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1. What are the characteristics of a tech-savvy person?

Is someone with a lot of skills in computing knowledge

2. Are you a technophile, or technophobic?  Explain.

I consider that I am a technophile since I am always in constant innovation and I am very interested
in technology and even in thinking about what it will be like in the future

3. Are modern cell phones bulk

4 . Some of the new

generation of phones are pretty
bulky because they use big
5. screens and they need huge
batteries for support all the
necessities of the
6. phone like ram, operative
system, games, camera and high-
resolution images.
7 . Some of the new
generation of phones are pretty
bulky because they use big
8. screens and they need huge
batteries for support all the
necessities of the
9. phone like ram, operative
system, games, camera and high-
resolution images.
Some of the new generation of phones are pretty bulky because they use bigscreens and they
need huge batteries for support all the necessities of thephone like ram, operative system, games,
camera and high-resolution images.

10. Give an example of an obsolete technology or device.

 Cassettes
 DVDs

11. What term from the video can use to describe technology that is easy to use?

1 2 . User-friendly is
when the technology is easy to
use its almost predictable how
13. to use it
User-friendly is when the technology is easy to use its almost predictable how to use it

14. What companies are known for creating cutting-edge technology?

1 5 . Tesla
1 6 .  Pixar
1 7 .  F1 teams
1 8 .  Google
 Tesla
 Pixar
 F1 teams
 Google

19. Use a term from the video to describe dial-up Internet.


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