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Student: William Henao Sánchez.

1.4.7 Momento Colaborativo, Actividad Dos, U3 (FORO DE DISCUSIÓN)

Momento Colaborativo Actividad Dos

Marzo, 2023
1. Imagine you are calling a place and want to speak to someone who
works there. Prepare a phone conversation including information
about your own professional area.


Me: Hello, Mrs. Sonia; how are you?

Sonia (area superintendent): Hello, William. Fine thanks and you?

Me: I'm fine, thanks.

I am calling you because I need to verify if Mr. Ruben Marquez is authorized to
enter the project.

Sonia (area superintendent): I am reviewing the papers, Wait please……. however,

I am seeing that Mr. Ruben Márquez does not have a valid altitude course.
Therefore, you cannot enter the project.

Me: okay, I'll let you know right away, so that Mr. Ruben shows up again with his
papers in order.

Sonia (area superintendent): please William, tell Mr. Ruben's boss to send me the
email with the required documentation as soon as possible.

me: ok, thank you very much for the information.

Mrs. Sonia, another question, can you send me the fall protection program.
I need to review some procedures in the work area.

Sonia (area superintendent): I'll send it to the mail in a moment.

Me: Thank you very much.

good bye

Sonia (area superintendent):

good bye
2. Formal Email

Good afternoon.

I attach weekly documentation, as well as the accident prevention development plan

indicating the following:

1. It is important to implement signs of confined spaces and signs of the danger of falling
from height in the work area, because there is very little for each of the spaces where the
work is being carried out.

2. The complete investigation of the accident that occurred last Friday to Mr. Julián Alzate
due to entrapment of the upper limb is required as a request for the audit.

3. A weekly training plan must be implemented where the worker practices rescue at
height and first aid.

Thank you, any questions I will be attentive.

William Henao Sanchez

Coordinator HSE
3. Informal email

Hello camilo

Last Tuesday I sent you the training information for the month of February.

Remember that you must make the monthly SST report with photographs and the
training table. It is important to include the accident statistics in the project in the report.

thank you

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