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aesthetics – estetyka We strive to acknowledge the interactions of aesthetics and economics.
artistic output - twórczość artystyczna His artistic output radiates insight into brand culture.
authenticity - autentyczność Squabbles about the authenticity of many Warhol art objects.
brand imagery – wizerunek marki Art historians about the cultural power of brand imagery.
commodity – towar, artykuł Art is a commodity, subject to market forces and consumers.
conformity – konformizm, dostosowanie się The dialectics of conformity and uniqueness.
determinant – wyznacznik Who produces an art work is the key determinant of its value.
endeavour - przedsięwzięcie, próba Warhol was successful in many endeavours in his life.
endorser – osoba promująca produkt It’s his being a famous figure and celebrity endorser.
entity – jednostka, istota, podmiot It remains a psychological entity and a physical product.
extension - przedłużenie, rozszerzenie His strategy is a classic example of brand extension.
flop – fiasko, klapa New Coke, introduced in the 1980s, was generally considered a flop.
formula - wzór, formuła Coke learned how important their basic formula was to consumers.
insight - spostrzeżenie Let us turn to artists for insights into brands, marketing and strategy.
intertextuality - intertekstualność Brand intertextuality – brands interact with other brands.
melting pot – tygiel America is a land of opportunity and a melting pot of classes and races.
recognition – rozpoznanie, rozpoznawalność Name recognition and branding are related.
sameness - podobieństwo, jednostajność Sameness points to the triumph of mass production.
substitution – zastępowanie, wymiana Artists and brands are subject to substitution effects.
trajectory – trajektoria, tor, przebieg However, this trajectory need not merely serve strategy.
to constitute – stanowić Branding constitutes a powerful representational system of meaning.
to court – kokietować, zabiegać o Today numerous artists court the media and the audience.
to depict – przedstawić, zobrazować Several soup varieties are depicted in one painting here.
to determine – ustalić, określić Yet, it is said that the market does not fully determine value.
to fade – zanikać, wyblaknąć America is said to be the place where class distinctions fade.
to gain insight – uzyskać wgląd We gain insight into numerous components of consumerism.
to hone skills – doskonalić umiejętności Artists definitely hone their image creation skills.
to immortalize – uwiecznić, unieśmiertelnić The artist immortalized some people in poems.
to intersect – przecinać, krzyżować się z The branded world intersects with the art world.
to pose questions – zadawać pytania There is a widespread need to pose numerous questions.
to reverberate – rozbrzmiewać, odbić się echem His prints reverberate with the media frenzy.
to transmute – przemienić, przeobrazić The story of my life was transmuted into works of art.
to utilize – wykorzystać, eksploatować Contemporary artists utilize brands in their work.
discursive – dyskursywny Branding is the powerful system of values via discursive practices.
distinctive – charakterystyczny Visual materials are to create distinctive brand identities.
iconic - słynny, kultowy, znany Paintings comment on his iconic status as a glamour figure.
innovative – nowatorski, innowacyjny Artistic use of brands - capacity for innovative insight.
profane - bluźnierczy The Last Supper linked the image of Jesus Christ to profane images.
prolific – obfity, twórczy Warhol’s prominent reputation derives from his prolific output.
recognizable – rozpoznawalny He built a readily recognizable look, name & style – a brand.
savvy – bystry, inteligentny His savvy strategy offers lessons in brand management course.

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