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University of the East

Manila Campus

NAME: Ladesma, James Patrick B. Date of Submission: 11 / 28 / 2022

Subject: ZPD_1102 Day / Time: MWF / 08:40-09:40
Name of Activity: Activity 5 & 6 (FINAL) Individual Activity (IA) No.: 5 & 6

ACTIVITY 5: Time Management

1. In timeline, write your daily schedule to keep yourself productive.


7:00 am – WAKE – UP - eat breakfast, make my bed, wash body, get dressed.
7:30 – 11:30 am – ACADEMIC TIME - no gadgets , doing some quizes and
important to pass in that time.
12:00 pm – LUNCH
1:00 – 5:00 pm – PROJECT TIME - do all project in animation production of my
major course, I’m assigning in creative design.
6:00 – 7:00 pm SOCIAL MEDIA - checking of my social media like messanger
some important chat that can need to reply and
checking my facebook or instagram.
8:00 – 9:00 pm DINNER
9:00 – 10:00 pm FREE TIME - washing body, make my bed, watching TV or
some movies.
11:00 pm – BEDTIME

2. What can you suggest to those people who find to manage their time

My opinion is that you can choose a plan of action by identifying your time-
consuming chores and assessing if you are devoting your time to the most significant
activities. You can plan and estimate how much time is available for other activities
more realistically if you have a strong grasp of how long ordinary tasks take to

I suggest adopting a customized planning tool to increase your productivity.

Personal planning resources include agendas, calendars, phone apps, wall charts,
index cards, pocket diaries, and notebooks. You can free up your mind so that you can
concentrate on your priorities by writing down your tasks, schedules, and things to

Poor time management results from disorganization. Clutter has a significant

detrimental effect on perceived well-being, according to research. Get organized so that
we can better manage our time.

College of Computer Studies and Systems 1

University of the East
Manila Campus

3. Correlate success and time management. Give a situation.

I agree with the Correlate success principle that you will put forth more effort if you
give a project more time. Additionally, I think that you'll make more money by working
more overtime.

Prioritizing your own needs is the key to effective time management. When you start
considering other people, things get more difficult since you are unable to comprehend
their priorities in the same way that you do your own.

It's really empowering to say, "I am the master of me." Set your own objectives,
schedule regular rewards for yourself, and monitor your development. In most team
settings, everyone benefits when one person succeeds. Accountability to the team is
definitely crucial as well, but you must put your needs before anything else.

ACTIVITY 6: Stress Management. Read : ' The College Student's Guide to Stress
Management' ( Links to an external site.)

1. What did you realize after reading this article?

After reading this post, I've come to know how crucial it is to comprehend that not all
stress is created equal. Understanding the various sorts of stress will help you
recognize when it will benefit you during your college career and when it might be
hurting you. Although the majority of us think of stress as a feeling we experience in
particular circumstances, it actually has a wide range of physical and mental symptoms.

Stress can manifest itself in a variety of unusual circumstances for college students.
In order to avoid these kinds of circumstances, recognize the kind of stress you're likely
to experience, and take action to ensure a better and happier college experience, it's
critical to be aware of when you could start to feel stressed.

It's not always possible to avoid unpleasant situations. But this does not mean that
stress must rule your life. You can control your stress and prevent it from spiraling out of
control by taking certain actions.

2. Which among these stress management style can you relate & why? (Choose 3)

For me, the first thing I do is eat well because Instead of eating processed or boxed
food, choose for fresh foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains for a healthy
energy boost. Reduce your consumption of saturated fats by substituting lean chicken
and fresh fish for large amounts of red meat. Swap out lard, butter, or margarine for
olive oil. Eat fruit as a snack or dessert instead of sweets, and try to limit your intake of

College of Computer Studies and Systems 2

University of the East
Manila Campus

Exercise increases your overall health and sense of well-being, which is why I do
pushups every weekend. But exercise also has some direct stress-busting benefits.
Exercise can help your body cope with stress by simulating its effects, such as the flight
or fight response, and by giving your body's systems practice cooperating under
pressure. By helping to shield your body from the negative effects of stress, this can
also have a positive impact on your body, including your immune, digestive, and
cardiovascular systems.

And lastly, be positive. One idea holds that having a positive outlook helps you deal
with stressful situations better, which lessens the negative impacts of stress on your
body's health. It is also believed that upbeat and optimistic people lead healthier lives;
they engage in more exercise, consume a healthier diet, and don't smoke or
overindulge in alcohol.

3. Give a situation/s when you experienced extreme stress & how did you cope up
with it?

One of the most frequent intense pressures I face is frustration. I take quick breaks
during the busiest parts of the day to help me deal with this. You could feel more
equipped to manage what is ahead without becoming upset or angry if you have a few
quiet moments to yourself. Work on resolving the current issue instead of dwelling on
what enraged me. Alternately, resolve to occasionally eat alone. Don't forget that I can't
always control everything either. Regarding what I can change and what I cannot, I try
to be realistic. I try to keep in mind that becoming angry won't help anything and can
even make things worse.

For me, it might occasionally be difficult to learn how to control my anger. If your
anger appears out of control, leads you to act regrettably, or causes harm to those
around you, seek assistance for anger management difficulties. Negative emotions
frequently result from expectations that aren't met. Recognize that you cannot fully
predict the behavior of others; alter your own mental model so that you are not holding
them to standards they won't meet; doing so will only harm you.

College of Computer Studies and Systems 3


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