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Parents are one of the pillars and foundations in the lives of their offspring.

They are the

ones that How they eat, how they speak, values and beliefs, how they dress, are all aspects of life

that starts from home(Aparicio et al., 2018, Cullen et al., 2012). At an early age children must be

informed about their sex, sextual activities and what occurs surrounding that. Parents must

prioritize talking and having discussions with their offspring both male and female about sex,

pregnancies, and the outcomes. From an early age in life parents should discuss with their kids

the importance of not allowing strangers, friends and even family members to touch them

inappropriately, by stating the difference from an appropriate touch to an appropriate touch so

that they will know what is normal and acceptable from what is not normal and acceptable and

let them know that they are safe to speak how they feel. For instance, rubbing a child’s thighs,

touching, or looking at a child’s private areas and kissing on the lips are inappropriate behaviors

that should not be tolerated. Every voice is important including theirs. Open communication with

children opens a door of awareness that will not only prevent teenage pregnancy but create a

stronger relationship and promote health by preventing illness when it comes to sexually

transmitted diseases. Some excellent tips for parents to successfully communicate with their

teenage children is by listening to them, utilize probing questions and paraphrase areas that

sparks interest in them(Aparicio et al., 2018, Cullen et al., 2012). Teenagers are also able to

voice their concerns within a safe, loving environment that is not uphold a defensive mechanism

that reacts negative on the topic instead of gaining understanding by reflecting on the concerning

topic and approaching it. In order to prevent teenage pregnancy, parents can assist teenagers in

making healthy, responsible, and value-based decisions about sex (Honig, 2012, Silk and

Romero, 2013). Positive, warm, responsive, communicative, and authoritative parenting is

known to benefit children (Aparicio et al., 2018, Cullen et al., 2012). The likelihood of engaging
in sexual activity later in life, having fewer sexual partners, and using birth control is higher for

children and adolescents who have a secure relationship with their parents. (Honig, 2012). In

conversing with each child, parents should be able to strategize plans on how to prevent

pregnancy for both girls and boys in using the most effective methods via contraceptives.

Furthermore, when it comes to children’s dress code, parents should implement rules and

regulations. Social Media has impacted the mentality of the younger generations today. They are

more concerned on how they portray themselves physically from head to toe, which is not

completely a terrible priority in life but can be interpreted into something that negatively impacts

the child for life. For instance, social media “new trends” influences teenagers to expose their

bodies and reveal their physical features, such as their groin, buttocks, chest, and thighs. Short

pants, tights, skirts and dresses with tight shirts etc. are the “new trends”. This in turn stimulates

sextual attractions, that manifests into sensual desires. Teenagers should learn to value

themselves, which includes their bodies. So, it is strongly encouraged that parents communicate

the values of dressing modestly and teach their children how they dress is how they will be

addressed. The way they dress can lead them into the wrong group of friendships and

relationships, therefore increasing the chance of being sexually active at an early age and

increasing the pregnancy rate among teenagers. Parents must also monitor what their children

listen to and discuss with them how sensual songs, adult movies and pornography can affect

them mentally by increasing their sensual desires and becoming addicted. Both male and female

teenagers must be held responsible for their actions and what they accept in their personal space.

Teenagers should be taught that what they do can affect them physically, spiritually, socially and

mentally and they should not be afraid to express how they feel and what is affecting them. Safe

and private conversations should start from home with parents and teenage must feel comfortable
when discussing uncomfortable topics such as sexual activities and help prevent teenage


Many say “It takes a village to raise a child.” Which can be non-debatable. As one grows,

they live their lives through experiences and lessons from others. There are many ways teenage

pregnancy can be prevented. Parents should teach their children that sexual pleasure does not

keep a relationship and its not a hobby. They should value themselves which includes their

bodies. “Every action in life creates a reaction (Laurianne, 2022).

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