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Order number / Registration number - 13106840

Concept note :
It is said that we learn best when we learn through experiences. Thus, what better way to
design a learning centre that creates experiences which educate not only the girls studying
here but the teachers teaching here and the nearby communities visiting here.

This project focuses on the above-mentioned three types of user-profiles and creates a
unique experience for each one of them.

Upon entering this centre, one comes across a barren land that eventually thrives life over
the years. This land -
for the girls, becomes a symbol of strength, and thus keeps them psychologically rooted in
this place.
For the teachers, it retains their intellectual purity.
For the community, it imprints a mental image in them that this is a place that is majestic and
thus cannot be disturbed or destroyed.

Following this one sees a vast court that –

symbolises self-awareness, freedom and self-sufficiency for the girls.
reminds the teachers that education may not necessarily be conceived indoors but is also
perceived outdoors.
educates the community on the importance of letting girls live freely.

This court consists of -

a symbolic moon cycle which is culturally believed to have a connection with women’s
menstrual cycle. It thus becomes a natural, holistic and grounded way for these girls to
examine their health more closely. It teaches them how incredibly precious they are by
making them understand the value of being a woman that has this wonderful ability to be in
sync with nature.
an orchard that instils in them the value of being self-sufficient.
an open play field that gives girls the courage to break from the stereotypes.

Following this one sees women excelling and working in the shops that are directly
accessed from outside. It reminds people of the importance of education thereby instilling -
hope in girls,
strength in teachers
and broadens the psychological horizons of the community.

Succeeding this comes multipurpose spaces that -

provides various opportunities to individual girls to find their own space and environment to
study and get educated,
offers teachers the opportunities to conduct informal and formal learning
lets the community visually be connected with the learning spaces and helps them see and
realise the wonders that happen when a woman is educated!!

Thus, by belonging to all this learning center decolonises the notions of education and
through experiences, becomes a symbol of pride and honour for the whole community!!

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