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Slovak Dormitories Should be Immediately Reconstructed

The reconstruction of Slovak dormitories might lead to an improvement in students’ lives.

The Slovak dormitories have been in a catastrophic state for many years. They have been built

mostly in the 1970 and have not been reconstructed since. Therefore, most of the dormitories

had leaking windows and roofs, old furniture, and small rooms. Not only were the monthly

fees inappropriately high, but also the condition of the rooms itself was poor. Therefore, I

believe that it is necessary to reconstruct old Slovak dorms.

Firstly, the Slovak dormitories buildings are old. Most of them have been built approximately

in the 1970s. Some of the buildings have been reconstructed from the outside, which means

they have new plastic windows and have building insulation. However, dormitory buildings

mainly in Bratislava still have old wooden windows, and therefore there is a risk of wall

moulds, which can lead to health hazards. Moreover, the highest floors are at risk of water

leaking through the roof. On top of that, the walls of the rooms are thin and the noise from

neighbours can be very distracting while learning.

Secondly, the furnishing and small rooms are a disadvantage for students. Old chairs,

squeaking beds, thin walls, not enough place for personal belongings. All these things are an

everyday struggle for most Slovak students. Not only is living in these conditions

uncomfortable, but it can also be distracting while learning. Moreover, Slovak dormitories not

only accommodate Slovak students, but also students from Erasmus, and I believe, that for

those foreign students this accommodation can be very uncomfortable, since most countries

have dormitories in better conditions. Improving the looks of the dormitories could lead to

more foreign students choosing and visiting Slovakia as an Erasmus country.

Thirdly, kitchens in dormitories are not satisfactory for making healthy foods. Very few

dormitories have common fridges, therefore the students must either buy their own, or store
the food on the balcony or window. If a student wants to have a fridge, he must buy it with his

own money. The prices are not affordable for most students, and in dormitories with smaller

rooms, there is also no place to store the fridge. What is more, cooking food on a double plate

is inconvenient and unpractical. Therefore, students tend to eat fast food and processed foods

because it is quicker, cheaper and they do not need to have a place to store the ingredients.

Nowadays, obesity is a very common disease, especially in the younger generation, and by

improving kitchen facilities we could motivate students for healthier food.

By reconstructing student dormitories, we could improve student´s grades and success in

schools. The reconstructions do not need to disturb the state budget. In some cases, the

reconstruction of one of the above listed things will be enough. On the other hand, it should

be a priority for schools and universities. With this we will be able to provide comfort and

healthier lifestyle for students. They will also be able to focus more on studying, their mental

and physical health and focus less on how to survive in the dorms.

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