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Automated Sprinkler and Ventilation for Fire Prevention

Key Concepts:
→ Smoke and Heat Detection.
→ Area and pipeline preparation.
→ Water Tank Control System.
→ IOT implementation model.

Sect 1.0; Operation Levels:

0(Green) = Observatory.
1(Orange) = Preparatory.
2(Red) = Watery [idk what other cool word ends with -tory lmao].

Sect 2.1; Level 0:

Constant observation in heat levels in open rooms, and heat/smoke in closed rooms using infrared sensors and
smoke detectors.

Sect 2.2; Level 1:

Once heat is detected in open rooms and has reached the level 1 threshold given a time delay, preparation
commences, filling the pipelines with water onto the specified room, and those adjacent to it. Similarly, heat/smoke
detection in closed rooms, prepares the pipelines by filling it with water, and ventilation by turning it in idle state.

Sect 2.3; Level 2:

Once heat levels have reached the level 2 threshold, sprinklers are triggered instantly in that specific room.
Similarly, heat/smoke detection in closed rooms reaching the level 2 threshold, triggers the sprinklers and turns the
ventilation on. In addition, all adjacent rooms, are ticked to level 1.

Sect 2.4:
In case of false alarms, or termination of threats, pipelines are dispensed back to the water tank.

Sect 3.0; Water Tank Control Systems:

Implementation of universal pipeline for sprinklers, basins, and urinal flush valves for an efficient pipeline and
water tank maintenance. This creates one active water source, rather than multiple active and inactive sources,
reducing maintenance costs and ensuring a non-contaminated reservoir.

Sect 4.0; IOT Model:

Sprinklers and vents can be controlled by all UC branches, and have a dedicated backup power source. This ensures
that whenever an outage happens, and local control rooms are unavailable, the devices are still functional and

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