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Lesson 5:

Signal Devices

in Various Text

Choose the correct word or phrase

in each sentence.
1. Many students cannot get a
place on a regular degree course.
Because of/Despite this, home-
based study and distance learning
are more popular than ever.
Choose the correct word or phrase

in each sentence.
2. Most courses offer some form
of certificate at the end and / but
that does not mean that the
qualifications will be useful.
Choose the correct word or phrase

in each sentence.
3. At the end of your course, you
will want to have useful
qualifications. Every/No student
wants to believe that his/her
studies were a waste of time.
Choose the correct word or phrase

in each sentence.

4. The expense prevents some

adults from returning to
education. Another / This reason
is family commitments.
Choose the correct word or phrase

in each sentence.

5. Learning a trade when you’re

older can improve job prospects.
In addition,/general, it gives
people a sense of achievement.
Signal D e v ic e s ar e

wor d s t h a t g iv e

reader s a n id e a o f

how th e p o in t s in y o u r
para g ra p h a re

Signal Devices

1 Transitions 3 Synonyms

2 Repetitions 4 Pronouns
1. Transitions are words

that connect one idea to

another, for our ideas to

flow smoothly.
a. Additive Transitions
This kind of transition is
used to show addition,
introduction, similarity to
other ideas, etc. They intend
to clarify the idea given in
the sentence/paragraph.
b. Adversative Transitions
These transitions are
used to show conflict,
contradiction, concession,
dismissal, etc. They are
used to present contrasting
c. Causal Transitions
These transitions
signal cause/effect and
reason/result, etc. They
intend to connect the
action to its outcome.
d. Sequential Transitions
These transition are used
to show a chronological or
logical sequence within a
sentence/paragraph. They
may represent the starting,
continuation, or ending phase
in a paragraph/ passage.
In the novel, there are many tragic
events that take place. The prince’s
untimely death occurs two days before
the wedding.
In the novel, there are many tragic
events that take place. For example,
the prince’s untimely death occurs
two days before the wedding.

Transitions can be useful between
paragraphs to connect two ideas. Effective
transitions highlight the key information from
one paragraph to the next and help to create
a logic flow between ideas.
These transitions do not always have to
use transitional words or phrases; however,
they can be useful.
Choose the letter that correctly identifies
the nature of the highlighted transition in
each of the following sentences.
1. A water main downtown broke this
morning, so several businesses had no
water for hours.
a. addition c. time
b. comparison d. cause and effect
2. Larry will probably be a late bloomer
socially, just like his older brothers.
a. time c. contrast
b. comparison d. cause and effect
3. There are ways you can make boring
tasks more pleasant. For instance, bring
a portable radio and listen to music on
the earphones while you work.
a. contrast c. comparison
b. example d. cause and effect
4. The lazy checkout clerk forced the six-
pack of cola into the bottom of the bag,
tearing it. Then she shrugged her
shoulders and said, “I guess you’ll have
to carry the bag from the bottom.”
a. time c. contrast
b. comparison d. illustration/example
5. Science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke
correctly predicted that satellites would
be used for communication. Moreover, in
1947 he correctly predicted that 1959
would be the year the first rocket to the
moon was launched.
a. addition c. time
b. contrast d. cause and effect
6. Some people in New Jersey built their
houses very close to the shoreline.
Consequently, they have had to spend a
lot of money trying to protect their
property from the sea.
a. addition c. contrast
b. example d. cause and effect
7. Running can make people more aware
of their physical surroundings, such as
the scent of honeysuckle or the changing
moods of the trees.
a. addition b. contrast
c. example d. cause and effect
8.Telephone interviewing allows for
many responses in a short time and at
relatively low cost. Moreover, the method
permits interviewers to reach
respondents at specific times of the day;
this is an important consideration in the
study of radio and TV listening habits.
a. addition b. time
c. contrast d. comparison
What is the importance of

using transition words?

Transition words tell the reader how
one idea relates to another. Using them
appropriately makes your argument more
convincing because the reader can
understand the flow between and within
paragraphs, including the relationship
between different ideas, evidence, and

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