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Module 2

Man as a Person

This module is designed to be discussed for a period of one week. Lesson Delivery will be done in synchronous and
asynchronous learning. The platform to be used will be facebook messenger, google classroom and google meet
created for the class.

At the end of the module, you are expected to:

1. describe the different aspects of man as a person;

2. identify the three characteristics that reveal man’s moral nature;
3. interpret the social dimension of a person.


Ethics is the study of man as a moral being. What goals we assign to
ourselves, what actions we choose to do, and how we treat others depend
on how we understand ourselves as a human being. Socrates is wise
indeed for proposing that the starting point of wisdom is "to know oneself".

Filipino Beliefs

Filipinos believe that ...

1. Man is a creature of God.

2. Man has an immortal soul.
3. Man as an assigned destiny in life.
4. Man must do good or else be punished by God.
5. Man by nature is good but is morally weak.

Regarding morality, Filipinos believe that ...

1. Morality is "batas ng Diyos"

2. A person should respect his humanity, "pagkatao"
3. A person should love and care for his family.
4. A person should strive to live peacefully with others.
5. A person should fear God and His punishment.

Rational Animal
Man is an organism composed of a material body and a spiritual soul. He is the whole of his materiality and immateriality, the
substantial union (hylomorphic) of body and soul, matter, and spirit. This essential wholeness is what we call human nature.

Human nature is made up of man's biological, psychological, and rational powers. The biological powers are nutrition, locomotion,
growth, and reproduction. The psychological powers include those of the senses, such as smelling, tasting, seeing, hearing, perceiving,
imagining, and remembering; and those acts of emotions, such as love, hatred, desire, disgust, joy, sorrow, fear, despair, and courage.
The rational powers are those of the intellect and the will - comprehension and volition, respectively.

Natural Law: All human powers or faculties are operational tendencies

towards what is good to man as a rational animal. In this sense, human
nature is the natural law because, like the laws of society, it directs man
in all his activities. Natural law differs from the so-called laws of nature
which are the forces governing the material universe, including man.
Natural law applies only to man as a rational animal. When we speak of
an act as "contrary to natural law”, we mean the act to be against
human nature or humanity.

A Moral Being
Three characteristics reveal man's moral nature:

1. Man by natural insight is able to distinguish between

good and evil, right and wrong, moral and immoral. All
people, including those we regard as primitive, have an
understanding of what is right or wrong, of what is
permitted and prohibited behavior.
2. Man feels himself obliged to do what is good and to
avoid what is evil. He is moved by the inner force of his
being demanding that what is good "ought " to be done,
and what is evil "ought" to be avoided.
3. Man feels himself if accountable for his actions so that
his good deeds merit reward while his evil deeds
deserve punishment. Man feels content with himself for doing a good deed, or he feels remorseful for doing an evil deed. All
cultures have a system of reward and punishment based on the concept of justice.

Man as Person
Man is born as an individual, or person. Person is human nature
actualized and manifested in the history of place and time.

Etymologically, the word "person" comes from the Greek "prosophon"

which is the mask worn by stage actors. The Latin forcefully
"personare" alludes to the mask which is constructed so as to project
forcefully the voice of the actor. Underneath is the person is human
nature which is the principle of human activity.

Person is defined as “an individual, existing separately and

independently on others, capable of knowing and loving in an
intellectual way, and of deciding for himself the purpose or end of his
actions “(Brennan:280) We also refer to person as “self” or “ego”.

Personality and character

The person is an individual human being. Personality is the sum of those physical attributes and tendencies which define a person’s
distinctive behavior. Personality is the sum of a person's physical constitution, talents, abilities, and habits which define characteristic
behavior. In layman's terms, personality consists of the physical qualities and mannerisms of an aesthetically refined person.

As persons, all men are equal regardless of race. However, one person may
have more personality than another. Brennan observes:
"The person does not grow in stature, but personality develops and
enlarges itself according to the pattern of his actions, the mature use of his
powers, and the scheme of his habits. There is no such thing as cultivating
a person, but we speak of cultivation of personality. Hence, personality is
the result of one's achievement". (Ibid: 291).

Character is often taken as synonymous with personality. This is correct if

personality is taken as the sum-total of the psychological systems in an
individual which enable him to adjust to his environment. Character, however, refers the person's choice of values and his intelligent
exercise of his freedom. (Vernon Jones, Meaning of Character, Collier’s Encyclopedia, V-708)

While personality is an aspect of the body, character is an aspect of the human soul. We describe personality as pleasant or
unpleasant, but we speak of character as good or bad in the moral sense. "Personality", says Brennan, "the principle of rational action,
character is the principle of moral action" (Ibid: 292)

Moral Character
Character is the will of the person directing him towards a recognized ideal. This is how
human actions are significant because they actualize man’s potential to be what he
truly is as a rational being. When a person falls short of the expectation, he is said to
have bad character. On the other hand, a person who lives up to the ideals of his
humanity is said to have good character or moral integrity.
Character is not the product of a moment's inspiration, but a disciplined tendency to
choose the right thing in any given circumstance. It is adherence to what is true,
beautiful, and good in us. History counts men of great character who acted against and
above the prevailing beliefs and practices of their day, like Jesus Christ, SakyaMuni or
Buddha, Confucius, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jose Rizal, Ninoy Aquino, Pope John
Paul II, and many more.

Social Dimension of the Person

Society is but an extension of the person. Ethics is particularly relevant

because of man's social nature. The golden rule, for that matter, is
concerned about the other person.

Among modern thinkers, George Hegel teaches that man is fully

developed in his participation in family life, civic community, and in the
State. Likewise, Thomas Hill Green (1836-1882) expresses the
conviction that a person's morality must identify itself with public welfare.

Paul Tillich puts it more clearly and emphatically when he says natural
law is the demand for us, "to be a person in the community of other

Reading Material:
Be Proud You Are Human
Roger William Riis

I admire the human race. Everybody is running us down, these

days, for That is the mess short-range they say stuff. we have
Over made the marching here and there abundant centuries; we
have not made any mess. We have done and are doing a better
job than anyone has any right to expect.

From the beginning, we found ourselves alone in a vast universe,

and not only alone but the only living thing on this planet which
could realize its loneliness. We realized it, gave it a good close
look, and then turned our attention to making something practical
and useful out of an unprecedented situation.

First of all, we found a Light, a God, and we got a sense of direction, a goal to work toward. We proceeded to set up standard for living
together. We made the revolutionary discovery and gentleness, and kindliness were more practical than brute strength. No other
species has ever found that out and used it as a model and practical code of conduct. We observe our ideal standards in at remarkable
degree. Wear honest and trustworthy with another so that it is the exception, it is news, when we commit a theft. We are decent 99
percent of the time when we could easily be vile.

With silence and mystery behind us and ahead of us, we make up gay little life songs and whistle them. We look life and fate in the eye
and smile. I like that and I admire the people who do it. Alone, among all living things, we have discovered beauty and we cherish it,
and create it for eye and ear. Alone among living things, we have the power to look at our environment and criticize it and improve it.

Finding it necessary to live together by the millions, we created for ourselves governing systems covering vast geographical spaces.
We have conceived the ideal of justice and plan it for all men. Finding that we have work to stay alive, we work with ability beyond
imagining. Out of the earth we take food and improve that food year by year; we take heat and light. We enjoy the myriad products of
unparalleled ingenuity. Every morning the necessity for a day's work faces us. And we go and do a day's work.

If persistence, a daring, and ingenuity impossible to surpass, we find ways to move easily under water and through the air. Now
speculatively eye our neighboring planets. How shall I not admire such a creature?

Whenever he comes to an impassable obstacle, an apparently final barrier, he goes to work at it, and in due time, surpasses it. If he
has limits, I do not see where they are. I do not think he has limits. I think he is a child of the universe who inherits eternity. I think he is
wonderful, I am his devoted partisan, and I am proud indeed to be one of him (How to Live with Life, Reader's Digest, 1965, pp 664-
Answer the following question (10 points each).

1. In what sense is human nature a natural law?

Be ready for a 15-item quiz.

1. Differentiate between personality and character.

Agapay, Ramon (2016): Ethics and the Filipinos. National Bookstore

















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