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Name: Joaquin Date: 03/10/2023

Guevarra, Zara Vega Grade & Sec:


I. Symbolize the following statements. (1 point each)

Let P, Q, and R represent the following simple statements.
P Mathematicians are not generous.
Q Spiders hate algebra.
R Libertines don’t have sharp minds in algebraic terms.

1. Spiders hate algebra and Mathematicians are generous.

- Q∧~P
2. Neither the mathematicians are generous nor Libertines have sharp minds in algebraic terms.
- P∧R
3. It’s not true that Libertines don’t have sharp minds in algebraic terms and spiders
hate algebra.
- ~ (R ∧ Q)
4. If Spiders hate algebra and Mathematicians are generous, then Libertines have sharp
minds in algebraic terms.
- (Q Λ P) →~ R

5. Mathematicians are not generous, and if Spiders don’t hate algebra, then Libertines
have sharp minds in algebraic terms.
- P Λ (~ Q → ~ R )

II. Translate the propositional forms into a statement. (2 points each) Let P, Q, and R represent
the following simple statements.
P Mathematicians are not generous.
Q Spiders hate algebra.
R Libertines don’t have sharp minds in algebraic terms.

1. (~𝐏 𝖠 𝐐) ∨ ~𝐑
- Mathematicians are generous and spiders hate algebra, or libertine sharp minds in an algebraic
2. (𝐐 ∨ 𝐑) → ~𝐏
- If spiders hate algebra or libertines don't have sharp minds in algebraic terms, then
mathematicians are generous.
3. (~𝐏 ↔ 𝐐) 𝖠 𝐑
- Mathematicians are generous if and only spiders hate algebra and libertines; or libertines do not
have sharp minds.
4. ~𝐏 ↔ (𝐐 𝖠 𝐑)
- Mathematicians are generous if and only if, spiders have algebra and libertines don't have sharp
mids in algebra terms.

5. (~𝐏 𝖠 𝐑) → [𝐐 ∨ (𝐏 ↔ 𝐑)]
III. Determine which type of statement is being considered.
Highlight in Red Statements
Statement the Meaning Type of
Most Dominant Clarified with
Connective Grouping Statement
𝐏 → 𝐐 𝖠 ~𝐑 P→QΛ~ R P → (Q Λ ~ R) Conditional
𝐏 𝖠 𝐐 → ~𝐑 Conditional
𝐏↔𝐐→𝐑 Biconditional
𝐏 𝖠 ~𝐐 → 𝐑 ∨ 𝐒 Conditional
𝐏 → ~𝐐 𝖠 𝐑 ↔ 𝐒 ∨ Biconditional
IV. Given the original statement in each item, provide the different forms of
conditional statements. (1 point each)

1. The original statement:

“You receive a free cell phone when you sign up for a two-year contract.”
Conditional: If you sign up for a two year contract , then you will receive a free cell phone .
Converse: if you will receive a free cell phone , then you will sign up for two year contract

Inverse: if you will not sign up for a two year contract, then you will not receive a free
cell phone.
Contrapositive: if you will not receive a free cell phone, then you will not sign up for a two year

2. The original statement:

“Receive a $3000 rebate when you buy a new car.”
Conditional: If you buy a new car, then you will receive a $3000 rebate.
Converse: if you will receive a $3000 rebate, then you will buy a new car
Inverse: if you will not buy a new car, then you will not receive a $3000 rebate.
Contrapositive: If you will not receive a $3000 rebate, then you will not buy a new car.

For items 3-4,

The 1964 Beatles song: “If I fell” Written by John Lennon and Paul MacCartney
3. If I fell in love with
you, Would you promise
to be true And help me

‘Cause I’ve been in love before

And I found that love was
more Than just holdin’ hands.
Conditional: If I fall in love with you, then you promise to be true and help me understand.
Converse: if you promise to be true and help me understand, then i would fall in love with
Inverse: If I didn't fall in love with you, then you wouldn't promise to be true or help me
Contrapositive: If you didn't promise to be true and help me understand, then I wouldn't fall in
love with you.

4. If I give my heart to you,

I must be sure from the
very start That you would
love me
More than her.
Conditional: If I give my heart to you, then I must be sure from the very start that you would
love me more than her.
Converse: If I must be sure from the very start that you would love me more then her, then I
will give my heart to you.
Inverse: If I do not give my heart to you. then i must not be sure from the very start that
you would love me more than her.
Contrapositive: If i must not be sure from the very start that you would love more than her, then

V. Determine the truth value of the following propositions by replacing each constant with
their truth values. Show your COMPLETE solution/reasoning. (3 points each)
Let P be true (T), Q be false (F), and R be false (F).
1. (𝐏 → 𝐐) → (~𝐑 ∨ ~𝐏)

2. (𝐏 𝖠 𝐑) ∨ [(𝐑 → ~𝐐) 𝖠 ~(𝐐 ∨ 𝐏)]

3. ~[𝐐 → (𝐑 𝖠 𝐏 ∨ 𝐐)] 𝖠 (~𝐏 ∨ 𝐑)

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