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Overview Freq Domain Asymptotic plots Making Plot Examples Drawing Tool BodePlotGui Rules

Table Printable

Define transfer function
Identify individual terms and convert transfer function to standard form
Draw individual terms
Combine individual terms to get final asymptotic plot
Show Exact Bode Plot (and a time domain example)

This page demonstrates the techniques described previously to take a transfer function defined
by the user, identify the constituent terms, draw the individual Bode plots, and then combine them
to obtain the overall transfer function of the transfer function. Finally, an example is given of how
to use the Bode plot to find the time domain response of the system to a sinusoidal input.

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Define transfer function

N (s)
Define H (s) = C

Numerator Polynomial, N(s): s

Numerator Polynomial, D(s): s^2+2s+100
Multiplicative Constant, C: 6

Valid/Recommended Systems?

Identify individual terms and convert transfer function to standard

We start with the transfer function (note: the process here follows that on the second page of the file

H (s) = 6
s + 2s + 100

We rewrite it by factoring into real poles & zeros, complex poles & zeros and poles & zeros at
the origin.
H (s) = Cs
2 2
(s + 2ζp1 ω0p1 s + ω )

Constant: C=6
Complex poles, at s = -1.00 ± 9.95j.
This is the (s^2 + 2ζp1ω0p1s + ω0p1^2) term in the denominator, with
ω0p1=10.0, ζp1=0.100.
A zero at the origin.

Next we write all the poles and zeros is our standard form.

1 1
H (s) = C s
2 2 2
ω (1 + 2ζp1 (s/ω0p1 ) + (s /ω ))
0p1 0p1

Rewrite the constant:

K = C = 0.0600 = −24.4dB


H (s) = Ks
2 2
(1 + 2ζp1 (s/ω0p1 ) + (s /ω ))

Now the transfer function is in the form we need to apply our rules to draw the Bode plot.

Draw individual terms

In this section we draw the Bode plots of each of the indivuidual termas enumerated above.
Select one of the terms by selecting the corresponding radio button. The selected term will be
highlighted on the graphs with a thicker line. An explanation that describes how to draw the
asymptotic magnitude and phase plots for the selected term is written out below.

Transfer Function
Constant K=-24.4 dB

Complex Pole, ω0p1=

10.0, ζp1 = 0.100 Magnitude Plot

Zero at Origin

Explanation for
selected term: 20
The constant term is K=
0.0600 = -24.4 dB.

|H(jω)|, dB
Since the constant K is
positive, its phase is 0°.
See rule -20


0.1 1 10 100
ω, rad/S

Phase Plot



∠H(jω), °



0.1 1 10 100
ω, rad/S

Combine individual terms to get final asymptotic plot

The graphs below show the individual plots (with the same color scheme as above), along with
the combined plot (a thicker gray line) which is the sum of the individual plots for both magnitude
and phase; in other words the asymptotic plot of the complete transfer function. This addition of
terms can be complicated, but is conceptually quite easy.
For magnitude, start at the left side of the graph. All of terms will be equal to 0 with the
exception of the constant term and any poles and zeros at the origin. This gives us a place
to start drawing the sum. From here on we simply pay attention to the slope. If there are no
poles and zeros at the origin, the slope is zero, else it is determined by those poles and
zeros at the origin. We continue with this slope until we get to the first finite pole or zero at
which point the slope increases or decreases by a multiple of 20 dB/decade. For example
a 1st order pole decreases the slope by 20 dB/dec, a second order pole by 40.... We keep
moving to the right, increasing or decreasing the slope as we come to zeros or poles.
We do the same for phase. At the left side only poles and zeros at the origin, and the sign
of the constant contribute to the initial phase. As we move to the right the slope will
increase (for a zero), or decrease (for a pole).
Magnitude Plot
Combining magnitude
Since we have a constant
|K|=0.06=-24.4 dB and a zero at
the origin then the starting 40
magnitude on the left side is -24.4
dB - 20 dB and the initial slope is
20.0 dB per decade.
Add -40 dB/decade to slope
at ω = 10.0 due to complex
|H(jω)|, dB

conjugate poles at
ω0p1=10.0, ζp1=0.100.

Combining phase plots -20

Since we have a constant
K=0.0600 and a zero at the origin
then the starting phase on the left
side is 0.00 ° + 90 °.
Add slope of line
connecting (7.94, 0°)† and -60
(12.6, -180°) to overall 0.1 1 10 100
slope between ω = 7.94 ω, rad/S
and ω = 12.6 and add -180°
to the ω > 12.6 section due
to complex conjugate poles
at ω0p1=10.0, ζp1=0.100.

(ω , θ)
Phase Plot



∠H(jω), °



0.1 1 10 100
ω, rad/S

Show Exact Bode Plot (and a time domain example)

Exact plot
On the Bode plot, the gray lines represent the asymptotic plot, adn the black line is the exact
The pink dots show the magnitude and phase of the Bode plot at a frequency chosen by the user
(see below).

Time domain
(sinusoidal steady
state) response
from Bode plot

Input sinusoid:
(Note: it can take
several seconds to
refresh after changing
The input to the
system is
A·cos(ω·t + φ°)
Enter magnitude, A
1.0 Total Magnitude Plot

Enter frequency, ω 20
(rad/S) 3.2
Enter phase, φ (°);

Input is

|H(jω)|, dB
and is shown in -20


Output sinusoid -40

The output is
M·A·cos(ω·t +(φ +
We get M and θ 0.1 1 10 100
from the Bode plot. ω, rad
Gain at 3.2 rad/sec
is Total Phase Plot

MdB=|H(j3.2)|dB=-13.4 180

M=|H(j3.2)|=0.213. 90
Phase is θ=85.9°.
These are shown
∠H(jω), °

by the pink circle

on the plot.

Thus the output is

0.213·cos(3.2·t + -90

85.9°), and is
shown in blue.
0.1 1 10 100
ω, rad

Dependent Variable


0 1 2


© Copyright 2005 to 2022 Erik Cheever    This page may be freely used for educational purposes, but the url must
be referenced.
Comments?       Questions?       Suggestions?       Corrections?
Erik Cheever        Department of Engineering          Swarthmore College

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