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The Fast Fashion

What is fast fashion?



The concept of fast fashion, or fast fashion, refers to the large volumes of clothing produced by
the fashion industry, based on trends and an invented need for innovation, which contributes to
putting millions of on the market and encourage consumers to accelerate the substitution of their
personal inventory.Fast fashion causes many “in-trend” clothing collections to be introduced to
the market for short periods of time. Thus, this production model is followed where garments are
manufactured with low-quality materials to ensure a cheap price, so we could even speak of
practically disposable clothing. In addition, its manufacturing speed affects its low durability.



Fashion plays an important role in society as thanks to it, people can express who they are through
their garments. Fast fashion has democratized the industry but, at the same time, it has meant a
high cost to our planet. The textile sector is considered as the second most pollutant of the world,
causing serious damage in species and ecosystems. In the Social scenario, fast fashion is known for
its low production costs, what implies that companies take advantage of natural resources and
cheap labour in underdeveloped Countries.


Pagina: madretierra.có

The fast fashion, in Spanish ‘moda rapida’. It is a model for the production of garments in large
quantities in a short time, regardless of the damage they may cause to the environment.

In addition, this accelerated production logic implies low-cost labor where workers often do not
have all the guarantees when performing their tasks. This means that fast fashion is causing
environmental and social problems.

Estadísticas de gente que consume Fast Fashion:

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