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WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022

BS Psychology | I1B | Professor Elden Jude Mendoza

1. Introspection and Self-reflection.

Introspection is the process by which one
observes and examines one's internal state
Self Understanding is the individual’s (mental and emotional) after behaving in
cognitive representation of the self which certain ways.
consists of the substance and the content of 2. Self-Perception Theory. This
self-conceptions. explains that since one internal state is
difficult to interpret, people can infer their
Puberty: A period of rapid physical inner states by observing their behavior-as if
they are outside observers. Physical
perception includes all aspects of one's
As a result of rising hormone levels, physical
changes are triggered in the body and the self-perception.
reproductive organs begin to work; the Body 3. Self-concept. Self-concept is a
grows and develops into an adult. cognitive representation of self-knowledge
which includes the total of all beliefs that
The changes girls will notice between people have about themselves. It is a
9-16 years are; collection of all the individual experiences
involving one's characteristics, social roles,
(1) rapid growth in height and breasts
values, goals, and fears. The physical
beginning to grow;
(2) hair growth under the arms and self-concept involves one's appearance.
between legs: hips becoming wider; 4. Personal Identity. This is the
(3) a curvier appearance to the body, concept a person has about himself that
outline due to fat being laid down under the develop over the years. This includes family,
skin; nationality, gender, physical traits as well as
(4) a slightly deeper voice; and the choices he makes.
(5) the menstrual cycle beginning with their
first period. These changes happen over 2-3
[ Social Factors ]

The Impact of Culture on Body Image 1. Attachment Process and Social

and Self-Esteem: The Importance of Appraisal. People learn about their values
Beauty and lovability when they experience how
their mothers or caregivers care for them.
Factors that Affect Perception of the
Caregiving that is consistent and
Physical Self
appropriately responds to the infant's needs
[ Personal Factors ] and promotes a positive self-concept;
caregiving that is neglectful and

WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
BS Psychology | I1B | Professor Elden Jude Mendoza

unresponsive creates a negative self-concept (Example: comparing oneself to somebody

believing that they are not worthy and that who’s better than him which may result in
others cannot be trusted. feelings of inferiority, envy, or frustration.)
2. Maintaining, Regulating, and b. Downward Social Comparison.
Expanding the Self in Interpersonal This happens when an individual compares
Relationships. The sense of self is himself to others who are in a worse
continuously shaped through ongoing situation than he is in which may make him
interaction with others or with significant feel better knowing that he is more
relationship partners. They act as ‘private fortunate. (Example: bragging about one’s
audiences’ with whom people carry an social status in social media may result in
internal dialogue, yet not aware of the feelings of superiority and arrogance.)
influence of these private audiences. 5. Social Identity Theory (Collective
3. The Looking-glass Self Theory. A Identity). Tajfel and Turner emphasized
person's self grows out of society's that people achieve an understanding of
interpersonal interactions and the themselves by being members of their
perception of others. In the looking-glass group. People have a need for a positive
self, the self-image is shaped and reflected social identity which is why they connect to
in the social world. Other people's reactions a wider social network. Social groups
serve as a mirror in which people see include gender, ethnicity, religion,
themselves the way they are perceived and profession, political membership, and
judged by others which later in life, are business organization. Self vs. Identity.
internalized through a cognitively reflected Self Identity
process. Reflected Appraisal- gained by
The entire person of an Who a person believes
observing how people react towards an individual. she or he is;
individual. These will be internalized and representing a synthesis
and integration of
become part of the self-concept. self-understanding.
4. Social Comparison. Leon Festinger
The total characteristics The traits and
introduced a way of understanding oneself or qualities of a person characteristics, social
by comparing one's traits, abilities, and are both known or relations, roles, and
unknown to others but social group
opinions to that of others - Social known to oneself. memberships that
define who one is.
Comparison, a process of comparing oneself
with others in order to evaluate one's
abilities and opinions. Culture. A social system is characterized
a. Upward Social Comparison. This by the shared meanings that are attributed
happens when an individual compares to people and events by its members.
himself to others who are better than him. Culture and Beauty: Young adolescents

WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
BS Psychology | I1B | Professor Elden Jude Mendoza

are forced to adhere to society's definition of Gender expression. How you

beauty lest they be labeled ugly or pangit'. demonstrate your gender through the way
you act, dress, behave and interact.
The Filipino Concept of Beauty
Eurocentrism. A tendency to interpret Biological sex. These are attributes such
the world in terms of European and as anatomy, chromosomes, and hormones
Anglo-American values and experiences. that are usually assigned at birth and inform
Filipinos adhere to eurocentrism whether a person is male, or female.
thus: Need to have a fair complexion or
mestiza looking; Need to have tall noses, Sexual orientation. Who you are
and Should be considerably slim and tall. physically, spiritually, and emotionally
attracted to.


Types of Sexual Orientations
Russell Belk
Our properties are part of the self.
(1) Monosexual. Exclusively attracted to
members of only one gender, straight gay,
McClelland (1951): the physical
or lesbian. (Heterosexual Orientation,
properties that we own (clothes, gadgets,
Homosexual Orientation)
parts of our body such as hair, nails, etc.)
are part of self and we have power over
(2) Polysexual. Attracted to members of
them. The more control we have over them
multiple genders. (e.g bisexual)
the more it becomes part of who we are.
According to Prelinger, The things that
we own also own us.
Alternating Bisexuals. One relationship
According to Belk, the loss of our
at a time, the first might be exclusively
possession whether accidental or
straight, the next exclusively gay, and vice
deliberately lost, for whatever reason,
versa (monogamous).
means the loss of self as well. Returning the
Circumstantial Bisexuals. Primarily
lost possession is returning the lost self.
heterosexual but bisexual because of
WEEK 8 THE SEXUAL SELF Concurrent Relationship Bisexuals.
Have a primary relationship with one
Filipino LGBTQ+: The Diversity of gender, but may have multiple casual
Sexual Behavior relationships with partners of the other

WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
BS Psychology | I1B | Professor Elden Jude Mendoza

Conditional Bisexuals. will switch identification as a man, woman, or some

sexuality for personal gain. other gender, which may or may not
Emotional Bisexuals. have intimate correspond to the sex assigned to them at
emotional relationships with both genders birth (e.g., the sex listed on their birth
but only have sex with one gender. certificate).
Integrated Bisexuals. have two or more
concurrent primary relationships one with a Genderqueer. is most commonly used to
man and one with a woman. describe a person who feels that his/her
Exploratory Bisexuals. testing the water gender identity does not fit into the socially
to see if they like it. constructed "norms" associated with his/her
Hedonistic Bisexuals. will switch purely biological sex. It is an identity that falls
for sexual pleasure. anywhere between man/boy/male and
Recreational Bisexuals. bi only when woman/girl/female on the spectrum of
drunk or high. gender identities.
Isolated Bisexuals. had one-off sexual
encounters in the past. Butch. Lesbians with more masculine traits
Motivational Bisexuals. will go bi to degree of masculinity displayed by a female
satisfy a partner. individual beyond what would be
Transitional Bisexuals. the one 'going considered typical of a tomboy.
through a phase’ Jock. A very active gay man who is
involved in sports and likes to take care of
Pansexual (omnisexual). Sexual his (fit) body.
attraction towards members of ALL genders
(not to be confused with sexes, which is Gender fluid. A person whose gender
purely physical--gender has to do with the identity or gender expression is not fixed
psychological), including transgender, and shifts over time or depending on the
transsexual, crossdressing, androgyne, situation.
androgen, two-spirited, genderfluid, and all
other varieties of gender identifications, as 1. Biological Theory. Emphasizes the
well as those who do not feel that they have influence of genes and hormones.
a gender. 2. Psychodynamic Theories.
Asexual. Do not experience sexual Emphasizes inner psychic conflicts of
attraction. children instead of external pressures.
3. Gender-Schema Theory.
Gender identity. Refers to a person's (socio-cognitive) Schema is internal
innate, deeply felt psychological cognitive networks shaped by socialization

WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
BS Psychology | I1B | Professor Elden Jude Mendoza

that organize and guide individual a meaningful existence was sufficient proof
perceptions. that one exist. It implies that the public is no
4. Queer Theory. Focuses on the longer defined by what it thinks but rather
construction of identity and examines how by what they own.
normalization is implicated in its
construction. It emphasized that 'one is not Shopping is an expressive and constitutive
born a woman but becomes one: gender is existential act (Kruger)
not so much something one is, no relation to
biological truths about the sexed body. it is The Views in Buying Behavior
something one does; It has no relation to
biological truths about the sexed body. (1) Biological View
Nucleus Accumbens and Dopamine:
Shopping is so addictive.
Carpus Callosum. The bridge of nerve
tissue connects the left and right sides of the
Consumerism. The promotion of the
consumer’s interest. The theory is that
Studies have shown numerous physical
increasing the consumption of goods is
differences between male and female brains.
economically desirable.
Women have a thicker carpus callosum,
which allows women to use both sides of
“...The contemporary marketplace is
their brains to solve problems quicker, while
shaped solely by the craven needs of
men predominantly use the left side of their
lowbrow consumerism…” - Thomas
Byrne Edsall
In general, the left hemisphere is in
charge of performing logic computations
Barbara Kruger is an American
and processing facts, while the right
conceptual artist and collagist. Much of her
hemisphere is dominant in processing
work consists of black-and-white
visual imagery and interpreting context.
photographs overlaid with declarative
The different brain structure leads to
captions-in white-on-red Futura Bold
men tending to be mission-and
Oblique or Helvetica Ultra Condensed.
task-oriented shoppers, while women are
more likely to be discovery-oriented
She initiated the phrase, “I shop therefore I
shoppers who readily adjust their initial
am”, as a take to Descartes’ “I think
goals if this would result in a more satisfying
therefore I am”. The phrase means that
provided someone is simply thinking; living

WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
BS Psychology | I1B | Professor Elden Jude Mendoza

(2) Philosophical View

Bernard Mandeville (15 November
1670 21 January 1733), (An Anglo-Dutch
According to the Bisaya, the Dungan
philosopher, political economist & satirist.)
is: described to be extremely delicate and
was Born in Rotterdam, Netherlands. He
light for the physical world; believed that
lived most of his life in England and used
these spirits inhabit a region above the
English for most of his published works. He
earth before inhabiting their chosen unborn
became famous for The Fable of the Bees.
human being.
The Fable of The Bees: or, Private
If an individual: gets sick - Dungan was
Vices, Publick Benefits (1714) consists
lost temporarily; if dies - Dungan was lost
of a satirical poem. It is a book where
permanently, go back to the region above,
Mandeville imagines a hive of bees that
and then chooses a new unborn being to
copies in its every detail and activity
everything seen in human society. Greed,
According to the Ilonggo: Dungan is
selfishness, and the pursuit of material
believed that when an individual is asleep
profit and pleasure dominate everyone in
the Dungan leaves the body to travel. Only
their activities and their conduct toward
when the Dungan comes back can an
individual wake up.

(3) Psychological View

Rituals are symbolic expressions and acts
We are pleasure-seeking organisms.
performed in respect of spiritual beliefs and
Sigmund Freud. The concept of ID.
sacred laws. Filipino practice rituals as a
According to Mpinganjira, M (2014)
major part of becoming despite their
Men's motives for shopping appear to be
ambiguous nature.
more utilitarian, whereas women's shopping
motives tend to be hedonic Women tend to
The Spirit according to William
be more comprehensive. Men tend to favor
James: The spiritual self is the most
objective information.
intimate and subjective part of the self.
James diverted from the notion of spirit as
(4) Sociological View
ego. The spirit is our ability to think of
Conspicuous consumption, along with
ourselves as thinkers.
conspicuous leisure, is performed to
demonstrate wealth or mark social status.
The Search for Meaning according to
(Thomas Veblen, 1899)
Viktor Frankl: Logotherapy is of type
psychotherapy introduced by Dr. Viktor

WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
BS Psychology | I1B | Professor Elden Jude Mendoza

Frank. Its main belief is that the primary (d) someone naturalized in accordance
motivational force to life is the search for with the law.
meaning by engaging in the three ways to
search for meaning. A natural-born Filipino is someone born
Three Ways to Search for Meaning: in the Philippines and with Filipino blood.
(1) Purposeful Work. About having a life A naturalized Filipino is a foreigner who
goal. For as long as someone has a defined has undergone a judicial act that gave him
life goal, they live a life with meaning. or her the privileges of a Philippine citizen.
(2) Courage in the Face of Difficulty.
This is about an individual's acceptance of Jus Soli - the legal principle that a person’s
suffering, pain, and death as a part of life. nationality at birth is determined by the
Trying to live with courage despite all life's place of birth. ( e.g. America)
imperfections makes life meaningful.
(3) Love. This is "the only way to grasp Jus Sanguinis - a rule of law that a child's
someone in the very core of their citizenship is determined by that of his or
personality."It enables us to see someone her parents. ( e.g. Japan, Philippines)
with all their unrealized potential. When
someone loves us, they can make us aware
of these potentials and eventually make
them come to life. "The ultimate factor in
the meaning of life is love."


The Flipino according to the 1987

Constitution is:
(a) someone who is a citizen of the
Philippines at the time of the adoption of
the Constitution;
(b) someone whose father or mother are
citizens of the Philippines.
(c) someone born before January 17, 1973,
of a Filipino mother, who elect Philippine
citizenship upon reaching the age of

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