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Present perfect

• The action is unfinished

• Action taht isnt imortant when it happend, the time of the action is unspecifeid
• Experience with EVER/NEVER
• For past actions that have a present result
• Recently finished action
• An action which happend in the parrel
• Anoncement what happendusing PP and then give details using Past Simple
Adverbials of time
ever, never experience
for, since unfinished
yet, already unfinished
recently, lately unspecifeded

Have + past participe

Present perfect simple

 When we focus on the result of an action or how often it has happend

 When an action is finished and complete

 With state verbs, for example be, like, belive, have

 How much/many

 For action that happend once

 Permanent action

Present perfect continuous:

 To talk about a situation or action that began in the past and is still in progress, the emphasis
is on the duration of the activity(for and since)

 To talk about recent activity that explains a present situation

 How long

 For action that is repeating

 Temporary action

FORM: have/has + been + -ing form of the verb

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