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Chapter 2 class notes

Test are all multiple choice and online

 Groups as they are ae not intelligent

 Groups don’t share energy
 Emotions and intelligent are individual based
 Norman triplett very important
o First person to research group integrations
o Cycles
o Social facilitation: presence of other would affect their performance
o Behavior would change when in presence of others
 Kurt Lewin
o Created an area of research on group dynamics
o Field theory remember this
o Action research
 Asking questions to groups
 Collected data
 Took the research he got and would apply the research he found with the
 Theory, research , practice
 He would redo this method
 Tried to eliminate as much of error as possible
 About performance
o B=f(p,e)
 B=behavior
 F = function
 P= personal characteristic
 E= environment

 Floyd Allport
 Reliability
o Persistency and consistency
o Validity
 Would not measure something you are ready to measure

 Predictive
 Collect data for a group and predicate it
o Inter rater
 Same test but
o Test retest
 Same people tested more than once
 You still want consistency
o Internal consistency : not in textbook
 Looks at all the items on how we collect the data
 But the items must be related to each other
 If it’s not you take it away

 Personality
o Trait type
 The big 5
 Ocean
o Neuroticism
 Low
 They are not that worried
 High
 Worried
 Fear
 Dout : does not mean they are anxious
o Agreablness

 Low
 More independent
 Think about their selves more

 Higher
 More able to think about others as they
behave and interact with others

o Excerversioness
 How people get energy from others
 Low
 Get energy from things
 High
 Energy from people

o Consciences
 How you plan and how you follow through
 Systematic
 High
 Organized to the highest degree
 Lower
 Not organized and they don’t plan
 They follow through is less
o Openness to experience
 How they collect the dita
 Higher: they are more freer
 More creative
 Fall mostly in the middle
 Low: more factual and more systematic

 There are subtypes in each of these
 Midterm: what is a high score and low score w=and what they
 Personality trait fall on a continuum
 Ppl are evaluated with ppl that are like them

o Type theory
 Different components
 More categorical in nature
 You are rather this or that
Emotions : 2 types
 Basic
o There is many but class looks at 6
o Develop during infancy
 Self-conscious
o Develop after first year of life
 Emotional inteligeance
o Have 4 recognition of regulation
 Can you regulate and manage others emotions
o Mseit
 There is a right and wrong answers
 Not a self report

 Self report
o EI: trait or mixed models
 emotion
group oriental assisments
 self reports taken by the individual of a group
 its about them but there are some that are group oriented questions and they bring
them together
 report shows the structure of the group
 the questions are given individually
 created by moreno
 the output of this is the sociogram

research assignment

 Intro does not have need a header

 Need to compar and contrasrt your experience

o with the research you chose

 Do not put names for the groups

o Ex: group meber a
 Conculsion
o Summarize your experience and research as well as a improvments
 Need to be objective as possible no I , me , my. You are the author.
o If you are part of the group you will be group member a (author)
 Need to explain your research
o Data driven
o How they got the data
o And summarize the result
o Narrow down
Feb 7th notes : formation in groups
 need to know hierarchy of needs in order from top-bottom
 our arousal levels change when deficiency needs
 step 1 - 4 are are known as growth needs
 self actualized ppl give back to ppl more
o is a growth need
o state of being instead of state of diciency needs
 for animals some of them are are stuck in safety needs
o animals have a sense of belongingness and love needs
 but humans are the most sense of it
 person- group fir
o chose groups that fit your trait
o group=person fit
 the group seeks out the individual that fit the groups personality or
person structure
 relationality

 needs for affiliation : just connections

o connections with other ppl

 need for intimacy
 Need for power
o Power with people
o How you use the power which motives you to join the group

 Wanted score and expressed score

 Emotions
o Fear Is an emotion and social anxiety is a disorder
o social anxiety
 Impermeant in occupation
 Cognitive impermeant
 Social self impermeant
o Social phobia
 Scared in terms of safety when it comes to people and location
 General adaptation syndrome
o Body goes to a different process every time you go through stress
 Stressor
 Alaram reaction
 Sympathetic system high alert
 Automatic
 Resistance pahse
 Body is able to take on the stress but you never go back to where
you were before
 Exhaustion
 Depleated of resources
 Types of stressors
 Affiliation
o Asking individuals for information
 Social comparison
o Use others to figure out how to get something done
o Ex: watching someone do an action and copy them
o 2 factors
 Emotional
 Cognitive
 Misery loves miserable company
o We like to affiliate with others that have similar situations because of emotional
and cognitive
 Upward compression
o Chose ppl who are possibly higher to compare themselves to them
o Ex: maybe I can me that one day
 downward comparison
o affiliate with others for self esteem
 self-evaluation maintenance
o people that do not perform in specific areas
o competing with each other

Feb 14th
 Implicit/explicit
o Dictates how we think act and behave
 4 different norms : based on the observer norms
o Perspective norms
 Different groups have different norms but they all follow santions
o Proscriptive norms

o Descriptive norms
 Having a video all over the campus and watching those behaviors
 Not judged
 Whatever is the typical norm
 Ex: walking in a park while someone is vandalizing a car

o Injunctive norms
 Evaluated and judged by another
 Evaluated by other group members
 Non typical norms
 Ex: evaluating a situations
 If you interact with a situations than you have evaluated
 Biased on the observes norms

 Organizational citizenship behavior

o Behavior that goes above or beyond In the work place
 Altruism
 any way a person would help because they care about the
organization and the people within it
 Generalized compliance
 Helps the broader organization
 Behavior that is obligated to partake in but not actual rules
 The perception of the person
 Similar to injection norm because you feel like
o Criticism: because they don’t know if it’s true wit data
o Possibly
 Norm development
o Autokinetic effect
 Visual perception that happens
 Wanted to see how a persons internalize norms would change
o Social influence
o Internalized norms are then tested using confederates (other ppl that know
what’s going on)
 So see how norms would change over time
 Commorancy
o Informational influence
 Conform to the opinions of other because you want to be right
o Normative influence
o Pluralistic ignorance
 Know its not the right opinion and go with the rest because they beilive
that the norms will never change
 Norms in groups
o Social tuning
 Roles
o They are expectations of the others who are group members
 As well as the person that plays the role
o Can be categorized in 2
 Both roles are not possible to do both
 Can go between them
 Task
 Social
o How each person plays specific roles differently
o Role-taking
 Dependent on how
o Self-presentation
 Ex: biased on the way a person is dressed
 Role differentiation
o As a group changes over time it becomes different
 Roles of the group need to be diffracted from each other
 Ex: how tech companies started out and how they are now
o Role ambiguity
 When certain roles are taken away ppl don’t know what to do
 Roles, stress, and well being
o Role conflict
 Interrole conflicts
 One person has different role
 Intrarole conflict
 Comflict within the role
 Ex: middle manager (unclear expectations)
 Role fit
 Stress biased on the expectation on a specific role
 Communication networks
o Create structure
o Decentralized
 More people have interactions with the group member
o Centralized
 One person communicates with the group
 Types of communication
o Chain
o Wheel
o cirlce
o Common
 Most common communication style
 Symlog
o Domance and
o Need / submissiveness

Technology cant be part of your answer: discussion
Some norms a group perceived that they changed but the previous geration changed it ( have
to have support)

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