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Human Design

Chart Basics
The Cheatsheet for Manifesting Generators

Mark Reynolds
Human Design is synthesized from…

Ancient Wisdom:

● (Western) Astrology
What is Human ●

the Kaballah (Tree of Life)
the Chakras

Design? ● the IChing

Modern-day Sciences:

● Quantum Physics
● Human Genetic Coding
Chart Elements:

1. Columns & Numbers

2. Centers & Energies
3. Gates
4. Channels
5. Blending Auras
6. Profile
7. Definition
8. Incarnation Cross
9. Manifesting Generator Type
10. Signature: Satisfaction
11. Not-Self-Theme: Frustration
12. Strategy: Wait to Respond
13. Authority: Sacral vs Emotional
14. Arrows
Chart Element: Columns & Numbers
Black Column:
● Planetary positions at date and time of your
● This is the "conscious" part of your design
(how you see yourself).

Red Column:
● Planetary positions 88 days before the date
and time of your birth.
● This is the "unconscious" part of your design
(how the world sees you).

● German physician, Dr Martin Schonberger
found a direct link between the 64
Hexagrams of the IChing and the 64 Human
Genetic codons (sections of DNA).
● 20.4 = Gate 20, Line Number 4
Chart Element: Centers & Energies
● Coloured = Defined = Fixed, reliable,
consistent energy/traits that we radiate.
● White = Open or Undefined = Empty energy
receptacles which receives energy from
outside of us i.e. from people or environment.
● An open center means that people take in the
energies of others and amplify them.
● TIP: Set intention to release open center
energies each time you have a shower.
● One is not better than the other.


Nadia Quinn Videos on TikTok:

Human Design Hawaii
Chart Element: Open Centres
● Are where our Not-Self-Themes come from
which are listed in the information section of
our chart i.e. Open Emotional tends to have
issues with confrontation, personal
boundaries, people pleasing, over-sensitivity.
These themes are the cause of frustration in
our lives and thus we've come here to play
with and learn from them.
● Amplify the energies received from outside
of us which means it can cause us extra
discomfort if we are feeling something that is
already unpleasant. This amplification
therefore reflects back to the other person
the energy they are broadcasting from their
defined centre i.e. my open emotional centre
will reflect the energy of someone else's
defined emotional centre.
Center Names Motors: Heart, Solar
Energies & Motors Plexus, Sacral & Root.

When connected
directly or indirectly to
the throat, motors give
us the energy and
resources to co-create
with the Universe, to
manifest our life.
Chart Element: Gates
● Gates are the numbers in the centers
● You have an Active Gate if a colour is coming
out from a center number
● Active Gates = Traits/Energies we radiate
● Black = Conscious Trait/Energy
● Red Gate = Unconscious Trait/Energy
● Other people’s open gates receive our energies
and vice versa

Chart Element: Channels
● If an active gate connects all the way through to
another center then it is classed as a “Channel”.
● Channels allow centers to talk to each other.
● It takes just one full channel activation to define
both centers.

Blending Auras
● We all need each other because when we are
with people who have the missing piece of our
channel, we literally complete each other's
energy flow i.e. If your Gate 6 is activated then I
will receive your Gate 6 energy and this will
complete my 59-6 channel and cause my Solar
Plexus to become defined.

Chart Element: Definition
When your defined (coloured) centres are
connected by channels they form an electrical
circuit for communication. Your “Definition” is how
many separate circuits you have.

Possible Definitions (number of circuits):

● Single (1)
● Split (2)
● Triple Split (3)
● Quadruple Split (4)

My Chart Definition is ‘Single’ because all my

defined centres are connected together in one
circuit by the channels.
Chart Element: Profiles
Take the top line numbers from the black column
(4) & then the top line numbers from the red
column (6) to form your profile i.e. Mine is 4/6

1. Investigator: Loves to get to the bottom of things

and do research.
2. Hermit: Naturally good at a lot of things and
doesn't know why.
3. Martyr: Experimenter, learns by trial and error,
discovery based learning.
4. Opportunist: Your personal relationships are a
big part of what moves you forward, you are a
networker (community), a people person.
5. Heretic: The saviour, the hero, someone with a
dynamic energy, people look to you for solutions.
6. Role Model or Sage: Lives a 3 stage life.
Chart Element: Profiles
My Profile is 4/6
● Conscious: Opportunist (how I see myself)
● Unconscious: Role Model (how the world
sees me)

Chart Element: Incarnation Cross
“The Incarnation Cross is comprised of the energies
that make up your conscious and unconscious Sun
and Earth signs.

These four energies combined comprise about 70%

of your personality expression.

The gate energy in the conscious Sun position (top

right black number) is the most significant of the

The Incarnation Cross is basically your life


Author Credit: Karen Curry

Chart Element: Incarnation Cross
● There are 192 variations of the Incarnation

Chart Element: Human Design Types
Each of the 5 types play a critical role in the interaction of the
human species:

1. Manifestor: Initiate new creative ideas

2. Generator: The great builders of the world

3. Manifesting Generator: Same as Generator

4. Projector: Vision & energy to guide, lead and manage

5. Reflector: A mirror to show us how well or what we are

Chart Element: Arrows
● Points Left = Strategic Energy = Thought out
● Points Right = Receptive Energy = Felt out

Top Left Arrow = Digestion (food) and information

● Points LEFT = Strategic Digestion: Plan what and when
you digest. You need to digest at regular intervals i.e.
They study courses to get to the next level of their
● Points RIGHT = Receptive Digestion: Digest what you
need when you need it i.e. They become interested and
motivated to learn only what they need in the moment
they need it!
Chart Element: Arrows
● Points Left = Strategic Energy = Thought out
● Points Right = Receptive Energy = Felt out

Top Right Arrow = Awareness: How you think

● Points LEFT = Strategic Awareness and Logical mind.
Can probably recall info pretty easy such as facts,
numbers and patterns. Probably did well at taking tests
at school. Your thoughts are very fact based and linear.
You don’t like ambiguity and may think in a very black
and white way.
● Points RIGHT = Receptive awareness and imaginative
mind. Non-linear non convention, non specific way you
think that makes you particularly creative.
Chart Element: Arrows
● Points Left = Strategic Energy = Thought out
● Points Right = Receptive Energy = Felt out

Bottom Left Arrow = Environment

● Points LEFT = Strategic. My life example: My flatmates
prefer to have a cleaning roster so that floors are
cleaned on set days or dates. This works for them
because they don't notice the dirty floors.
● Points RIGHT = Receptive/Fluid. Example: Because I
see and feel the dirty floor I prefer to clean in the
moment of noticing the mess.
Chart Element: Arrows
● Points Left = Strategic Energy = Thought out
● Points Right = Receptive Energy = Felt out

Bottom Right Arrow = Manifesting/Perspective

● Points LEFT = You’re designed to get very specific,
down to the minute detail of what you wish to manifest.
Write a list and end it with “This or something better”.
● Points RIGHT = You are designed to approach
manifestation from a place of having a more general
idea of what you want, and letting the universe fill in the
Chart Element: Manifesting Generator
● Strategy = Wait to Respond
○ Our mind craves control. It wants to choose the
destination and figure out how to get there.
However, our mind does not know what’s best for
○ The optimal destination is found and navigated by
follow the guidance of our soul which talks to us
through our feelings.
○ We are designed to follow the cues of what light’s
us up! i.e. excitable body buzz / impulse.
○ Affirmation: “I don’t chase. I attract. What belongs
to me will find me.”
● We have an enveloping aura which pulls life to us.
● We are here to live in a frequency of Satisfaction.
● If we think our way forward, we meet resistance and are
left frustrated (Not-Self-Theme).
● Authority = Sacral vs Emotional
○ Sacral: Ask yourself Yes/No questions or flip a
coin and listen for your instant gut response.
○ Emotional: Notice if you are in the midst of an
emotional wave and if so wait for it to pass before
making a decision.
Chart Element: Manifesting Generator
● We have HUGE amounts of energy.
● Lots of ideas and struggle to stick with one till
● We are meant to work on more than one thing at once.
● We need to experiment to find what lights us up. It is
our sacral that responds.
● When an opportunity meets our aura our sacral
instantly responds positively or negatively.
● Sacral sounds: “Ah huh” (+) or ‘uh uh” (-)
● Anything less than a “HELL YES!” is a “no”.
● When we do the things that light us up then we
generate more energy.
● We need to EXPERIENCE ideas to determine if we want
to do more, less or do it differently.
● Just because an idea lights you up now, it doesn’t mean
it will still light you up later because the experience may
change your energy towards it. So backtrack to what
felt good and then experiment with a different path.
FREE Resources
My MG FB Group:

Nadia Quinn Videos on TikTok:

Human Design Hawaii:

Centres, Gates, Channels, Incarnation Crosses & Profiles:

Profiles (concise explanation):

Paid Resources (Affiliate Links)
Human Design: Discover the person you were born to be
By Chetan Parkyn

Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are
By Karen Curry

Human Design: The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation
By Ra Uru Hu

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