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Angeline Marie M.



Assignment/Activity 2

Answer the following not less than 5 sentences.

1. In what sense is human nature a natural law?

- Human nature is the natural law, because, like the law of society, it directs
man in all his activities. The theory of natural law says that humans possess an
intrinsic sense of right and wrong that governs our reasoning and behavior.
Natural law holds that there are universal moral standards that are inherent in
humankind throughout all time, and these standards should form the basis of
a just society. Human beings are not taught natural law per se, but rather we
“discover” it by consistently making choices for good instead of evil.

2. What is the significance of human action with regards to character?

- Because they actualize man's potential to be what he truly is as a rational
being. When a person falls short of the expectation, he is said to have bad his
humanity is said to have good character or moral integrity. Also because
human acts derived from intellect and the will of a person and later will express
his/her thoughts and desires that reveals his/her moral character. Thus,
people are judged by their actions.

3. What is the demand of natural law according to Paul Tillich?

- “to be a person in the community of other persons" one of us comes into the
world fully formed. We would not know how to think, or walk, or speak, or
behave as human beings unless we learned it from other human beings.

4. Differentiate between personality and character.

- Personality is an aspect of the body, character is an aspect of the human soul.
Character refers to a person’s choice of values. Personality is the sum of those
physical attributes and tendencies which define a person's distinctive behavior.
In other words, Character pertains on who really is that person, he is he based
on he who was born into. Personality is his aspects that he adapts through
other person.

5. From the reading, list five achievements why the author says we should be
proud as human beings.

- We proceeded to set up standard of living together.

- We made the revolutionary discovery and gentleness and kindliness were more
practical than brute strength.

- We are honest and trustworthy with another so that it is the exception; it is

news, when we commit a theft.
- We are decent 99 percent of the time, when we could easily be vile.
- We have conceived the ideal of justice and plan it for all men.

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