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Why Business Models

yo by Joan Magretta

Included with this full-text Harvard Business Review article:


1 Article Summary
The Idea in Brief—the core idea
The Idea in Practice—putting the idea to work

2 Why Business Models Matter

9 Further Reading
A list of related materials, with annotations to guide further

exploration of the article’s ideas and applications

Product 9985
This document is authorized for educator review use only by HARRY HAVRANEG, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (UAI) until May 2023. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Why Business Models Matter

The Idea in Brief The Idea in Practice

The terms “business model” and “strategy” TWO TESTS done offline” and still provide value to col-
are among the most sloppily used in busi- Powerful business models pass two tests: lectors, bargain hunters, and small-business
ness. People use them interchangeably to people. Its narrow scope of activities cre-
refer to everything—so they mean nothing. 1.The narrative test: The business model ates a highly profitable cost structure. For
tells a logical story explaining who your cus- example, sellers and buyers handle pay-
But no organization can afford fuzzy think- tomers are, what they value, and how you’ll ment and shipping logistics—so eBay in-
ing about these fundamental concepts. A make money providing them that value. curs no inventory or transportation costs

business model and a strategy are two dif-
The story’s plot may turn on one of two links and avoids credit risk.
ferent animals. One explains who your cus-
tomers are and how you plan to make in the generic business value chain:
money by providing them with value; the • making something that satisfies an
other, how you’ll beat competitors by Having a solid business model isn’t enough.
unmet need; e.g., American Express
being different. You also need a strategy, to plan how you’ll
traveler’s checks gave travelers new peace
beat your rivals—by being different.
A well-thought-out business model also of mind
enables you to test and revise your assump- • selling something in innovative ways;
tions about customers, think rigorously Wal-Mart used Kmart’s business model—
e.g., Eastern Exclusives distributes restau-
about your business, and align employees but implemented a unique strategy:
rant discount-coupon books in bulk to
behind your company’s mission. Rather than trying to be just like its rivals, it
university housing departments, which
promised different value to customers in dif-
Sure, the business-model concept unrav- distribute them free to dorms
ferent markets. It put big discount stores into
eled after flagrant misuse by dot bombs. 2.The numbers test: A business model’s story “little one-horse towns” that competitors ig-
But when you build a sound model that

holds up only if you tie assumptions about nored. Founder Sam Walton bet—rightly—
complements your strategy, you equip your customers to sound economics—your P&L that if his stores beat city prices by offering
company to beat even your toughest rivals. must add up. For example, on-line grocery name brands (not second-tier, private-label
models failed because customers declined to brands), townspeople would “shop [close

pay substantially more on-line than in stores. to] home.”

E-grocers couldn’t cover their marketing, tech-
nology, and delivery costs.

Failing either test can prove fatal.

When EuroDisney opened its Paris theme
park, it assumed Europeans were like Amer-
icans. But instead of grazing all day at the
park’s restaurants, Europeans wanted to eat
meals at the same hour. Results? Over-
loaded restaurants, long lines, frustrated pa-
trons. EuroDisney’s model failed the narra-

tive test because it misunderstood

customers’ motivations.

Models passing both tests clarify how your

business’s various elements fit together.

On-line auction giant eBay combined a
compelling narrative with major profit po-
tential. This on-line business “couldn’t be

page 1
This document is authorized for educator review use only by HARRY HAVRANEG, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (UAI) until May 2023. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860
A good business model begins with an insight into human motivations

and ends in a rich stream of profits.

Why Business Models

by Joan Magretta

“Business model” was one of the great Telling a Good Story

buzzwords of the Internet boom, routinely in- The word “model” conjures up images of
voked, as the writer Michael Lewis put it, “to white boards covered with arcane mathematical

glorify all manner of half-baked plans.” A com- formulas. Business models, though, are any-
pany didn’t need a strategy, or a special com- thing but arcane. They are, at heart, stories—
petence, or even any customers—all it needed stories that explain how enterprises work. A
was a Web-based business model that prom- good business model answers Peter Drucker’s

ised wild profits in some distant, ill-defined fu- age-old questions: Who is the customer? And
ture. Many people—investors, entrepreneurs, what does the customer value? It also answers
and executives alike—bought the fantasy and the fundamental questions every manager
got burned. And as the inevitable counterreac- must ask: How do we make money in this busi-
tion played out, the concept of the business ness? What is the underlying economic logic
model fell out of fashion nearly as quickly as that explains how we can deliver value to cus-
the .com appendage itself. tomers at an appropriate cost?
That’s a shame. For while it’s true that a lot Consider the story behind one of the most
of capital was raised to fund flawed business successful business models of all time: that of

models, the fault lies not with the concept of the traveler’s check. During a European vaca-
the business model but with its distortion and tion in 1892, J.C. Fargo, the president of Ameri-
misuse. A good business model remains essen- can Express, had a hard time translating his let-
tial to every successful organization, whether ters of credit into cash. “The moment I got off
it’s a new venture or an established player. But the beaten path,” he said on his return, “they
before managers can apply the concept, they were no more use than so much wet wrapping
need a simple working definition that clears paper. If the president of American Express has
up the fuzziness associated with the term. that sort of trouble, just think what ordinary

harvard business review • may 2002 page 2

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Why Business Models Matter

travelers face. Something has got to be done created new, incremental demand. Traveler’s
about it.”1 What American Express did was to

checks remained the preferred method for
create the traveler’s check—and from that in- taking money abroad for decades, until a new
novation evolved a robust business model with technology—the automated teller machine—
all the elements of a good story: precisely de- granted travelers even greater convenience.
lineated characters, plausible motivations, and Creating a business model is, then, a lot like
a plot that turns on an insight about value. writing a new story. At some level, all new sto-

The story was straightforward for customers. ries are variations on old ones, reworkings of
In exchange for a small fee, travelers could buy the universal themes underlying all human ex-
both peace of mind (the checks were insured perience. Similarly, all new business models
against loss and theft) and convenience (they are variations on the generic value chain un-
were very widely accepted). Merchants also derlying all businesses. Broadly speaking, this
played a key role in the tale. They accepted the chain has two parts. Part one includes all the
checks because they trusted the American Ex- activities associated with making something:
press name, which was like a universal letter of designing it, purchasing raw materials, manu-

credit, and because, by accepting them, they facturing, and so on. Part two includes all the
attracted more customers. The more other activities associated with selling something:
merchants accepted the checks, the stronger finding and reaching customers, transacting a
any individual merchant’s motivation became sale, distributing the product or delivering the
not to be left out. service. A new business model’s plot may turn
As for American Express, it had discovered a on designing a new product for an unmet
riskless business, because customers always need, as it did with the traveler’s check. Or it
paid cash for the checks. Therein lies the twist may turn a process innovation, a better way of
to the plot, the underlying economic logic that making or selling or distributing an already
turned what would have been an unremark- proven product or service.
able operation into a money machine. The Think about the simple business that direct-
twist was float. In most businesses, costs precede marketing pioneer Michael Bronner created
revenues: Before anyone can buy your prod- in 1980 when he was a junior at Boston Uni-
uct, you’ve got to build it and pay for it. The versity. Like his classmates, Bronner had occa-

traveler’s check turned the cycle of debt and sionally bought books of discount coupons
risk on its head. Because people paid the for local stores and restaurants. Students paid
checks before (often long before) they used a small fee for the coupon books. But Bronner
them, American Express was getting some- had a better idea. Yes, the books created value
thing banks had long enjoyed—the equivalent for students, but they had the potential to cre-
of an interest-free loan from its customers. ate much more value for merchants, who
Moreover, some of the checks were never stood to gain by increasing their sales of
cashed, giving the company an extra windfall. pizza and haircuts. Bronner realized that the

As this story shows, a successful business key to unlocking that potential was wider
model represents a better way than the exist- distribution—putting a coupon book in every
ing alternatives. It may offer more value to a student’s backpack.
discrete group of customers. Or it may com- That posed two problems. First, as Bronner
pletely replace the old way of doing things and well knew students were often strapped for cash.
become the standard for the next generation of Giving the books away for free would solve
entrepreneurs to beat. Nobody today would that problem. Second, Bronner needed to get
head off on vacation armed with a suitcase full the books to students at a cost that wouldn’t
of letters of credit. Fargo’s business model eat up his profits. So he made a clever proposal

changed the rules of the game, in this case, the to the dean of Boston University’s housing
Joan Magretta is a management con- economics of travel. By eliminating the fear of department: Bronner would assemble the
sultant and writer and a past winner of being robbed and the hours spent trying to get coupon books and deliver them in bulk to the
HBR’s McKinsey Award. This article cash in a strange city, the checks removed a sig- housing department, and the department could
draws on material from her latest book, nificant barrier to travel, helping many more distribute them free to every dorm on campus.
What Management Is: How It Works, people to take many more trips. Like all really This would make the department look good in
and Why It’s Everyone’s Business (Free powerful business models, this one didn’t just the eyes of the students, a notoriously tough
Press, 2002). shift existing revenues among companies; it crowd to please. The dean agreed.

harvard business review • may 2002 page 3

This document is authorized for educator review use only by HARRY HAVRANEG, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (UAI) until May 2023. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Why Business Models Matter

Now Bronner could make an even more in- EuroDisney opened its Paris theme park in

teresting proposal to neighborhood business 1992, it borrowed the business model that
owners. If they agreed to pay a small fee to ap- had worked so well in Disney’s U.S. parks.
pear in the new book, their coupons would be Europeans, the company thought, would
seen by all 14,000 residents of BU’s dorms. spend roughly the same amount of time and
Bronner’s idea took off. Before long, he had ex- money per visit as Americans did on food,
tended the concept to other campuses, then to rides, and souvenirs.

downtown office buildings. Eastern Exclusives, Each of Disney’s assumptions about the rev-
his first company, was born. His innovation enue side of the business turned out to be
wasn’t the coupon book but his business wrong. Europeans did not, for example, graze
model; it worked because he had insight into all day long at the park’s various restaurants
the motivations of three sets of characters: stu- the way Americans did. Instead, they all ex-
dents, merchants, and school administrators. pected to seated at precisely the same lunch or
dinner hour, which overloaded the facilities
Tying Narrative to Numbers and created long lines of frustrated patrons.

The term “business model” first came into Because of those miscalculations, EuroDisney
widespread use with the advent of the per- was something of a disaster in its early years. It
sonal computer and the spreadsheet. Before became a success only after a dozen or so of
the spreadsheet, business planning usually the key elements in its business model were
meant producing a single, base-case forecast. changed, one by one.
At best, you did a little sensitivity analysis When managers operate consciously from
around the projection. The spreadsheet ush- a model of how the entire business system
ered in a much more analytic approach to will work, every decision, initiative, and mea-
Business modeling is the planning because every major line item could surement provides valuable feedback. Profits
be pulled apart, its components and subcom- are important not only for their own sake
managerial equivalent of ponents analyzed and tested. You could ask but also because they tell you whether your
what-if questions about the critical assump- model is working. If you fail to achieve the re-
the scientific method— tions on which your business depended—for sults you expected, you reexamine your
you start with a example, what if customers are more price- model, as EuroDisney did. Business modeling

sensitive than we thought?—and with a few is, in this sense, the managerial equivalent of
hypothesis, which you keystrokes, you could see how any change the scientific method—you start with a hy-
then test in action and would play out on every aspect of the whole. pothesis, which you then test in action and
In other words, you could model the behavior revise when necessary.
revise when necessary. of a business.
This was something new. Before the personal Two Critical Tests
computer changed the nature of business plan- When business models don’t work, it’s be-
ning, most successful business models, like cause they fail either the narrative test (the

Fargo’s, were created more by accident than by story doesn’t make sense) or the numbers test
design and forethought. The business model (the P&L doesn’t add up). The business model
became clear only after the fact. By enabling of on-line grocers, for instance, failed the num-
companies to tie their marketplace insights bers test. The grocery industry has very thin
much more tightly to the resulting economics— margins to begin with, and on-line merchants
to link their assumptions about how people like Webvan incurred new costs for marketing,
would behave to the numbers of a pro forma service, delivery, and technology. Since cus-
P&L—spreadsheets made it possible to model tomers weren’t willing to pay significantly
businesses before they were launched. more for groceries bought on-line than in

Of course, a spreadsheet is only as good as stores, there was no way the math could work.
the assumptions that go into it. Once an enter- Internet grocers had plenty of company. Many
prise starts operating, the underlying assump- ventures in the first wave of electronic com-
tions of its model—about both the motivations merce failed simply because the basic business
and economics—are subjected to continuous math was flawed.
testing in the marketplace. And success often Other business models failed the narrative
hinges on management’s ability to tweak, or test. Consider the rapid rise and fall of Price-
even overhaul, the model on the fly. When line Webhouse Club. This was an offshoot of

harvard business review • may 2002 page 4

This document is authorized for educator review use only by HARRY HAVRANEG, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (UAI) until May 2023. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Why Business Models Matter

t, the company that introduced who invented it. Ultimately, models like these

name-your-own pricing to the purchase of air- fail because they are built on faulty assump-
line tickets. Wall Street’s early enthusiasm tions about customer behavior. They are solu-
encouraged CEO Jay Walker to extend his con- tions in search of a problem.
cept to groceries and gasoline. The irony about the slipshod use of the
Here’s the story Walker tried to tell. Via the concept of business models is that when used
Web, millions of consumers would tell him correctly, it actually forces managers to think

how much they wanted to pay for, say, a jar of rigorously about their businesses. A business
peanut butter. Consumers could specify the model’s great strength as a planning tool is
price but not the brand, so they might end up that it focuses attention on how all the ele-
with Jif or they might end up with Skippy. ments of the system fit into a working whole.
Webhouse would then aggregate the bids and It’s no surprise that, even during the Internet
go to companies like P&G and Bestfoods and boom, executives who grasped the basics of
try to make a deal: Take 50 cents off the price business model thinking were in a better posi-
of your peanut butter, and we’ll order a million tion to lead the winners. Meg Whitman, for ex-

jars this week. Webhouse wanted to be a ample, joined eBay in its early days because
power broker for individual consumers: Repre- she was struck by what she described as “the
senting millions of shoppers, it would negoti- emotional connection between eBay users and
ate discounts and then pass on the savings to the site.”2 The way people behaved was an
its customers, taking a fee in the process. early indicator of the potential power of the
What was wrong with the story? It assumed eBay brand. Whitman also realized that eBay,
that companies like P&G, Kimberly-Clark, and unlike many Internet businesses that were
Exxon wanted to play this game. Think about being created, simply “couldn’t be done off-
A business model isn’t the that for a minute. Big consumer companies line.” In other words, Whitman—a seasoned
have spent decades and billions of dollars executive—saw a compelling, coherent narra-
same thing as a strategy, building brand loyalty. The Webhouse model tive with the potential to be translated into a
teaches consumers to buy on price alone. So profitable business.
even though many people why would the manufacturers want to help Whitman has remained attentive to the psy-
use the terms Webhouse undermine both their prices and chology and the economics that draw collec-

the brand identities they’d worked so hard to tors, bargain hunters, community seekers, and
interchangeably today. build? They wouldn’t. The story just didn’t small-business people to eBay. Its auction
make sense. To be a power broker, Webhouse model succeeds not just because the Internet
needed a huge base of loyal customers. To get lowers the cost of connecting vast numbers of
those customers, it first needed to deliver dis- buyers and sellers but also because eBay has
counts. Since the consumer product compa- made decisions about the scope of its activities
nies refused to play, Webhouse had to pay for that result in an appropriate cost structure.
those discounts out of its own pocket. A few After an auction, eBay leaves it to the sellers

hundred million dollars later, in October 2000, and buyers to work out the logistics of pay-
it ran out of cash—and out of investors who ment and shipping. The company never takes
still believed the story. possession of the goods or carries any inven-
In case anyone thinks that Internet entrepre- tory. It incurs no transportation costs. It bears
neurs have a monopoly on flawed business no credit risk. And it has none of the overhead
models, think again. We tend to forget about that would come with those activities.
ideas that don’t pan out, but business history is
littered with them. In the 1980s, the one-stop What About Strategy?
financial supermarket was a business model Every viable organization is built on a sound

that fired the imagination of many executives— business model, whether or not its founders or
but Sears, to cite one example, discovered that its managers conceive of what they do in those
its customers just didn’t get the connection be- terms. But a business model isn’t the same
tween power tools and annuities. In the 1990s, thing as a strategy, even though many people
Silicon Graphics invested hundreds of millions use the terms interchangeably today. Business
of dollars in interactive television, but it was models describe, as a system, how the pieces
unable to find real customers who were as en- of a business fit together. But they don’t factor
chanted by the technology as the engineers in one critical dimension of performance:

harvard business review • may 2002 page 5

This document is authorized for educator review use only by HARRY HAVRANEG, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (UAI) until May 2023. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Why Business Models Matter

competition. Sooner or later—and it is usually of shoppers efficiently. And third, put fewer

sooner—every enterprise runs into competi- salespeople on the floor and rely on cus-
tors. Dealing with that reality is strategy’s job. tomers to serve themselves. Do those things
A competitive strategy explains how you will well, and you could offer low prices and still
do better than your rivals. And doing better, by make money.
definition, means being different. Organiza- Walton heard about the new discount
tions achieve superior performance when they stores, visited a few, and liked their potential.

are unique, when they do something no other In 1962, he decided to set out on his own,
business does in ways that no other business borrowing a lot of ideas for his early stores
can duplicate. When you cut away the jargon, from Kmart and others. But it was what he
that’s what strategy is all about—how you are chose to do differently—the ways he put his
going to do better by being different. The logic own stamp on the basic business model—that
is straightforward: When all companies offer made Wal-Mart so fabulously successful. His
the same products and services to the same model was the same as Kmart’s, but his
customers by performing the same kinds of ac- strategy was unique.

tivities, no company will prosper. Customers From the very start, for instance, Walton
will benefit, at least in the short term, while chose to serve a different group of customers
head-to-head competition drives prices down in a different set of markets. The ten largest
to a point where returns are inadequate. It was discounters in 1962, all gone today, focused on
precisely this kind of competition—destructive large metropolitan areas and cities like New
competition, to use Michael Porter’s term— York. Wal-Mart’s “key strategy,” in Walton’s
that did in many Internet retailers, whether own words, “was to put good-sized stores into
they were selling pet supplies, drugs, or toys. little one-horse towns which everybody else
Too many fledgling companies rushed to mar- was ignoring.”3 He sought out isolated rural
ket with identical business models and no towns, like Rogers, with populations between
strategies to differentiate themselves in terms 5,000 and 25,000. Being a small-town guy him-
of which customers and markets to serve, what self, Walton knew the terrain well. The nearest
products and services to offer, and what kinds city was probably a four-hour drive away. He
of value to create. rightly bet that if his stores could match or

To see the distinction between a strategy beat the city prices, “people would shop at
and a business model, you need only look at home.” And since Wal-Mart’s markets tended
Wal-Mart. You might think that the giant re- to be too small to support more than one large
tailer’s success was a result of pioneering a new retailer, Walton was able to preempt competi-
business model, but that’s not the case. When tors and discourage them from entering Wal-
Sam Walton opened his first Wal-Mart in 1962 Mart’s territory.
in the hamlet of Rogers, Arkansas, the discount- Wal-Mart also took a different approach to
retailing business model had been around for a merchandising and pricing than its competi-

few years. It had emerged in the mid-1950s, tors did—that is, it promised customers a dif-
when a slew of industry pioneers (now long ferent kind of value. While competitors relied
forgotten) began to apply supermarket logic to heavily on private label goods, second-tier
the sale of general merchandise. Supermarkets brands, and price promotions, Wal-Mart prom-
had been educating customers since the 1930s ised national brands at everyday low prices.
about the value of giving up personal service To make this promise more than a marketing
in exchange for lower food prices, and the new slogan, the company pursued efficiency and
breed of retailers saw that they could adapt the reduced costs through innovative practices in
basic story line of the supermarket to cloth- areas such as purchasing, logistics, and infor-

ing, appliances, and a host of other consumer mation management.

goods. The idea was to offer lower prices than The business model of discount retailing has
conventional department stores by slashing attracted many players since it emerged in the
costs. And so the basic business model for 1950s. Most of them have failed. A few, like
discount retailing took shape: First, strip away Wal-Mart and Target, have achieved superior
the department store’s physical amenities such performance over the long haul because their
as the carpeting and the chandeliers. Second, strategies set them apart. Wal-Mart offers
configure the stores to handle large numbers branded goods for less to a carefully chosen

harvard business review • may 2002 page 6

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Why Business Models Matter

customer base. Target built a strategy around a out his territory selling more powerful, higher

different kind of value—style and fashion. The margin computers.
losers in the industry—the chronic underper- Then, because Dell sold direct and could
formers like Kmart—are companies that tried analyze its customers in depth, it began to
to be all things to all people. They failed to find notice that its average selling price to con-
distinctive ways to compete. sumers was increasing while the industry’s
was falling. Consumers who were buying

A Good Model Is Not Enough their second or third machines and who
There’s another, more recent story that sheds were looking for more power and less hand-
further light on the relationship between busi- holding were coming to Dell—even though
ness models and strategies. It’s the story of it wasn’t targeting them. Only in 1997, after it
Dell Computer. Unlike Sam Walton, Michael had a profitable, billion-dollar consumer
Dell was a true business-model pioneer. The business, did Dell dedicate a group to serving
model he created is, by now, well known: the consumer segment.
While other personal-computer makers sold Now that everyone in its industry is selling

through resellers, Dell sold directly to end cus- direct, Dell’s strategy has shifted to deal with
tomers. That not only cut out costly link from the new competitive realities. With a decade-
the value chain, it also gave Dell the informa- long lead, Dell is by far the industry’s best ex-
tion it needed to manage inventory better ecutor of the direct-selling model—it is the
than any other company in its industry. And low-cost producer. So it is using its cost advan-
because the pace of innovation in the industry tage in PCs to compete on price, to gain share,
was intense, Dell’s inventory advantage meant and to drive the weaker players out of the
it could avoid the high cost of obsolescence business. At the same time, the company is
When a new model that other computer makers had to bear. relying on its core business model to pursue
Armed with its innovative business model, opportunities in new product markets, like
changes the economics of Dell has consistently outperformed rivals for servers, that have greater profit potential than
more than a decade. PCs. The underlying business model remains
an industry and is In this case, Dell’s business model func- the same. The strategic choices about where to
difficult to replicate, it tioned much like a strategy: It made Dell dif- apply the model—which geographic markets,

ferent in ways that were hard to copy. If Dell’s which segments, which customers, which
can by itself create a rivals tried to sell direct, they would disrupt products—are what change.
strong competitive their existing distribution channels and alien- Clarity about its business model has helped
ate the resellers on whom they relied. Trapped Dell in another way: as a basis for employee
advantage. by their own strategies, they were damned if communication and motivation. Because a
they copied Dell and damned if they didn’t. business model tells a good story, it can be used
When a new model changes economics of an to get everyone in the organization aligned
industry and is difficult to replicate, it can by it- around the kind of value the company wants

self create a strong competitive advantage. to create. Stories are easy to grasp and easy
What often gets lost in Dell’s story, though, to remember. They help individuals to see
is the role that pure strategy has played in the their own jobs within the larger context of
company’s superior performance. While Dell’s what the company is trying to do and to tailor
direct business model laid out which value their behavior accordingly. Used in this way, a
chain activities Dell would do (and which it good business model can become a powerful
wouldn’t do), the company still had crucial tool for improving execution.
strategic choices to make about which cus- •••
tomers to serve and what kinds of products Today, “business model” and “strategy” are

and services to offer. In the 1990s for exam- among the most sloppily used terms in business;
ple, while other PC makers focused on com- they are often stretched to mean everything—
puters for the home market, Dell consciously and end up meaning nothing. But as the ex-
chose to go after large corporate accounts, periences of companies like Dell and Wal-Mart
which were far more profitable. Other PC show, these are concepts with enormous
makers offered low-end machines to lure in practical value. It’s true that any attempt to
first-time buyers. Michael Dell wasn’t inter- draw sharp boundaries around abstract
ested in this “no-margin” business. He staked terms involves some arbitrary choices. But

harvard business review • may 2002 page 7

This document is authorized for educator review use only by HARRY HAVRANEG, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (UAI) until May 2023. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Why Business Models Matter

unless we’re willing to draw the line some- 2. “Meg Whitman at eBay Inc. (A),” HBS case

where, these concepts will remain confus- no.9-400-035.
ing and difficult to use. Definition brings 3. “Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.,” HBS case no.9-794-024.
clarity. And when it comes to concepts that
are so fundamental to performance, no or- Reprint R0205F
ganization can afford fuzzy thinking. Harvard Business Review OnPoint 9985
To order, see the next page

1. James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras, Built to or call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500
Last (HarperCollins, 1994). or go to


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Why Business Models Matter

Further Reading

ARTICLES happy”), and 2) your firm’s envisioned future, in-
Strategy and the Internet cluding “Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals” stretch-
by Michael E. Porter ing decades ahead, and vivid images of
Harvard Business Review achieving those goals.
March 2001
Whereas your firm’s business model and strat-
Product no. 6358
egy should shift continually with circum-

This article explains why the earliest e- stances, its core ideology should endure, hold-
commerce business models and strategies ing the entire enterprise together when all
failed—and presents a new perspective on else is up for grabs.
the Internet’s value for businesses. Many e-
The Power of Virtual Integration: An
business models assumed that the Internet
Interview with Dell Computer’s Michael
rendered established strategy rules obsolete.
But it has made them more vital than ever.
by Joan Magretta
The Internet weakens industries’ profitability, Harvard Business Review
as rivals compete solely on price. And it no March–April 1998
longer provides proprietary advantages, Product no. 7907
because everyone uses the Web. In fact, it’s
This article reveals the competitive power a
primarily a tool for supporting strategic
company can accumulate when its business
model and strategy align. Michael Dell reviews
To use that tool, integrate Internet initiatives his firm’s legendary model (selling customers

into company strategy so they complement built-to-order computers directly) and strate-
established competitive approaches and cre- gic emphases (customer and supplier partner-
ate advantages rivals can’t copy. How to ships, mass customization, and just-in-time
achieve this integration? Rather than asking manufacturing).
“Should I use the Internet or traditional meth-
But then he lays out the thread stitching these
ods to compete?” ask “How can I use both to
pieces together: virtual integration. Dell
my strategic advantage?”
achieved this by capturing in-depth informa-

Building Your Company’s Vision tion about customers’ needs, transmitting it

by James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras steadily to suppliers, and treating suppliers as
Harvard Business Review in-house partners.
To Order
September–October 1996
With virtual integration, Dell achieves the
Product no. 410X
For reprints, Harvard Business Review tightness of internal coordination—without
OnPoint orders, and subscriptions In addition to a sound business model and excess personnel or costly inventory—and
to Harvard Business Review: competitive strategy, your company also became a $12 billion company in just 13 years.
Call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500. needs a compelling vision: clear plans for

Go to how your firm will advance into an uncertain

future and which values and purposes it holds
For customized and quantity orders dear.
of reprints and Harvard Business
A vision has two components: 1) your firm’s
Review OnPoint products:
core ideology: the guiding principles it oper-
Call Rich Gravelin at
ates by (e.g., Disney’s are imagination and
wholesomeness) and the company’s deepest
or e-mail him at
reason for being (Disney’s is “to make people

page 9
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