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+The importance of picking a time to journal

‘You can write a journal whenever, wherever, in any setting/ condition”

-> But, is it actually effective?

Writing journals-> interesting to do once/twice

-> Keep a journal on a daily basis? -> require efforts

Writing journal: no right/wrong way

-> effective/ ineffective
Taking up journaling as a hobby: 3Ts(Technique, Terrain, Timing)
Timing-> critical, is usually ignored
-> Writing journal should not be hasted/ procrastinated
Quality and the maintenance of hobby> important than how many journals
Flexible time: depend on various people’s workload, personal

+ The prevalence of journaling before bedtime

A recent study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology conducted by sleep

researcher Dr Michael Scullin
Students with sleeping problems-> write journals-> show no racing
thoughts afterwards

Writing before bedtime-> give an outlet of emotions, thoughts, even

preoccupations, make room for confiding in yourself
-> (to-do list) make a preparation for a new day

++ Various times for various types of people

Based on personal states, needs, personalities

Conclusion: Paying efforts to pick a right time to write journals is

lucrative. There is no fixed formula-> once you figure it out yourself with
contentment -> Journal surely changes your life.

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