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It is a trans-modern medium capable of reuniting government, education, and media. We all use television for
our entertainment, and it is one of the devices that are popular worldwide. Earlier, television was referred to as
an ‘idiot box’ because it was purely meant for entertainment. But, today, we have many informative channels on
television. For instance, Discovery Channel, BBC, NASA TV...However, sometimes even children´s television
series can be quite educative and have specific moral which comes from story moreover, they can help with
learning numbers, alphabet and much more. Many channels are offering different kinds of knowledge: cooking,
fishing, hunting, DIY, history, animal channels...

There is a really big range so everyone can choose the channel to their liking.

On Tv, we can also see commercials (ads) that provide us with a variety of items, products, or services that can
be convenient for us. Most people hate ads because they are annoying and on television…more than 50% of the
program consists of short ads.

Television is used for sharing new interesting news throughout the whole world and this has a big impact on us.
It is hard to imagine living without TV and not knowing anything about other people, states,
has become an essential gadget in every household.

(we also have some national televisions like STV1, STV2, then there are private televisions such as Markiza,
TV JOJ, DOMA and we can also watch some out-of-country TV programs such as TV Prima (COOL),
Barrandov or channels for kids such as Nickelodeon, Minimax, JimJam )


- Buying a TV is expensive and it also increases the electricity bill

- People spent too much time watching tv rather than doing something else for example children don’t
play outside that often like in the past
- It makes you lazy and it is also waste of time
- Encourages violence and sexual activity/harrasment
- People can become antisocial and there are also more introverts just because of TV
- It also affects our mental and physical health- when people watch tv 24/7 they may become obese
- Scams- misinformation spreads quickly
- Paparazzi are eager to get information- it can disturb the privacy of some people
- Commercials make people buy useless products and spend money- people (mostly the old generation)
can get scammed quickly


 Information spread really quickly

 You get news all around the world
 Some channels are very educative and encourage brain activity
 It can kill your boredom
 You might get inspired, get new ideas, or find out something u may use in the future
 It helps to lower unemployment because a lot of people have to work in televisions
 You can virtually participate on/in events if you can´t be there physically
 Some channels educate you about health, may offer some virtual live training so it can boost your
health too
 Some ads may be helpful and TV helps you in expanding your knowledge in many areas at once

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