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Date Submitted: August 31, 2022

Course: BSEMC - DAAG Professor: Dr. Alexander C. Balcoba

Household Item Country GDP

1. Face Masks CHINA

2. Toilet paper USA

3. Hand sanitizer Philippines

4. Thermometers Korea

5. Trash bags Japan

Clothing Item

1. Sweater Korea

2. Towel USA

3. Jacket Japan

4. Socks China

5. Raincoat Philippines

Conclusion 1 :
I believe the Philippines has significant potential because its post-pandemic trade
landscape will prioritize digital and services trade. The pandemic has also made digital
transformation critical for countries seeking to increase overall economic output,
particularly in trade and commerce and employment. The supply and demand sides of
the global agri-food systems have been affected by public health emergency measures.

Conclusion 2 :
Families in the Philippines are currently in crisis. What affects them is not only a
change in internal relationships, but also internal and external pressures brought on by
globalization. The Philippines must support small and medium-sized businesses if it is
to experience inclusive economic growth.

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