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El tema principal es que se agende una cita con hora, día y lugar de encuentro en donde

tendrán una conversación laboral, puede ser la presentación de un proyecto o algún resumen de
una reunión, etc.

Good night Miss Alejandra

my name eduardo muñoz and i will start my presentation

Hi, this is eduardo At the moment I am not at home,
leave your message and as soon as
I return home I will call you back

persona: Hello Eduardo, I am calling from the innovative computer

company so that
we can coordinate a meeting to present your innovative project for next
Monday at noon in our conference offices located on Avenida
errazuriz with plaza sotomayor in front of metro station

third: good afternoon with whom I like
person: I am locating mr eduardo from the informatics department
third: at this time he is not found, if he wants he can leave a message
and number and then he will call him
person: ok, I'm calling to remind you about next Monday we have a
meeting at noon to present the programming project and he hasn't
called me back

person: hello, who do I like?
third: good night you speak with the head of the information department, do
I speak with eduardo?
person: if you talk to him, tell me how can I help you ?.
third: I call you to be able to coordinate for the next Monday at noon a
meeting to present the programming project to our department directors
person: I can not on Monday at noon can be for Friday morning
third: ok we will have to reschedule the meeting for Monday
person: thank you very much see you that day
 Tercero: llaman y finalmente hablan con la persona indicada, y se acuerda fecha

ese el vocabulario que se evaluará, revisen las pautas de evaluación, para que sepan cómo se
Deberán subir un solo audio a la plataforma, identificándose cada vez que hablen, el tiempo
de duración es de mínimo 1.5 minutos. Por favor cumplan con lo solicitado para que realicen
un buen trabajo.
 Además, deben enviar la AUTOEVALUACIÓN que les adjunto aquí, ya que se promedia
con la nota del trabajo en sí, el que no la envía, son 15 puntos menos inmediatamente.

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