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Knowledge and

language in arts

By Tresor Divin DUSABE


1.Who decides what art means? 2.Should offensive art be banned?

3.How dark were the dark ages?

1.Who decides what art means?

Art has always been a subject of interpretation and debate. While some
people might see a piece of art as beautiful, others might find it disturbing
or meaningless. So, who decides what art means? The answer is simple -
everyone does. Art is subjective, and its meaning varies from person to
person based on their personal experiences, cultural background, and
beliefs. However, there are certain factors that influence the
interpretation of art, such as the artist's intention, the historical context,
and the societal norms.
1.Who decides what art means?...

The artist's intention plays a crucial role in determining the meaning of

their art. When an artist creates a piece of art, they have a specific
message or idea in mind that they want to convey to the audience.
Therefore, understanding the artist's intention is essential in interpreting
their art correctly. Similarly, the historical context in which the art was
created also affects its meaning. For example, a painting created during
the Renaissance period will have a different meaning than a painting
created during the modern era. Lastly, societal norms and values also play
a role in interpreting art. A piece of art that might be considered
acceptable in one culture might be offensive in another culture.
2.Should offensive art be banned?

The question of whether offensive art should be banned is a controversial

one. On the one hand, some people argue that offensive art can cause
harm and perpetuate negative stereotypes. On the other hand, others
believe that banning offensive art goes against the principles of free
speech and artistic expression.

Those who support banning offensive art argue that it can be harmful to
marginalized groups and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
2.Should offensive art be banned?...

For example, a painting that depicts a racial stereotype can reinforce

negative attitudes towards that particular group. Additionally, some argue
that offensive art can be triggering for individuals who have experienced
trauma related to the subject matter. However, those who oppose banning
offensive art argue that censorship goes against the principles of free
speech and artistic expression. They believe that artists should be allowed
to express themselves freely, even if their art is offensive to some people.
Furthermore, they argue that banning offensive art sets a dangerous
precedent and can lead to further censorship in the future.
3.How dark were the dark ages?

The term 'Dark Ages' refers to the period between the fall of the Roman
Empire and the beginning of the Renaissance. It is often portrayed as a
time of ignorance, superstition, and barbarism. However, recent
scholarship has challenged this view and suggested that the Dark Ages
were not as dark as previously thought.

One argument against the idea of the Dark Ages being truly 'dark' is the
significant advancements made during this period.
3.How dark were the dark ages?...

For example, the period saw the rise of monasticism, which led to the
preservation and dissemination of knowledge through the copying of
manuscripts. Additionally, the period saw significant developments in
agriculture, architecture, and trade. Another argument is that the term
'Dark Ages' is Eurocentric and ignores the significant advancements made
in other parts of the world during this period. For example, the Islamic
Golden Age saw significant advancements in science, medicine, and




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