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Câu hỏi 5W1H - how

M-Cn How often do have to submit my time sheet?(

A) Five sheets of paper.

(B) You need to do it once a week.

(C) No, I don't usually wear a watch.

M-Cn How do reset my password?

(A) By the end of the month.

(B) You should call the help desk.

(C) Thanks for setting the table.

Câu hỏi 5W1H - what/ which

What's the total cost of the repair work?

(A) It's free because of the warranty.

(B) I have some boxes you can use.

(C) In a couple of hours.( Nối từ) {Trong một vài giờ}

Câu hỏi 5W1H - when

When are you moving to your new office?

(A) The office printer over there.{ đằng kia}

(B) The water bill is high this month.

(C) The schedule is being revised.{ lịch trình đang được sửa đổi}

Câu hỏi 5W1H – where

Where can I get a new filing cabinet? { tủ đựng hồ sơ}

(A) All of the cabins have been rented.{ đã thuê}

(B) I'll put the tiles in the corner.{ đặt gạch vào góc}

(C) All furniture requests must be approved first. {phê duyệt}

Câu hỏi 5W1H – who

 Who's doing the product demonstration this afternoon? ( doing- dujn) {trình diễn}

(A) That bus station is closed, sorry.

(B) I'm leaving for New York at lunchtime.(

C) Let me show you a few more.

Who's responsible for researching the housing market in India?

(A) The senior director is heading up that team.{ giám đốc cấp cao}

(B) Every morning at ten o'clock.

(C) Yes, it's on Main Street.

Câu hỏi đề nghị, yêu cầu

How about hiring an event planner to organize the holiday party? { Làm thế nào}

(A) I think it's on the lower shelf.

(B) Sure, I'd love to attend.

(C) There's not much money in the budget.{ ngân sách}

Câu hỏi 5W1H - why

Why aren't the trainees in the computer lab now? [trainees: /ˌtreɪˈniː/ học viên]
(A) Didn't you get a copy of the updated schedule?
(B) Yes, at the next station.
(C) There's a repair shop on Lancaster Avenue.
 Câu hỏi 5W1H - what/ which
Which client are we meeting with tomorrow morning?
(A) They talked about the upcoming merger.[upcoming merger:/ ˈmɜːdʒə(r)/ việc
sáp nhập sắp tới]
(B) Just a light breakfast.
(C) The Greendale Company representative.[representative: /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ đại
Câu hỏi 5W1H – when

When do you want to work on this new project?

(A) I haven't been trained yet.

(B) Yes, he got a full-time job.

(C) I completely agree with you.

Câu hỏi đề nghị, yêu cầu

Can help you move your furniture?

(A) He bought a desk last week.

(B) I think I can manage on my own.[manage: /ˈmænɪdʒ/ quản lí]

(C) The furniture store on Grove Street.

George, will you call our clients back?

(A) The information pack.

(B) Yes, she'll be back soon.

(C) Anna left them a message.[left: để lại]

Câu hỏi lựa chọn

Do you want to purchase a laptop or desktop computer?

(A) I have the model number here.

(B) Yes, in the top drawer.[drawer: /drɔː(r)/ ngăn kéo]

(C) At the new furniture store.

Câu hỏi Yes/ No

Should we consider Anita for the accountant position? consider: /kənˈsɪdə(r)/ cân nhắc]

(A) Yes, we're reviewing her application now.

(B) Down the hall to the right.[xuống sảnh bên phải]

(C) The box is open.

Weren't those lightbulbs replaced recently?

(A) Yes, we just changed them.

(B) Actually, this isn't very heavy.

(C) It's on Fourth Street.

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