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Received: 8 June 2018 

  Revised: 19 September 2018 
|  Accepted: 4 October 2018

DOI: 10.1111/sms.13326


Block periodization of strength and endurance training is

superior to traditional periodization in ice hockey players

Bent R. Rønnestad   |  Sjur J. Øfsteng  |  Stian Ellefsen

Inland Norway University of Applied

Sciences, Lillehammer, Norway
Team sports like ice hockey require high levels of performance in numerous physical
characteristics such as strength, power, and endurance. As such, training is associ-
ated with a potential interference effect. The present study randomized well‐trained
Bent R. Rønnestad, Inland Norway
University of Applied Sciences, ice hockey players into a block periodization group (BP; n = 8), focusing on the de-
Lillehammer, Norway. velopment of either strength and power or endurance on a weekly, undulating basis,
and a traditional group (TRAD; n = 8), performing a mixed training model, with si-
multaneous focus of strength, power, and endurance training every week. During the
6‐week intervention, the two groups performed equal volumes and intensities of both
strength, power, and endurance training. BP led to larger improvements than TRAD
in knee extension peak torque at 180° s−1 (6.6 ± 8.7 vs −4.2% ± 6.3%, respectively;
P < 0.05) and maximal oxygen uptake (5.1 ± 3.3 vs 1.1% ± 3.5%, respectively;
P < 0.05). There was also a trend toward larger improvements in BP than TRAD in
peak torque in knee extension at 60° s−1 (2.1 ± 2.5 vs −0.1% ± 2.5%, respectively;
P < 0.1, effect size = 0.83) and mean power output during a 30‐s cycling sprint
(4.1 ± 2.5 vs −0.3% ± 5.9%, respectively; P < 0.1, effect size = 0.89). Overall, BP
exhibited a moderate to large effect size for all these variables compared to TRAD.
The present study suggests that block periodization of strength and endurance train-
ing induces superior adaptations in both strength and endurance capacities in well‐
trained ice hockey players compared to traditional mixed organization, despite
similar training volume and intensity.

concurrent training, endurance training, off‐ice training, strength training, training organization

1  |   IN TRO D U C T IO N physical determinants of ice hockey performance,1,10 and ice

hockey players should seek to improve such off‐ice capaci-
Skating acceleration and maximal skating velocity are among ties to enhance their skating performance.4 Throughout the
the most important physical determinants of ice hockey per- competitive season, muscle fiber cross‐sectional area has
formance.1-3 Previous studies have observed associations been shown to decrease,11 with the aerobic capacity being
between skating sprint performance and off‐ice perfor- unchanged.11,12 In order to improve aerobic and strength/
mance characteristics, such as vertical jump performance4,5 power capacities over the course of several years, players
and muscular strength,6 though for the latter, other studies therefore need to focus on developing these aspects during
have provided conflicting results.5,7 Furthermore, maximal off‐season.11 Because of the relative shortness of the pre-
oxygen uptake (VO2max) is important for ice hockey play- paratory period between seasons, especially if advancing
ers’ ability to perform repeated sprints. 8,9 Therefore, mus- in the play‐off round, it is vital to identify and develop
cular strength, power, and VO2max are viewed as important training strategies that allow for maximal development of

Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2018;1–9. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S.     1 |
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
2       RØNNESTAD et al.

physical capacities in this period (~10‐12 weeks including

T A B L E 1   Weekly distribution of training sessions focusing on high‐intensity aerobic interval training (HIT), plyometric training, and heavy strength training (STR) for upper‐body, lower‐body,

Plyometric sessions
some weeks of vacation).
Team sports like ice hockey require a high level of per-
formance in many different physical abilities. It can be ar-
gued that the best way of organizing the weekly training in
such sports would be to target capacities like strength and

endurance in an evenly distributed manner, which indeed
constitutes the traditional way of organization. However, such
STR sessions
concurrent training with a high training volume (as is the case
in well‐trained subjects) leads to compromised development
of muscle strength and power gains.13 During the last years,
focus has been shed on the potential benefit of block period-
ization,14,15 wherein shorter training periods are dedicated to
STR sessions

focus on improving a few selected abilities.16-18 In contrast,

traditional organization of training periods focuses on simul-
10 taneous development of many abilities, which may lead to
suboptimal stimulus and suboptimal adaptations, especially
STR sessions

in well‐trained athletes.14 So far, the effect of block period-

ization has predominately been investigated in endurance
athletes with focus on aerobic training (and not on strength

training), suggesting that block periodization of endur-

ance training induces favorable endurance adaptations.16-19
TRAD (n = 8)

HIT sessions
and total‐body in the block periodization group (BP) and the group with traditional distribution of the training (TRAD)

However, it has also been indicated that block periodization

of strength training leads to superior adaptations in strength
and power in well‐trained athletes,20 though this finding does

not seem to be universal.21 To the best of our knowledge, the

Plyometric sessions

only study comparing block periodization with a more tradi-

tional approach in team sports is a study on handball players
performing these two periodization approaches in two sub-
sequent seasons.22 In that study, block periodization led to
superior increases in vertical jumping ability, acceleration

capacity, and maximal dynamic strength, but no statistical

group differences were observed on VO2max, although there
STR sessions

was a numerical advantage of block periodization (5% vs

2%, respectively;22). Importantly, Manchado et al22 did not
control for training intensity, making it somewhat difficult

to tell whether the difference in training responses was due

STR sessions

to a difference in periodization or the difference in intensity.

Similarly, a study on judo athletes observed improvement
in a judo‐specific performance test after block periodiza-

tion, but the lack of a control group makes the interpretation

difficult.23 There is a clear lack of studies assessing effects
STR sessions

of block periodization in well‐trained team athletes, facing

complex performance requirements, involving both strength,
power, and endurance.

The present study investigates the effects of block peri-

odization of strength/power and endurance training, where
HIT sessions
BP (n = 8)

one intervention group is focusing on alternating block de-

velopment of strength/power and endurance, while the other
group is focusing on simultaneous development of strength/

power and endurance. Overall, the two groups performed


equal volumes and intensities of both strength, power, and


endurance training during the 6‐week training intervention.

RØNNESTAD et al.   
We hypothesized that block periodization would induce supe- consume coffee or other products containing caffeine dur-
rior adaptation in VO2max, vertical jumping ability, maximal ing the last 3 hours preceding tests. All tests were performed
force, and mean power output during 30‐seconds Wingate under similar environmental conditions (19‐21°C), with
sprint. identical order of tests: (a) vertical jump height, (b) maximal
isokinetic knee extension torque at 60 and 180° s−1, (c) maxi-
mal oxygen uptake (VO2max), and (d) 30‐seconds Wingate
2  |   M ET H OD S sprint. For each particular participant, testing was performed
at the same time of day (±1 hour) to avoid influence from
2.1  | Subjects
the circadian rhythm. Strong verbal encouragement was pro-
Sixteen U18 and U20 ice hockey players competing at the vided during all tests. In addition, a 4‐day self‐report measure
highest national level in Norway in their age‐group volun- of food intake was conducted.
teered to participate in the study. The study was approved Prior to the testing of vertical jump ability, a 10‐min-
by the Local Ethics Committee at Lillehammer University utes warm‐up was performed on a stationary bike. Vertical
College, and informed written consent was obtained from all jump height was assessed by squat jump (SJ) height on a
participants prior to participation. Written consents were also force plate (SG‐9, Advanced Mechanical Technologies,
obtained from the legal guardians of participants that were Newton, Mass., USA, sampling frequency of 1 KHz). The
under the age of 18 at the time of study start‐up. hands were kept on the hips throughout all jumps, and ver-
tical jumping height was calculated from the impulse from
the ground reaction force. The participants performed SJ
2.2  |  Experimental design
with the knees flexed to 90°, and the participants were in-
Physical tests were performed before (pre) and after (post) a structed to execute a maximal vertical jump from a standing
6‐week intervention period. The ice hockey players were ran- static flexed position (held for 2 seconds before take‐off).
domized into two groups, a block periodization group (BP; No downward movement was allowed prior to the maxi-
n = 8, with three players playing for the Norwegian national mal vertical jump, and the force curves were inspected to
team, age 17.5 ± 0.5 years, height 183 ± 5 cm, body mass verify this. Five attempts with 1‐minute rest between each
77.9 ± 6.8 kg) and a traditional periodization group (TRAD; jump were given. The best jump from each participant was
n = 8, with three players playing for the Norwegian national used in data analysis. Three minutes after the last jump was
team, age 17.3 ± 0.5 years, height 179 ± 7 cm, body mass maximal isokinetic torque in the dominant leg assessed at
78.4 ± 10.5 kg). During training weeks 1, 3, 4, and 6, the 60 and 180° s−1 in a Cybex 6000 dynamometer (Lumex,
BP group focused on strength training (including plyometric Ronkonkoma, NY, USA). Four consecutive warm‐up at-
training), while performing one weekly HIT session in order tempts were performed, followed by three maximal effort
to maintain this stimulus (Table 1). During weeks 2 and 5, the attempts separated by 60 seconds. After a 4‐minutes rest,
BP group focused on high‐intensity aerobic training (HIT), the participants performed 8 minutes of cycling with at an
while performing one whole‐body strength training session intensity corresponding to 12‐14 ratings of perceived ex-
to maintain the strength training stimulus. TRAD followed ertion (RPE) on Borg’s 6‐20 RPE scale (Borg 1982), fol-
a more traditional training program, with even distribution lowed by two submaximal cycling sprints corresponding
of 2‐3 HIT sessions and 4‐5 strength training sessions (in- to 14‐15 and 15‐16 RPE, respectively. Thereafter, a graded
cluding plyometric training) per week (Table 1). Throughout cycling (Lode Excalibur Sport, Lode B. V., Groningen, The
the 6‐week intervention period, BP and TRAD completed the Netherlands) protocol to exhaustion was performed for de-
same volume of strength, power, and endurance training, at termination of VO2max. The test was initiated with 1 min-
similar intensities. Both groups performed 42 training ses- ute of cycling at a power output corresponding to 3 W/kg
sions during the intervention period, which started two weeks (rounded down to the nearest 50 W). Power output was then
into the preparatory period, divided into 6‐8 weekly sessions increased by 25 W every minute until exhaustion. Maximal
with the only difference being the weekly organization of the aerobic power (Wmax) was calculated as the mean power out-
training sessions. put during the last minute of the incremental test. VO2max
was calculated as the average of the two highest 30 seconds
VO2 measurements by using a computerized metabolic
2.3  |  Testing procedures
system with mixing chamber (Oxycon Pro, Erich Jaeger,
One test session was performed for pre‐ and post‐testing. The Hoechberg, Germany). The gas analyzers were calibrated
participants were instructed to refrain from intense exercise with certified calibration gases of known concentrations
on the day preceding testing and to consume the same type before every test. The flow turbine (Triple V, Erich Jaeger,
of meal before each test. They were not allowed to eat dur- Hoechberg, Germany) was calibrated before every test
ing the last hour preceding tests, nor were they allowed to with a 3‐L calibration syringe (5530 series; Hans Rudolph,
4       RØNNESTAD et al.

Kansas City, USA). Heart rate (HR) was measured using a

2.5  | HIT
Polar RCX5 heart rate monitor (Polar, Kempele, Finland).
Fifteen minutes after the end of the incremental exercise, In both intervention groups, HIT sessions were performed as
the participants started a 30‐seconds all‐out Wingate test multiple short intervals, as previously described.24 Briefly,
while pedaling at 60 rpm without braking resistance. Then, the short intervals were organized into three sets, each con-
following a 3‐seconds countdown, braking resistance was sisting of 30‐seconds work intervals separated by 15‐seconds
applied to the flywheel and remained constant throughout recovery periods, performed continuously for 9.5 minutes,
the 30‐seconds all‐out test. Braking resistance was set to with 3‐minutes recovery cycling between sets. Power output
0.8 Nm/kg body mass. Mean power output was presented during the recovery periods was 50% of the power output used
as the average power output sustained throughout the during work intervals. Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was
30 seconds. The participants remained seated throughout recorded after each interval series, using Borg’s 6‐20 scale.25
the test. The seating position while cycling was adjusted Both groups were instructed to perform all work intervals at
according to each participants’ preference for seat height, their maximal sustainable work intensity, aiming to achieve
horizontal distance between tip of seat and bottom bracket, the highest possible average power output during each in-
handlebar position and was similar at pre‐ and post‐testing. terval session. Each HIT session started with an individual
In the middle of the intervention period, all participants re- 15‐minutes warm‐up, concluded by two submaximal sprints
corded their daily dietary intake over a 4‐day period (Sunday lasting 20‐30 seconds. All HIT sessions were performed on
to Wednesday), using a weighed food record. The partici- the participants` own bikes, mounted to an electromagneti-
pants were given food record journals and digital scales (Vera cally braked roller (CompuTrainer LabTM, RacerMate, Inc,
67002, Soehnle‐Waagen GmbH & Co, Murrhardt, Germany, Seattle, WA, USA). The individual HIT sessions were pro-
Precision 1 g). Detailed oral and written guidelines about grammed in the roller software. The power output during
how to carry out this method were provided. Dietary assess- 30‐seconds intervals was continually adjusted throughout the
ment data were analyzed using a nutrient analysis program intervention period, to ensure optimal individual power out-
(Mat på Data 5.1, The Norwegian Food Safety Authority, put (ie, to ensure the highest possible average power output
Oslo, Norway). In an attempt to standardize the protein and during each session).
energy consumption in the time around exercises, all par-
ticipants ingested the same protein chocolate bar (“Ironcore
2.6  |  Strength and plyometric training
Chunk of Protein,” Proteinfabrikken, Norway) that contained
30 g of protein and 411 calories immediately after each bout The exercises, sets, repetitions, and intensities (nRM) used
of strength training. in the strength training program were similar in the two
groups. The number of sets was always three with 2‐minutes
recovery between sets. For the TRAD group, the repetitions
2.4  |  Training protocol were 12RM during the two first weeks, 10RM during train-
Throughout the 6‐week intervention period, both groups ing weeks 3 and 4, and 8RM for the two last training weeks.
completed the same strength, power, and endurance training The two groups had also similar number of heavy strength
at the same training intensity and volume. Overall, each par- training sessions focusing on lower‐body, upper‐body, and
ticipant performed 42 supervised training sessions during the whole‐body (Table 1). The exercise order for the lower‐body
intervention period, divided into 6‐8 weekly sessions, with sessions was power clean, squat, lateral lunges, single‐leg-
the only difference between groups being the weekly organi- ged leg‐press, stiffleg deadlift, and calf raises. For the upper‐
zation of the training sessions (Table 1). During all training body session, the exercise order was bench press, military
sessions, participants filled out a training diary that was col- press, lateral deltoid raise, dips, pull‐ups, pendlay row, and
lected at the end of the study. During training weeks 1, 3, 4, biceps curl. The exercise order for the whole‐body strength
and 6, BP focused on heavy strength training by performing training sessions was lunges, lateral lunges, stiffleg deadlift,
6‐7 weekly sessions, including plyometric training session(s), bench press, military press, pull‐ups, and pendlay row. All
in addition to performing one HIT session to maintain the en- exercises had previously been a part of the participants’ regu-
durance stimulus (Table 1). During training weeks 2 and 5, lar strength training program. The plyometric exercises were
BP focused on HIT by performing five weekly HIT sessions, performed with 2‐3 sets of 5‐6 jumps (on each leg in sin-
in addition to performing one whole‐body strength training gle leg exercises), using the following exercises (performed
session to maintain the strength training stimulus. TRAD had in order of appearance); hurdle jumps, broad jumps, skat-
a more evenly distribution of the weekly training, which con- ing jumps, single leg stair jumps, and single leg lateral stair
sisted of 2‐3 HIT sessions and 4‐5 strength training sessions jumps. The participants had 2 minutes recovery between sets.
(including plyometric training) throughout the intervention Participants were instructed to exert maximal effort and to
(Table 1). avoid stopping fully between jumps of a particular set.
RØNNESTAD et al.   
T A B L E 2   Characteristics of the performed HIT and strength measured. ANOVA was run in R.26 Effect size (ES) of BP
training sessions and energy intake in the middle of the intervention was calculated with the following formula: ([BP mean−
period TRAD mean]/TRAD SD). The scale proposed by Rhea27 for
BP TRAD highly trained subjects was used to interpret the magnitude of
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD the treatment effect on the physiological variables; 0.0‐0.24
trivial, 0.25‐0.49 small, 0.5‐1.0 moderate, >1.0 large. P‐val-
Number of HIT sessions 10.6 ± 1.5 10.8 ± 2.2
ues ≤0.05 were considered statistically significant; P‐val-
Mean power in HIT 258 ± 35 257 ± 33
series (W)
ues>0.05 and ≤0.10 were considered statistical tendencies.
Mean RPE after HIT 17.8 ± 0.7 18.8 ± 0.8
Number of lower‐body 9.4 ± 0.5 8.4 ± 1.7
There was no significant difference between BP and TRAD
Mean training loadlower‐ 82 ± 13 92 ± 9
in either number of performed HIT sessions or strength train-
body sessions (kg)
ing sessions, or nutritional intake during the intervention pe-
Number of upper‐body 8.0 ± 0.7 7.8 ± 1.8
riod (Table 2; P > 0.05).
There was no difference in change of body mass be-
Mean training loadupper‐ 62 ± 8 66 ± 13
tween BP and TRAD (1.5% ± 1.9% vs 0.7% ± 1.5%, respec-
body sessions (kg)
tively; ES = 0.46). Peak torque in knee extension at 60° s−1
Number of plyometric 5.4 ± 0.4 4.8 ± 1.6
sessions tended to increase more in BP than TRAD (2.1% ± 2.5% vs
−0.1% ± 2.5%, P = 0.08) with a moderate ES favoring BP
Energy intakea (kJ/kg/d) 145.3 ± 62.5 145.1 ± 65.5
(ES = 0.83). BP had a significant larger increase in knee ex-
CHO intake (kJ/kg/d) 4.5 ± 1.9 4.1 ± 2.0
tension peak torque at 180° s−1 than TRAD (6.6% ± 8.7%
Fat intakea (kJ/kg/d) 1.3 ± 0.7 1.3 ± 0.6
vs −4.2% ± 6.3%, respectively; P = 0.01, ES = 1.18). Mean
Protein intake (kJ/kg/d) 1.8 ± 0.7 1.9 ± 0.7 power output during the 30‐seconds sprint showed a tendency
CHO, carbohydrate; HIT, high‐intensity aerobic intervals; RPE, rate of perceived toward larger improvement in BP vs TRAD (4.1% ± 2.5% vs
−0.3% ± 5.9%, P = 0.06, ES = 0.89). From pre to post, there
Including protein chocolate bars
was no difference in changes in SJ height between BP (from
36.7 ± 4.9 to 37.7 ± 4.9 cm) and TRAD (from 34.4 ± 5.5 to
34.7 ± 4.9 cm), but a small ES favoring BP (ES = 0.34). BP
2.7  | Statistics had a larger increased in VO2maks than TRAD (5.1% ± 3.3%
All values presented in the text, figures, and tables are vs 1.1% ± 3.5%, P = 0.05; ES = 1.04). There was no differ-
mean ± SD. Two‐way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was ence between BP and TRAD in changes in Wmaks (4.4 ± 2.4
conducted to check for differences between the groups vs 2.6% ± 2.3%), but the ES showed a moderate effect of BP
(time × group) with regard to change in the parameters vs TRAD (ES = 0.71). Figures 1, 2 and 3.

F I G U R E 1   The individual (dotted lines) and mean (solid lines) results of peak torque in knee extension at 60° s−1 (panel A) and peak torque
in knee extension at 180° s−1 (panel B) for the block periodization group (BP) and the traditional group (TRAD). £Tendency toward larger than Pre
(P = 0.08), #The change from Pre is larger than in TRAD (P < 0.05)
6       RØNNESTAD et al.

TRAD. These differences were evident despite the fact that

the study protocol investigated the effect of only six weeks
of training in already well‐trained ice hockey players.
Due to the extensive strength training experience of the
ice hockey players, the short intervention period, and the lack
of specificity of the maximal strength testing protocol (isoki-
netic knee extension), drastic changes were not expected for
the strength‐related variables. In spite of that, BP improved
isokinetic knee extension peak torque significantly more
than TRAD at the high velocity and, furthermore, showed
a statistical tendency toward larger improvement at the low
velocity. Our findings corroborate with the findings of su-
perior strength‐ and power‐related adaptations after block
periodization in handball players.22 Although some meth-
F I G U R E 2   The individual (dotted lines) and mean (solid lines) odological differences, our results are also in line with the
results of mean power output during 30‐s cycling sprint for the block observation that block training is more efficient than a daily
periodization group (BP) and the traditional group (TRAD). £ A trend undulating model in producing strength gains in strength
toward larger relative change from Pre in BP than TRAD (P = 0.06) trained college track athletes not focusing on endurance ac-
tivities.20 In the present study, there was a relative large vol-
ume of strength and endurance training. In such protocols,
4  |   D IS C U SS ION strength training adaptations seem to be impaired13,28,29 In
line with our observations, it has been suggested that the
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to com- ability to develop high power output and rate of force devel-
pare the effects of block periodization of endurance and opment is more interfered by combining strength and endur-
strength‐power training with those of a more traditional ance training than the ability to produce high force during
training approach, with mixed stimuli, on physical capaci- low muscle shortening velocities.28,30-32 It could be that
ties in well‐trained ice hockey players, utilizing a training the BP group maximized the power‐ and strength training
volume and intensity‐matched protocol. The main findings stimulus by concentrating on these variables in intervention
were that BP induces larger improvement in knee exten- weeks 1, 3, 4, and 6, while simultaneously minimizing the
sion peak torque at 180° s−1 and VO2max than TRAD. The anticipated disturbing signals from endurance training. This
superiority of BP was further underlined by the statisti- is in agreement with the suggested benefits of block peri-
cal tendency toward larger improvements in peak torque odization.14,15 However, it is important to underline that the
in knee extension at 60° s−1 and mean power output dur- present study did not include a group that performed strength
ing the 30‐seconds cycling sprint. For all these variables, training only, so we cannot conclude that an interference ef-
BP exhibited a moderate or large effect size compared to fect on the strength training adaptations has occurred.

F I G U R E 3   The individual (dotted lines) and mean (solid lines) results of maximal oxygen uptake (panel A) and maximal aerobic power
output (panel B) for the block periodization group (BP) and the traditional group (TRAD). #The relative change from Pre is larger than in TRAD
(P < 0.05)
RØNNESTAD et al.   
Häkkinen et al31 suggested that a lack of improvement Previous studies have observed improved endurance
in rate of force development after concurrent strength and performance after block periodization in sports demanding
endurance training is due to a lack of improvement in rapid both strength, power, and endurance like soccer39 and judo,23
voluntary neural activation. Simultaneously, endurance train- but none of these studies included a control group, making
ing itself may induce muscle fiber atrophy28,33 and reduce the it difficult to interpret the efficacy of BP vs TRAD. In the
maximum shortening velocity of the type II muscle fibers, and present study, BP achieved a larger increase in VO2max than
reduces peak tension development in all muscle fiber types.34 TRAD, despite similar training volume and intensity in the
Consequently, both neural and muscular adaptations may ex- two groups. This is in line with previous studies in cyclists17
plain the lack of strength training adaptations in TRAD, who and cross‐country skiers,18 lasting 4‐5 weeks with matched
mixed endurance and strength training stimuli within each volume and intensity of the endurance training between a BP
training week. Unfortunately, muscular adaptations, like hy- and a TRAD group. The present findings may have direct
pertrophy, were not assessed in the present study. However, practical implications for ice hockey players, as VO2max is
considering the equal total energy intake during the 4‐day important for the ability to perform repeated sprints on ice.8,9
weighted food recording between groups, and the controlled VO2max is also related to overall scoring chances throughout
protein intake in connection with exercises, it might be spec- a competitive ice hockey season.40 VO2max is related to Wmax
ulated that the effect size pointing toward a small effect of and therefore the observed ES showing a moderate practical
BP on increased body mass was due to muscle hypertrophy. effect of BP vs TRAD on Wmax (ES = 0.71) was somewhat
Theoretically, this could partly explain the moderate and large expected. However, there was a lack of a statistical differ-
ES of BP vs TRAD on peak torque at both low and high ve- ence between the two groups in change of Wmax (4.4% vs
locities, as well as the tendency toward larger increase in mean 2.6%, respectively). Wmax is influenced not only by VO2max
power output during the 30‐seconds cycling sprint.35 Since and work economy, but also incorporates anaerobic capacity
strength training has the potential to increase glycolytic en- and neuromuscular characteristics.41 The relevance of Wmax
zyme activity, muscle fiber type II size, and augment intra- is highlighted by the observation that the end stage com-
cellular fuel stores of ATP and phosphocreatine,36 this is a pleted during a graded exercise test with 1‐minute increases
potential mechanism for the statistical tendency and moder- in workload (equal to Wmax) is a good predictor of on‐ice per-
ate ES of BP on mean power during the Wingate test. In line formance in ice hockey players.8
with this, a significant influence of muscle morphology has It has been argued that many (block) periodization stud-
been observed on total work during 30‐seconds cycling sprint ies do not include variation in the training variables from
in males.37 Because ice hockey requires short‐sprinting inter- week to week in the control group, and that they thus as-
vals that rely heavily upon the anaerobic energy pathways, the sess the interjecting training novelty into habituated pat-
present findings of a statistical tendency toward superior adap- terns rather than block periodization per se.42 Therefore,
tation in the 30‐seconds cycling sprint after BP vs TRAD can we added variation in the weekly number of both strength‐
be suggested to be of practical relevance. Both lower extremity training sessions and HIT sessions in TRAD, while at the
strength and power output could be hypothesized to improve same time asserting matched volumes of HIT and strength‐
skating sprint performance in ice hockey players. These capac- training in the two groups over the course of the interven-
ities have previously been associated with better skating sprint tion. Importantly, in order to maintain the adaptations from
performance.6 one block to the next block, BP performed one weekly
Despite favorable adaptations in the BP group in the training session of the nonprioritized training modalities.
ability to produce rapid force, there was no significant Such maintenance stimuli are likely important to avoid de-
difference between BP and TRAD in changes in verti- training effects with regard to both strength, power, and
cal jump ability. This was somewhat surprising, as verti- endurance.43,44
cal jump performance seems to be an accurate manner of Among the limitations of the present study, the most im-
predicting the ability to produce power in the lower limb portant appears to be the lack of testing on‐ice performance.
extensor muscles.38 Accordingly, the superior increase in Furthermore, the time span of the study is limited to 6 weeks,
peak knee extension torque at high velocities should have and future research should investigate the effects of BP on
been accommodated by a superior jumping performance. both physical capacities and sport‐specific performance
Indeed, block periodization induced larger improvements during competition in ice hockey and other team sports over
in vertical jumping ability in elite female handball players longer training frames. In conclusion, the present study sug-
compared to traditional periodization.22 Regardless of this, gests that in well‐trained ice hockey players, block periodiza-
the numerical difference between BP and TRAD in vertical tion of strength and endurance training can induce superior
jump performance (4.4% vs 2.1%, respectively) may have adaptations in both strength and endurance capacities com-
performance relevance for these well‐trained ice hockey pared to traditional mixed organization characterized by sim-
players. ilar training volume and intensity.
8       RØNNESTAD et al.

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Team sports usually have a tight match schedule, short off‐ 5. Behm DG, Wahl MJ, Button DC, Power KE, Anderson KG.
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