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Thank you for signing up. We cater to remote workers and freelancers of all kinds, and have lots
of free content for you. After over 16 years of home working, here are some of the “trade
secrets” and pieces of advice I give out most often. :-) Enjoy the site! Ben Taylor, Founder.

Find your Own Rhythm

The first thing I’m going to advise you to do may seem a bit strange: Feel free to ignore advice you’re
given! Far too many sites suggest there’s a “right” and “wrong” way to work from home, but it’s not the
case. Whether you’re a freelancer who prefers to work at night or a remote worker who’s most
comfortable with your laptop on an ironing board - do what works for YOU!

If you’ve yet to decide between freelancing and remote working, this podcast episode will help.

There are LOTS of Remote Jobs Out There

Despite the difficult times we live in, your chances of finding remote work are actually higher than
they’ve ever been. Remote vacancies have almost trebled through 2020, with more and more companies
now comfortable to run with a remote workforce.

All you need to do is look in the right places. Find 5 places to look for remote work here.

Freelance Job Boards are a Rich Source of Work

Freelance job boards like Upwork get some negative press, but it’s often from people who’ve not
managed to find success on them. There IS a learning curve, and there are plenty of pitfalls for the
unwary. But if you want a thriving freelance career, you should - at the very least - learn to make the most
of these platforms. Over 30% of Fortune 500 companies hire freelancers via Upwork.

My Freelance Kickstarter course teaches you to master Upwork. We also have a full review here.

Successful People Never Stop Learning

If you don’t constantly strive to learn new skills and boost your resumé, you can be certain that other
people will be doing just that, and getting ahead of you.
Successful entrepreneurs often talk about books they’re reading and courses they’re taking. Even if
you’re particularly skilled in a specific area, there’s always something new you can layer on top. Skills go
out of date as the world changes too, so don’t let complacency be your downfall.
Take a look at this article on eLearning platforms to find some ways to boost your skills.

© 2020. Please do not share or republish.


Exercise Matters
It took me a LONG time to accept this(!) but it turns out all the doctors, fitness instructors and mental
health professionals were right. Exercise is crucially important for your mind and body, and all too easy
to neglect when you work from home. “That’s hardly a secret,” I hear you say. Well, perhaps not, but I
know as well as anyone how easy it is to fall into sedentary habits. Keep moving.

For information on staying healthy while working from home, read this article.

Some of the Best Ideas Come During Downtime

Another major pitfall of home working is failing to switch off. I’ve hit burnout on plenty of occasions, and
only now appreciate the secret of downtime.
Forcing inspiration doesn’t work, so it’s crucial to learn to step away. That could mean for a walk around
the block at lunchtime, or for a weekend break in an unfamiliar city after a big and draining project.
Never feel guilty about switching your phone off. Everyone from your family to your clients benefits from
you being properly rested.

Strong Technology Makes All the Difference

If the computer is the tool of your trade, make sure it’s up to the job and performing at its best. Work to
fix glitches, budget for a decent standard of hardware, and don’t put up with tech that regularly slows
you down.
Over the years I’ve seen so much stress caused by people limping along with under-performing tech.
Another guaranteed route to misery is failing to take the time to understand how to use it. Don’t make
that mistake. Check out my article on 7 Ways to Boost your Technical Skills.

You CAN Say “No”

Whether you’re the freelancer putting up with awkward clients or the remote working coping with your
employer over-stepping boundaries - you don’t have to stand for it!
This point definitely counts as a “secret,” because it’s often something that takes some time to learn.
Working from home can feel like such a privilege that you don’t want to mess things up, but you don’t
have to put up with nonsense either. If you’re doing your job well, you’re entitled to be assertive.

“Feast and Famine” is NORMAL

I end on one specifically for the freelancers out there. DON’T panic if you get a flood of work followed
by a scary drought - it’s perfectly normal, and a phenomenon all experienced freelancers are used to.
Over time, you do gather more clients to smooth the peaks and troughs. You also learn how to predict
patterns and ensure you have money to cover the quieter phases. But really, they never go away.

Check out this podcast about “Feast and Famine.” We talk about it a lot!

© 2020. Please do not share or republish.

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