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1. Types of social psychological

needs that influence the
2. Identify social psychological
interpersonal relationships


3. The influence of each social

psychological need on
interpersonal relationships
A. Deifinision
According to Joseph A. Devito in the book The Interpersonal Communication
Book (Devito, 1989: 4), interpersonal communication is the process of sending and
receiving messages between two individuals or between individuals in a group with
several effects and instantaneous feedback. Meanwhile, according to Evert M Rogers in
Depari, interpersonal communication is word of mouth, with face-to-face interaction
between several private people.

Types of interpersonal communication relationships, including :

1. Introduction
This stage is the stage where communication begins. This is in the form of "initial
contact phase" or the effort of each individual to quickly find out the identity and
attitude of the interlocutor.
2. Friendship
Some common reasons people decide to make friends is to reduce feelings of loneliness.
In addition, it is also to strengthen the urge because humans need encouragement when
sad, down or trying to get up.
Then, very important friendly relations start early. This is considered to help pass the
transition from childhood to adulthood. It even helps gain life experience for the process
of developing self-identity, as well as increasing social skills and communication skills
in dealing with conflicts.
3. Familiarity
Familiarity is synonymous with close friends or close friends. Everyone is dependent on
each other and is bound by responsibility. This form of responsibility aims to trust each
other, support each other, provide a positive encouragement.
4. Husband - Wife
With open communication between husband and wife, mutual understanding will be
fostered, the household becomes more harmonious and there will be minimal household
quarrels due to misunderstanding of communication. The last important aspect in a
husband and wife relationship is the communication of time. The need to be mature and
understanding from each partner is considered important for the realization of this

5. Parents and Children

The communication that exists between parents and children is tied to family
relationships. The relationship that exists is two-way in nature, where parents are
responsible for educating children, then children are responsible for obeying the parents'

B. Identify Social Psychological Needs

Needs are everything that humans need to prosper. Human needs reflect a feeling of
dissatisfaction that wants to be fulfilled in humans that arise naturally to maintain their
1. Social Needs
Fulfillment of the desire to get along with students and educators as well as others. In this
case, the school must be seen as an institution where students learn, adapt, socialize with
friends of different sexes, ethnicities, religions, social status and skills.
2. Psychological Needs
a. Needs security
Also known as "safety needs". A sense of security in the form of a psychological
environment that is free from disturbances and threats and problems that can disturb
the peace of one's life.
b. The need for love and belonging or social needs
Also known as "love and belonging next needs". Fulfilling these needs tends to
create harmonious social relationships and ownership.
c. Needs Self-Esteem
Also known as "self esteem needs". Every human being needs a proper
acknowledgment of his existence for others. Their rights and dignity as a human
being are not abused by others, if there is abuse of self-respect, everyone will be
angry or offended.
d. Self-Actualization Needs
Also called "self actualization needs". Everyone has potential and it needs
development and actualization. People will be satisfied and happy when they can
fulfill their roles and responsibilities properly.

According to Jumbur and Moh. Surya (1975) there are nine types of human needs, namely :
1. The need for affection
2. The need for self-esteem
3. The need for achievement and position
4. The need to get the same appreciation as others
5. The need for self-independence
6. The need for security and self-protection
7. The need to be known by others
8. The need to feel needed by others
9. The need to be part of the group

C. influence of Each - Each Social Psychological Needs in Interpersonal Communication

Since the beginning of life every human being cannot stand alone. One human always
needs another human to carry on his life. From relationships that need each other humans
have symbols of messages to exchange information among others. Humans also cannot be
separated from human relationships, because humans have families where they are born,
nurtured, and raised. The family is a place where humans live and cannot be separated from
the community in which the family is located.
The importance of relationships that occur between human beings was stated by Klinger
(1977) who said that relationships with other humans actually affect humans themselves.
Humans depend on other human beings because other people also try to influence through
the understanding given, information shared, and enthusiasm contributed. All of them shape
knowledge, strengthen feelings, and reinforce human behavior.
However, many experts ultimately argue that all the stresses in interpersonal
communication ultimately come to a situation perspective. Situation perspective according
to Miller and Steinberg (in Liliweri, 1991) is a situation of perspective which emphasizes
that the success or failure of interpersonal communication is very much dependent on the
communication situation, referring to the face-to-face relationship between two individuals
or a small number of individuals by relying on a strength that is immediately mutually
exclusive. approach one another at that instant.
Based on the opinion of Miller and Steinberg, the position of the communicator who can
alternate with the communicant at an advanced stage must create an atmosphere of
relationship between the people involved in it. At this stage, communication between
individuals must be humane, so that individuals who do not know each other have less
quality of communication than interpersonal communication between parties who have
known each other before.
Lunandi (1992) emphasizes the importance of interpersonal communication as
distinguished from forms of communication in public and communication in small groups.
Interpersonal communication is limited to communication between people and people in
face-to-face situations. So, it does not cover long distance telecommunications (telephone,
telegram, telex) and mass communications, which are aimed at a large number of people at
once (newspapers, radio, television). There are approaches that can be used to define
interpersonal communication as distinct from other forms of communication. Interpersonal
communication is a continuous activity carried out by people to connect with others,
especially face to face. 

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