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Composition W11

 Introduction: hook, context, setting the scene, thesis statement, long transition
 Body: evidence which supports the argument
 Conclusion: opposite of introduction, longer, not too short
 Due W12 – 15:20 – draft per e-mail
 Subject: Comp.
 Name of the document/paper 4 - Last name
 Word document
 No “read only” file

Revision techniques

 Re-reading and checking the grammar – 20 minutes

 Peer-review – give it to somebody else to read – 10 minutes
 Read your paper out loud
 Spec check – according to the instructions, what he wants to have there:
o Introduction: hook, context, setting the scene, thesis statement, long transition
o Body: evidence which supports the argument
o Conclusion: opposite of introduction, longer, not too short
 Structure: find your topic sentence – is it there or not?
 Topic abstract:
o Thesis
o Topic sentence
o Topic sentence
o Topic sentence
o It must all be connected
 2 draft – circle the best ideas
 Real the paper and underline the subject and verb in every independent clause
 Looking on the type of sentences – relative clauses, phrases
 Each paragraph – subject is the “main character” – check the coherence of my paragraph – if
it has a subject, like a story, otherwise subject patterns shift quickly – for example passive
voice of writing
 Passive voice check - but not overuse it
 Citation check – general info, my knowledge and someone else´s knowledge
 mla style
 review the bibliography for the quality – the best are peer reviewed academic journals

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