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Name...................................................Class ....../………...No..........

‣‣Listen to the sound and fill the bank with correct words
Whale Song
sounds useful language map
‣‣Listen to the sound and fill the bank with correct words meet navigate communication
sounds useful language map
One of the strangest………………….in the ocean is the song of a whale.
meet navigate communication
There is still a lot of dispute about why whales sing. Some scientists believe that
One of the strangest………………….in the ocean is the song of a whale. they are trying to attract mates. Others think that whale songs are a form of
There is still a lot of dispute about why whales sing. Some scientists believe that ………………., almost like a…………………….This is because individual
they are trying to attract mates. Others think that whale songs are a form of whales sing with the same sound patterns as other whales in the area. They also
………………., almost like a…………………….This is because individual learn different sound patterns when they……………………. whales from different
whales sing with the same sound patterns as other whales in the area. They also areas. It’s also possible that singing helps whales to ………….. After all, it is very
learn different sound patterns when they……………………. whales from different difficult to see underwater. Whale songs can be……………………... for humans,
areas. It’s also possible that singing helps whales to ………….. After all, it is very too. Scientists have started to use whale songs to…………………..oceans. They
difficult to see underwater. Whale songs can be……………………... for humans, do this by measuring the time it takes to hear an echo. This helps them to estimate
too. Scientists have started to use whale songs to…………………..oceans. They the depth of the ocean floor.
do this by measuring the time it takes to hear an echo. This helps them to estimate …………………………………………………………………………………………
the depth of the ocean floor. …………………………………………………………………………………………
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Name...................................................Class ....../………...No..........

Whale Song

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