherapy

Answer: A
Points: 0/1
7. Which of the following is believed to be a key cause of immortalization of cancer cells in many

a. complete loss of telomeres c. reactivation of the telomerase enzyme

b. inactivation of telomerase enzyme d. shortening of telomeres

Answer: C
Points: 0/1
8. Which of the following best defines an oncogene?

a. An oncogene codes for a cell cycle control protein.

b. An oncogene codes for a mutated form of a protein that forms part of a signal
transduction pathway.

c. An oncogene codes for a protein that prevents the cell from undergoing apoptosis.

d. An oncogene is a dominantly expressed mutated gene that gives a cell a growth or

survival advantage.

Answer: D
Points: 0/1

Name: a a ID: a

9. Which of the following types of protein could be coded by a tumor-suppressor gene?

a. A protein that forms part of a growth factor signaling pathway.

b. A protein that codes for a DNA repair enzyme.

c. A protein that helps prevent apoptosis.

d. A protein that controls progression through the cell cycle.

Answer: D
Points: 0/1
10. Which property of p53 enables it to prevent the development of cancer?

a. p53 is a transcription factor that causes production of proteins that stimulate the
cell cycle.

b. p53 prevents the replication of cells with damaged DNA

c. p53 prevents cells from triggering apoptosis

d. p53 stimulates synthesis of DNA repair enzymes that replace telomere sequence
lost during cell division.

Answer: B
Points: 0/1
11. Which of the following is characteristic of a malignant rather than a benign tumor?

a. Undergoes metastasis

b. Develops a blood supply.

c. Cells divide an unlimited number of times.

d. Grows without needing a growth signal.

Answer: D
Points: 0/1
12. The cell cycle consists of how many phases?

a. 6 c. 4

b. 2 d. 8

Answer: C
Points: 0/1

Name: a a ID: a

13. Tumours are classified by:

a. The tissue or cell of origin c. Their ability tp spread

b. The person who discovered them d. their weight

Answer: A
Points: 0/1
14. TNM stands for:

a. Tumor, Nerve, Metastases c. Temperature, Metabolism, Nutrition

b. Tumor, Nodule, Metastases d. Tumor, Node, Metastases

Answer: D
Points: 0/1
15. Tumor markers are:

a. Chemicals that can be detected in the blood

b. Related to genetics

c. Signs of infection

d. External growths

Answer: A
Points: 0/1
16. Any agent that causes cancer is called:

a. mutagen c. oncogen

b. carcinogen d. none of above

Answer: B
Points: 0/1
17. Major etiologic factors in causing oropharyngeal neoplasm include:

a. tobacco use c. both

b. alcohol consumption d. neither

Answer: C
Points: 0/1

Name: a a ID: a

18. A 23 year-old woman is seen for lump in her breasr that she palpated on self breast examination.
History reveals that her mother and her aunt both had breast and ovarian cancer. Given this
presentation, you suspect the patient may have a mutation in which of the following genes
involved in DNA repair?

a. BRCA-1 c. bcl-2

b. ras d. p53

Answer: A
Points: 0/1
19. This is the usual medical term used to describe treatment that is given in addition to the primary,
main or initial treatment. For example, the use of chemotherapy after radiation or surgery:

a. Concomitant therapy c. Accessory therapy

b. Collateral therapy d. Adjuvant therapy

Answer: D
Points: 0/1
20. This is the surgical removal of part of a malignant tumor which cannot be completely excised. It
is done to enhance the effectiveness of radiation or chemotherapy:

a. debulking c. exploratory laparotomy

b. exenteration d. cryosurgery

Answer: A
Points: 0/1
21. A cancer that returns after treatment:

a. Remission c. relapse

b. reprieve d. recurrence

Answer: D
Points: 0/1

Name: a a ID: a

22. The removal and examination of the first lymph node or group of nodes draining a primary

a. sentinel node biopsy c. en bloc resection

b. excisional biopsy d. incisional biopsy

Answer: A
Points: 0/1
23. After treatment, this is the state of absence of disease activity in patients known to have a cancer

a. remission c. reprieve

b. amnesty d. relapse

Answer: A
Points: 0/1
24. A biopsy procedure that uses a computer and imaging to localize a target lesion (such as a tumor
or microcalcifications in the breast) and guide the removal of tissue for examination.

a. stereotactic biopsy c. cryosurgery

b. punch biopsy d. excisional biopsy

Answer: A
Points: 0/1
25. A condition in which cancerous tumors are present at multiple sites in the body:

a. dysplasia c. adenocarcinoma

b. carcinomatosis d. anaplasia

Answer: B
Points: 0/1
26. Forming of blood vessels

a. mutagenic c. angiogenesis

b. oncogene d. anaplais

Answer: C
Points: 0/1

Name: a a ID: a

27. Programmed cell death:

a. anaplasia c. neoplasm

b. mitosis d. apoptosis

Answer: D
Points: 0/1
28. The A 68-year-old woman with a history of heavy tobacco use is found to have a solitary lung
nodule on chest computed tomography. Pathology from a recent bronchoscopy reveals
adenocarcinoma. What further staging work-up is necessary for patient before surgical resection?

a. Brain magnetic resonance imaging c. Mediastinoscopy

b. Positron emission tomography (PET) d. None

Answer: B
Points: 0/1
29. Obesity is a risk factor for which of the following types of cancer?

a. renal c. esophageal adenocarcinoma

b. endometrial d. all of above

Answer: D
Points: 0/1
30. The primary treatment for loco regionally advanced head and neck cancer consists of:

a. surgery c. chemoradiation therapy

b. radiation therapy d. none of the above

Answer: C
Points: 0/1
31. All of the following are known to be strong risk factors for gastric cancer EXCEPT:

a. helicobacter pylory infection c. alcohol abuse

b. smoking d. previous gastric surgery

Answer: C
Points: 0/1

Name: a a ID: a

32. "Triple-negative" breast cancer has been defined by modern genomic techniques as which
distinct breast tumor subset?

a. luminal A c. basal-like

b. luminal B d. normal-like

Answer: C
Points: 0/1
33. What is the best treatment approach for aggressive non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) when
disfigurement or functional impairment is a risk?

a. Mohs micrographic surgety c. Imiquimod

b. Radiation therapy d. photodynamic therapy

Answer: A
Points: 0/1
34. What is the appropriate nonoperative therapy for a stage T3N1M0 squamous cell carcinoma of
the esophagus in a medically fit patient.

a. radiotherapy alone

b. concurrent chemo-radiation therapy

c. sequential chemotherapy and radiation therapy

d. palliative treatment

Answer: B
Points: 0/1
35. A patient with a clinical T3, N0, M0 carcinoma of the distal stomach (EUS, other staging) should
be managed with (up to two answers are acceptable)

a. Total gastrectomy, then adjuvant therapy

b. Neoadjuvant therapy, then total gastrectomy

c. Subtotal gastrectomy plus >D1 node dissection, then adjuvant postoperative


d. palliative treatment

Answer: C
Points: 0/1

Name: a a ID: a

36. The diagnostic approach of obstructing colorectal tumor include:

a. colonoscopy c. sigmoidoscopy

b. barium enema d. CT scan

Answer: D
Points: 0/1
37. In diagnosis of prostate cancer:

a. all patients should have a digital rectal examination (DRE)

b. most patients with a PSA>4ng/ml will have prostate cancer

c. urinary obstructive symptoms are highly suggestive

d. biopsy is usually by fine needle aspiration (FNA)

Answer: A
Points: 0/1
38. Which one of the following is true regarding lung cancer?

a. Adenocarcinomas tend to grow quickly

b. 5% of patients with lung cancer present with, or develop complications of

non-metastatic paraneoplastic syndromes

c. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is associated with


d. 80-90% of small cell carcinomas have spread beyond the thorax at the time of

Answer: D
Points: 0/1
39. Which of the following is NOT among the uses of PET imaging in the management of cervical

a. initial diagnosis c. treatment planning

b. staging d. assessment of prognosis

Answer: A
Points: 0/1

Name: a a ID: a

40. Standard treatment for locally advanced epithelial ovarian cancer includes all of the following,

a. debulking surgery c. intravenous chemotherapy

b. radiation therapy d. intraperitoneal chemotherapy

Answer: B
Points: 0/1


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