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Writing -first draft (10pts) - Int 2 Reg


TO: Omar Burga

SUBJECT: Greetings and information about my vacations

Hello Omar.
I hope you are in good health, I am now in Lima with my family enjoying the last few weeks of
vacation left. And where are you now? In your last pictures that you have published I could see
that you were in Mancora with all your family.
What do you think if you can come back to Lima? So we can go for a walk or go to play
basketball. The championship started last week and we are waiting for you to arrive and be
able to play.
I know you haven't played basketball in a while.But do you think that in this championship you
could play with us?
I also wanted to say that in three days we can register for our courses. Can we coordinate to
take our subjects together?
That way we can do our homework together and study for the exams.
Where you are now is it raining? Here everything is flooded and the transit pass is restricted.
Hopefully this will be solved soon and we can meet again.
Well Omar I hope you are enjoying your vacation. Greetings to all your family. See you soon


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