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Senior High School

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person


Direction: Read the questions carefully and write the letter for your answer on your assessment

Test I (Remembering) Multiple Choice

1. Most of social science concepts have etymological background. Which of the following tells about the
etymology or origin of the term philosophy?
A. The term philosophy comes from two Greek words philo and sophia which means “to love” and
“wisdom”, respectively.
B. The term philosophy comes from Confucian idea which says that deep thinking is essential to one’s
C. The term philosophy comes from two Greek words philo and sophia which means “to argue” and
“agree”, respectively.
D. The term philosophy was coined by early philosophers which means reasoning.
Ans: A

2. This concept refers to the fair distribution of environmental benefits and the burden of addressing
environmental challenges.
A. Environmental justice
B. Environmental Aesthetics
C. Environmental Ethics
D. Environmental Philosophy

Ans: A

3.This is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the natural environment and humanity’s
place in it.
a. Environmentalism
b. Environmental philosophy
c. Environmental aesthetics
d. Environmental justice

Ans: B

4. This approach believes that all organism have inherent worth and should be valued and
A. Antropocentrism
B. Biocentrism
C. Ecocentrism
D. Environmentalism

Ans: B

5. Philosophy is overarching other sciences. What makes philosophical approach overarching other
A. Philosophy is said to be overarching other sciences for the reason that it became a discipline
ahead of other sciences.
B. Philosophy is said to be overarching other sciences because all of them originated from it.
C. Philosophy is said to be overarching other sciences because it studies everything.
D. Philosophy is said to be overarching other sciences because each field of science uses scientific
method just like Philosophy.

Ans: A

6. Logic is not interested with what we know. Rather, it concerns itself on the truth and validity of our
arguments. Who was the philosopher who devised the first method of logic?
A. Socrates B. Plato C. Husserl D. Aristotle

Ans: D

7. Is the study or human disciplinine that uses human reason to invstigate the ultimate causes, reasons,
and principles.
A. Logic. B. Holistic thinking C. Philosophy D. Ethics
Ans: A

8. In the allegory of the cave, the cave depicts.

A. World of gods
B. World of abyss
C. World of Senses
D. World of Ideas

Ans: C

9.An advance statement of belief on certain thing which provide explanations.

A. fallacy B. fact C. Opinion D. truth

Ans: C
10. Plato’s most famous student – argued that the body and soul of a human person is inseparable.
A. St. Thomas Aquinas
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
D. Descartes

Ans: B

Test II Understanding: Direction: Read the given questions below and write your comprehensive answer
on your assessment notebook. (5 pts.)

• What comes to your mind whenever you hear the word Philosophy?

The very first thing that comes to my mind when I heard the word philosophy is the word thinking.
As for my own understanding about the word philosophy it is the person's ability to think or creating
reasons or judgement through his mind about a phenomenon. It is how a person balance the
possibilities through creating his own judgement or understanding to a certain topic or situation.

Test III (Applying)Direction: Explain your answer briefly.

• How is Philosophy helpful in our day to day life? (5 pts.)

Philosophy helps individuals from all walks of life because it helps us to actualize ourselves,
to deepen our sense of self and intent, to sustain a healthy community and to consider diverse
viewpoints. It allows you to find yourself and your place and helps you better understand people,
solve problems better, and makes you a better person overall.

Test IV (Analysis) Multiple Choice

Direction: Read the questions extensively and Write the letter of your answer.

1.How do we tell good from evil or right from wrong? This basic question is a concern of what branch of
Philosophy? A. Epistemology B. Logic C. Ethics D. Metaphysics

Ans: C
2.Ethics is the branch of Philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human
actions. Which of the following statements exemplifies the value of ethics in Philosophy?

A. Women are not inferior to men and that both must complement each other.
B. All matters are composed of atoms.
C. Ideas are forms of thought representing the real objects.
D. No man is an island

Ans: B

3. One distinguishing characteristic of philosophy is that it uses Natural Light of Reason. Choose from the
following statements below that best describes this characteristic.

A. A philosopher uses his natural capacity to think or the so-called unaided reason.
B. A philosopher uses experiments to test his arguments and consequently uses the result of such
experiment to aid his reasoning.
C. A philosopher employs his gut feeling in order to arrive at reasonable argument.
D. A philosopher can assume what the majority thinks and consider such as valid reasoning.

Ans: B

4. The Principle of Sufficient Reason states that “nothing exists without sufficient reason for its being
and existence”. Which of the following scenarios best describes this principle?

A. Ghosts as popularly known are spirits who could not be accepted either in hell nor in heaven.
B. Anything afloat the atmosphere will fall down on Earth because gravity will work on it after
some time in one way or another.
C. Cats have nine lives because they can easily prevent accidents.
D. Happy people are those who are contented with their lives.

Ans: D

5. Social Science is composed of many different disciplines. Which of the following statements shows
the relationship between Social Science and Philosophy?

B. Social Science and Philosophy are disciplines.

C. Philosophy is a discipline under Social Science.
D. Philosophy is employed in many different disciplines in making arguments.
E. Social Science is a discipline under Philosophy.

Ans: D

6. One distinguishing characteristic of philosophy is that it uses Natural Light of Reason. Choose from the
following statements below that best describes this characteristic.
A philosopher uses his natural capacity to think or the so-called unaided reason.

B. A philosopher uses experiments to test his arguments and consequently uses the result of such
experiment to aid his reasoning.
C. A philosopher employs his gut feeling in order to arrive at reasonable argument.
D. A philosopher can assume what the majority thinks and consider such as valid reasoning.

Ans: B

7. Philosophy is considered as a science. However, what makes it different from other sciences?

A. It is different from other sciences in the sense that it considers itself unique.
B. It is different from other sciences because it focuses mainly on reasoning.
C. It is different from other sciences because it does not employ laboratory instrument nor any
investigative tools but instead uses human reason alone.
D. It is different from other sciences simply because philosophers are different from scientists.

Ans: C

8. Man’s faculty towards acquiring knowledge is just mere –

A. Memorization; man’s brain is mechanical
B. Nostalgia; man tends to dream about the past
C. Remembering; man knows everything already
D. Intuition; man feels the hype of knowledge

Ans: B

9. How are going to live your life to the fullest in accordance with Aristotle’s notion of the embodied
A. Live happy and follow only your heart every single day
B. Our rationality controls over our lives
C. Let others feel inferior to you
D. Make or break, it’s up to you

Ans: B

Test V (Evaluating) Direction: Read the given question below and answer briefly on your notebook.
• Can the world with its power, grandeur and glory satisfy human desire for attaining everlasting
happiness? Justify your answer by citing concrete evidence to prove your stand. (10 pts.)
Living in the world where power, grandeur and glory excessively exist, attaining everlasting
happiness is truly impossible. We can always attain happiness from the simplest to extravagant things
however, what it gives, can never sustain us an everlasting joy because human as we are, we can
never be satisfied completely and for always.
Yes, we can have power, we can live in a grandeur way and we can achieve glory but whenever
we reach a certain peak it only leads us to another peak to climb in which the everlasting happiness
we've been chasing from mountain to mountain will keep running and running.

At the end of the day it is only our mind that is playing with us, it keeps dictating us to run for
that everlasting happiness we can never really catch. Therefore, all the power and material
possessions in the world can only give us temporary happiness and never nor will ever us an
everlasting happiness.

Test VI (Creating) Direction:

Create a philosophical viewpoint to restore the order and harmony of the educational setting
amidst the pandemic.

“Limitations can lead to possibilities”

COVID-19 for us was unexpected to occur. Little did we know, we're losing count of the days
we had spent on our homes. In educational dimension, schools adopt to the new normal way of
teaching and learning, and as I've noticed, a lot of complains each institution are receiving from
students saying that this school year is ineffective, the "new normal" way of learning was ineffective,
and so many more complaints I can hardly count.

However, as to what I believe, life is not about what you can't do, but rather life is about the
things that you can do. Life is not about the things that you don't have, but rather, life is about the
things that you do have and what you can make the most out it at the moment. Life is not about
planning for the future, but rather, life is about now. The only reality you have is the present and not
what's ahead of you. So, as students, whenever we complain about slow internet connection,
ineffective modules, ineffective learning, and all the things that "what we think" delimits us from
learning, why don't we think about the possibilities? Why don't we try to think about the resources
that we have at a time like this, at a time of a pandemic? Being limited to do the things the way they
used to be doesn't mean we can't do them at all.

I believe, we can still restore the order and harmony of our education if we will work together.
We can work this out if we change our mindsets that we cannot do something at all during these hard
times because we can do something. Lastly, not because we are limited to do certain things right now
doesn't mean we'll stay like this forever. But rather, the limitations that we have is only the beginning
of the many possibilities.

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