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Reaction Paper - Sportfest 2023

Swimming is an ancient water sport and one of the most fantastic

sports. Since its inception, it has grown in popularity. It's not only a
sport, but also a fantastic recreational activity. There are always pools at
recreation centers, and few collectors have private collections in their
homes. Swimming is both enjoyable and a full-body workout, so it is
unquestionably my favorite sport that not only entertains me but also
keeps me healthy and active. I never learned to swim because I was
afraid of drowning, so I was very impressed by my co-schoolmates when
they demonstrated their swimming talents at Sportsfest; they were very
good and it was very enjoyable to watch; me and my friends almost got
splashed by the water because we were near the pool, but
fortunately that didn't happen or we would have gone home wet,
Despite the swimming diving accident, it was a good competition, and I
hope they are okay and in good health. We also watched women's
volleyball and cheered for our department as loudly as we could. I even
got a hoarse voice from all the cheering. The players were really great
and they were all physically fit. We enjoyed watching their game
because they were all very competitive and had the desire to win.
Overall, it was a fun experience to watch and interact with the other
departments; we even met a lot of new people from various departments
as a result of the sportsfest.

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