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1.question-Philosophical analyzes: Plato: “Myth about cave”?

INTRODUCTION: Plato's "Myth about the Cave" is one of the most famous philosophical allegories.
The story is used to illustrate the difference between knowledge and ignorance, and the
transformative power of education.
BASIC IDEAS: Plato's allegory describes a group of people who are chained in a cave, facing a wall. Behind them, there is a
fire, and between the fire and the people, there are objects that cast shadows on the wall in front of them. The philosopher
who is able to leave the cave and see the true reality represents someone who has gained knowledge and understanding
through education.
IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, Plato's allegory is a powerful illustration of the transformative power of
education. It shows that people can be trapped in ignorance and illusions, but with the right education, they can break free
and see the world in a new light.
CONCLUSION: Overall, Plato's "Myth about the Cave" is a thought-provoking allegory that is still relevant today. It shows
the dangers of ignorance and the transformative power of education and critical thinking.

2) Main idea of Aristotle: “The Nicomachean Ethics”?

3) INTRODUCTION: Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics" is a seminal work in ethics that

discusses the nature of human happiness and the virtues that lead to a good life.
4) BASIC IDEAS: Aristotle argues that the ultimate goal of human life is eudaimonia, or
happiness. He believes that this happiness is achieved through the cultivation of virtues,
which are habits of behavior that help individuals achieve their full potential. Aristotle
identifies two types of virtues: intellectual virtues and moral virtues. Intellectual virtues are
developed through education and experience, while moral virtues are developed through
habit and practice.
5) IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, Aristotle's ideas are still relevant today. His
emphasis on the importance of cultivating virtues and achieving happiness through
ethical behavior provides a framework for living a fulfilling life. For example, practicing
honesty, integrity, and kindness are all moral virtues that can lead to greater happiness
and well-being.
6) CONCLUSION: Overall, Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics" is a valuable philosophical work
that explores the nature of human happiness and the virtues that lead to a good life. His
ideas about virtue ethics are still relevant today and can provide guidance for individuals
seeking to live a fulfilling and ethical life.

5)Philosophical analyzes: Koja Achmet Yassawi: “Diuani xikmet” philosophy?

INTRODUCTION: Khoja Ahmed Yasawi's "Diwani Hikmet" is a work of Sufi philosophy that explores the
path to spiritual enlightenment.

BASIC IDEAS: Yasawi's philosophy emphasizes the importance of abandoning the material world in
favor of a spiritual journey. He describes the journey as a gradual process of purification and
submission to the will of God. The ultimate goal of this journey is to achieve a state of union with God,
which Yasawi describes as the ultimate source of happiness and fulfillment.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: Yasawi's philosophy highlights the importance of inner transformation

and spiritual growth. It emphasizes the need to focus on the eternal and the divine rather than the
temporal and the material. In my opinion, this philosophy is still relevant today, as many people
continue to seek meaning and purpose beyond the material world. Yasawi's teachings also emphasize
the importance of compassion, humility, and selflessness, which are values that can benefit individuals
and society as a whole.

CONCLUSION: Overall, Khoja Ahmed Yasawi's "Diwani Hikmet" is a powerful work of Sufi philosophy
that emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth and inner transformation. It highlights the need to
focus on the eternal and the divine rather than the temporal and the material, and emphasizes the
importance of compassion, humility, and selflessness.
6) Philosophical analyzes: Zhusuip Balasagun: “Kutty bilik”?
7) INTRODUCTION: Zhusuip Balasagun's "Kutty Bilik" is a work that is considered one of the
earliest examples of Kyrgyz literature.
8) BASIC IDEAS: "Kutty Bilik" is a collection of proverbs and sayings that offer guidance on living
a virtuous life. It emphasizes honesty, humility, and respect for others.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: I believe that "Kutty Bilik" is a valuable resource for anyone seeking
guidance on living a virtuous life. Its proverbs and sayings offer practical advice on how to navigate
difficult situations and interact with others in a respectful and honorable way.

CONCLUSION: Overall, "Kutty Bilik" provides valuable insights into Kyrgyz culture and offers
practical guidance on living a virtuous life.
7)Philosophical analyzes: Abay Kunanbayuly: “Kara sozderi”
INTRODUCTION: Abay Kunanbayuly's "Kara Sozderi" is a celebrated collection of poems and
philosophical writings in Kazakh literature.

BASIC IDEAS: "Kara Sozderi" delves into various philosophical themes, including the quest for
knowledge, self-improvement, and social equality.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: I believe that "Kara Sozderi" is a profound work that offers valuable
insights into the Kazakh culture and identity. The poems and philosophical writings in the work
encourage personal growth and advocate for social justice, which are universal themes that still
resonate today. For instance, Abay's poem "Words of Edification" inspires people to seek knowledge
and aspire to a better world.

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, Abay Kunanbayuly's "Kara Sozderi" is a timeless classic that continues
to impact Kazakh literature and beyond. The work's themes of personal growth and social justice
make it relevant and inspiring to readers of all backgrounds.

9. Analyze: Orynbekov Muxanmadyar Serikbekuly: “Pre-philosophy protoqazaq”?

INTRODUCTION: "Pre-philosophy Protoqazaq" is a book by Orynbekov Muxanmadyar Serikbekuly that
explores the intellectual and cultural roots of the Kazakh people.

BASIC IDEAS: The book argues that the Kazakh people have a rich intellectual and cultural heritage
that dates back to prehistoric times. It discusses the development of proto-Kazakh society and the
various intellectual traditions that have influenced Kazakh culture over the centuries.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: I believe that "Pre-philosophy Protoqazaq" is a fascinating and insightful

book that sheds light on the intellectual history of the Kazakh people. The book's exploration of
proto-Kazakh society and its intellectual traditions is a testament to the richness and complexity of
Kazakh culture. For example, the book discusses the role of shamanism in Kazakh society and how it
has influenced Kazakh philosophy and culture.

CONCLUSION: Overall, "Pre-philosophy Protoqazaq" is a valuable contribution to the study of Kazakh

culture and intellectual history. The book provides important insights into the roots of Kazakh thought
and culture and highlights the many intellectual traditions that have shaped Kazakh society over the
10) Interpretation: Nurzhanov Beket Galymzhanuly: Modernism and postmodernism
INTRODUCTION: Modernism and postmodernism are two philosophical movements
that have greatly influenced art, literature, and culture in the 20th century.
BASIC IDEAS: Modernism emerged in the late 19th century as a response to the
rapidly changing world, industrialization, and scientific progress. It emphasized
individualism, rationality, and the rejection of traditional values and conventions.
Postmodernism, on the other hand, emerged in the mid-20th century as a reaction to

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, modernism and postmodernism are two

important movements that reflect the changing attitudes and values of society. For
example, modernist literature often explored the alienation and fragmentation of the
individual in modern society, while postmodernist literature celebrated the diversity
of voices and perspectives

CONCLUSION: Overall, modernism and postmodernism have had a significant impact

on art, literature, and culture, challenging traditional values and conventions and
reflecting the changing attitudes and values of society. While they may have their
differences, both movements have contributed to the rich and diverse cultural
landscape of the 20th century.
11. Philosophical analyzes: Yuval Noah Harari: “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind”?
INTRODUCTION: "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" is a book by Yuval Noah Harari that
explores the history of humanity from the emergence of Homo sapiens to the present day.

BASIC IDEAS: Harari argues that the success of Homo sapiens is due to our ability to create and
believe in shared myths and stories, such as religion, money, and nation-states. He also discusses
the impact of agriculture, the rise of empires, and the technological advancements that have
shaped human history.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, Harari's book provides a fascinating perspective on

human history and the role of storytelling in shaping our society. For example, the shared myth
of money has enabled complex economic systems to emerge, while the shared myths of religion
and nationalism have been used to justify wars and conflicts.

CONCLUSION: Overall, "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" is a thought-provoking book that

challenges our understanding of human history and our place in the world. It highlights the
power of storytelling in shaping human societies and provides insights into the challenges and
opportunities that lie ahead for humanity.

12)Philosophical analyzes: Alvin Toffler: “The Third Wave: The Classic Study
of Tomorrow”?
NTRODUCTION: "The Third Wave: The Classic Study of Tomorrow" is a book by Alvin
Toffler that explores the impact of technological advancements on society and
predicts a shift from industrial society to a "third wave" of information-based society.

BASIC IDEAS: Toffler argues that the first wave was agricultural society, the second
wave was industrial society, and the third wave is the information age. He also
discusses the impact of technology on work, education, and politics.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, Toffler's book provides valuable insights

into the technological advancements and the evolution of society. For example, the
shift towards an information-based economy has created new job opportunities and
transformed the way we work and learn.
CONCLUSION: Overall, "The Third Wave: The Classic Study of Tomorrow" is a
thought-provoking book that highlights the challenges and opportunities that lie
ahead for humanity.
15)Philosophical analyzes: Jean-Paul Sartre: “Existentialism is a Humanism”?
INTRODUCTION: "Existentialism is a Humanism" is a philosophical essay by Jean-Paul
Sartre that explores the central ideas of existentialism, emphasizing the importance
of human choice and responsibility.

BASIC IDEAS: Sartre argues that existentialism emphasizes the existence of the
individual, their freedom to choose, and their responsibility for their actions. He also
discusses the rejection of objective values and the importance of subjectivity in
human experience.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, Sartre's essay highlights the importance

of individual choice and responsibility in human life. For example, the decision to act
in a certain way is entirely up to the individual, and they must take responsibility for
the consequences of their actions.

CONCLUSION: Overall, "Existentialism is a Humanism" is a significant work in the

existentialist tradition that emphasizes the importance of individual choice and
responsibility. It encourages us to think about our existence in a critical and reflective
way, challenging us to take control of our lives and create our own meanings.
16) Short Summary. Herbert Marcuse: “One Dimensional man”?
NTRODUCTION: "One-Dimensional Man" is a book by Herbert Marcuse that critiques
the modern industrial society and argues that it is characterized by a "one-
dimensional" thinking that suppresses critical thinking and dissent.

BASIC IDEAS: Marcuse argues that the modern industrial society is characterized by a
"one-dimensional" thinking that limits critical thinking and dissent. He also discusses
the role of technology, mass media, and consumer culture in creating a false sense of
happiness and freedom.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, Marcuse's book highlights the dangers of

a society that suppresses critical thinking and dissent. For example, the modern
society's emphasis on consumerism and materialism has created a false sense of
happiness and freedom while limiting our ability to think critically about our society.

CONCLUSION: Overall, "One-Dimensional Man" is a significant work that critiques

the modern industrial society's impact on critical thinking and dissent. It encourages
us to think about the role of technology, mass media, and consumer culture in
shaping our society and challenges us to break free from the "one-dimensional"
thinking that suppresses critical thought and dissent.
17)Philosophical analyzes: Philosophical analyzes of book: Ortega y Gasset’s
“Revolt of the Masses”?
INTRODUCTION: "The Revolt of the Masses" is a philosophical book by Spanish
philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset that discusses the rise of mass society and its
impact on culture, politics, and philosophy.
BASIC IDEAS: Ortega y Gasset argues that the rise of mass society has led to the
decline of individualism and the cultivation of a new type of person that he refers to
as the "mass man." He also discusses the importance of cultivating a sense of
individuality and responsibility in the face of mass society.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, Ortega y Gasset's book is a warning

against the dangers of mass society and the importance of preserving individualism
and responsibility. For example, the pressure to conform to the norms of mass
society can lead to a loss of individuality and personal responsibility.

CONCLUSION: Overall, "The Revolt of the Masses" is a significant work that

highlights the dangers of mass society and the importance of cultivating
individualism and responsibility. It encourages us to think critically about our place in
society and challenges us to break free from the conformity and mass mentality that
can limit our potential as individuals.
18)Analyzes of book: “Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of the West”?
INTRODUCTION: "The Decline of the West" is a philosophical book by German
historian and philosopher Oswald Spengler that argues that civilizations have a
limited lifespan and that Western civilization is in the midst of a period of decline.

BASIC IDEAS: Spengler's book is a sweeping historical analysis that covers topics
ranging from art and culture to politics and economics. He argues that every
civilization is unique and has its own lifecycle, with stages of growth, maturity, and

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, Spengler's book offers a provocative and

challenging perspective on the fate of civilizations. While some of his ideas may be
controversial, his analysis of the cyclical nature of history and the importance of
cultural values is still relevant today. For example, the decline of Western cultural and
spiritual values may be seen in the rise of consumerism and materialism.

CONCLUSION: Overall, "The Decline of the West" is a thought-provoking book that

challenges us to consider the fate of our civilization and the importance of cultural
and spiritual values.
19)Philosophical analyzes: Klaus Schwab: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”?
INTRODUCTION: "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" is a book by Klaus Schwab that
examines the technological and societal changes brought about by the current era of
rapid technological advancement.

BASIC IDEAS: Schwab argues that we are in the midst of a Fourth Industrial
Revolution, characterized by the fusion of digital, physical, and biological
technologies. He explores the potential benefits and challenges of this new era,
including the impact on employment, inequality, and the environment.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, Schwab's book offers an insightful

analysis of the current technological landscape and its potential implications. For
example, the rise of artificial intelligence and automation may lead to significant
changes in the labor market, requiring new approaches to education and social
welfare policies.

CONCLUSION: Overall, "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" is an important

contribution to the ongoing conversation about the role of technology in society. It
encourages us to think critically about the potential benefits and risks of new
technologies, and to consider how we can use them to create a more just and
sustainable future.
20)Philosophical analyzes: Johan Huizinga: “Homo Ludens” play theory?
NTRODUCTION: Johan Huizinga's "Homo Ludens" is a book that explores the
importance of play in human culture and society.

BASIC IDEAS: Huizinga argues that play is a fundamental part of human nature and
that it has played a crucial role in the development of culture and civilization. He
explores the various forms of play, from games and sports to art and ritual, and
howthey contribute to our sense of identity, community, and meaning.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, Huizinga's book is a fascinating

exploration of the role of play in human life. For example, he highlights how play can
provide a space for creativity, experimentation, and innovation, and how it can foster
a sense of cooperation and social bonding. He also suggests that the decline of play
in modern society may have negative consequences for our well-being and sense of

CONCLUSION: Overall, "Homo Ludens" offers a compelling case for the importance
of play in human culture and society. It challenges us to think more deeply about the
role of leisure activities in our lives and to consider how we can cultivate a culture of
play that supports our flourishing as individuals and communities.
21)Philosophical essay by Albert Camus: “The Myth of Sisyphus” philosophy
of the absurd?
INTRODUCTION: In "The Myth of Sisyphus," Albert Camus explores the concept of the absurd and the
existential dilemma faced by individuals in a meaningless world.
BASIC IDEAS: Camus argues that life is inherently absurd, and that the only way to combat this is to
embrace the absurdity and live life to the fullest. He uses the myth of Sisyphus, condemned to roll a
boulder up a hill for all eternity, as a metaphor for the human condition.
IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: I believe that Camus' philosophy of the absurd is a valuable perspective
for individuals struggling with the meaning of life. By acknowledging the inherent absurdity of
existence, individuals can find freedom and meaning in their own lives.
CONCLUSION: Overall, "The Myth of Sisyphus" is a thought-provoking philosophical essay that
challenges individuals to confront the absurdity of existence and find meaning and purpose in their
own lives.

22)Philosophical analyzes: “The Stranger” (The Outsider) novella by French

author Albert Camus. Existentialism?
INTRODUCTION: Albert Camus' novella "The Stranger" is a thought-provoking work
of literature that explores existential themes. The story follows the life of Meursault,
an emotionally detached man who unwittingly becomes a criminal.
BASIC IDEAS: The novella examines the absurdity of life and the human condition.
Meursault's indifferent attitude towards life and his lack of emotion towards the
events that unfold highlight the idea that life is meaningless and that individuals are
free to create their own purpose.

IN MY OPINION/EXAMPLES: In my opinion, "The Stranger" is a powerful

representation of existentialist philosophy. It shows that individuals are responsible
for creating their own meaning in life and that the universe is indifferent to human
existence. Meursault's refusal to conform to societal expectations and his acceptance
of his own mortality are examples of the existentialist perspective.

CONCLUSION: Overall, "The Stranger" is a complex and thought-provoking novella

that explores existential themes in a unique and impactful way. Camus' exploration of
the human condition and the meaning of life continues to resonate with readers

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