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: A = m x n = a real matrix

D = sqrt(eigenvalue) =norm of “Aq” mxn

P = orthogonal matrix
D = diagonal matrix
“Q” = orthogonal matrix

P= Aq1 /|Aq1| = extend from “r” to “m” thru GSP

: Its orthogonality is proved through inner product calculation.

: “r” = the number of positive eigenvalues = the number of non-zero eigenvalues
D = Norm of A*q = sqrt (eigenvalue of gram)
“Q” = q = eigenvector of gram = orthonormal (Principal Axes Theorem; gram=symmetric matrix)

gram = (A^t)(A)
Gram*q = (lambda)*q

PD = A”Q”
PDQ^t = AQQ^t
PDQ^t = A

|Aq|^2 = (Aq)*(Aq) = (Aq)^t (Aq) =(q^t)(A^t)(A)(q) = (q^t)(lambda)(q) = lambda*(1)

Thus, |Aq| = sqrt(lambda)

The following is an element of “PD”

[Aq1 *(1/|Aq1|) ] * sqrt(lambda1)
= (A)(q1)

With regard to “P”:

: the extension through GSP thereafter

: qi = an eigenvector of (A^t)(A)
With regard to “Sigma”:

With regard to Q^t:

: qi = an eigenvector of (A^t)(A)
: These orthonormalities are possible bcs A^tA is a symmetric matrix (per Principal Axes).


*singular values are either positive or zero. We pick only positive singular values to construct D.

: Aqn = (lambda n)(qn) = (0)(qn) = 0

: lambda’s greater than “r” are all zeros.
: This is established, because by definition, Q comprises the following.
: Q = <q1, q2, … , qn>


With regard to “Ax”

: “x” comprises the necessary coefficients for the linear combination of the columns of “A.”

We show the following in order.
1. consists of positive eigenvalues only.
2. The number of the positive eigenvalues = rank of “A”


“lambda” = eigenvalue of (A^t)(A)

“q” = eigenvector of (A^t)(A)

(A^t)(A) q = (lambda) q

(1) Key: Use the Norm.

: According to the equation, the eigenvalue cannot help but be non-negative

: |q|^2 = 1, because it is orthonormal.

(2) (This does not seem to be important.)

: Originally, lambda is an eigenvalue of (A^t)(A) with respect to “q” as an eigenvector.

: Also, lambda is an eigenvalue of (A)(A^t) with respect to “Aq” as an eigenvector.
: (A)(A^t) has a lambda with respect to Aq and NOT “q” itself.

Technique: Align the lambdas according to a particular order.
: There are “n” number of eigenvectors because A^tA (n x n) is orthogonally diagonalizable.

There can be eigenvalues that are zero. (Key notion)

Align the eigenvalues.

: “r” may equal “n” or be less.

Fact: Rank of “A” = “r” (the number of non-zero eigenvalues of (A^t)(A) )


(1) Prove “im A = U” through and “im A > U” and “im A < U”
(2) Show that “U” is an orthogonal set.
“im A > U”
: This is obvious.
“im A < U”

Aq = (lambda)(q) = (0)q = 0
(2) Show that “U” is an orthogonal set.

(qi)(qj) = 0


Rank A = dim (col A) = dim (im A) = r


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